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Everything posted by Wiki

  1. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    I updated the mission, should work better now. Also, to force the chopper on the ground, you can order your team to board in.
  2. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Hum... Gonna check that out. Anyway, as it was just the end, did you enjoy the rest of the mission?
  3. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    New mission! I'm quite proud of this one 🙂 Lost Paradise A NATO unit is returning to base. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1653021542 Enjoy and don't forget to rate 😉
  4. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    You're welcome mate :)
  5. hey guys 3 things: 1) @Jaki, can you fix these 2 bugs in the showcase please? - paratrooper showcase : one of the squad mate has default position as "crouch". Is it possible to change it as "auto"? otherwise, he won't take automatic position and always remain crouch when the player orders "copy my stance". - D Day showcase : the landing carrier always explodes and kill the player. not possible to play this one 2) the tanks seem to have a problem: when you set them with slow speed, they won't move 3) sometimes the tanks fire twice at a time. no my tank obviously, but the tanks i'm facing fire 2 shells / fire twice within the same second maybe a bug?
  6. very good mod! finally, we don't need half a mag to shoot an AI
  7. LightOff Description: Turns off the headlights of an empty vehicle. If the vehicle is AI-controlled (either as the lone driver, or as the commander/gunner) then the light status depends on the AI's behaviour mode ("combat" or "stealth" = lights off, any other mode = lights on). Syntax: unit action ["lightOff", targetVehicle] Where unit is any unit (no action animation is performed) and targetVehicle is a vehicle with lights. Example: player action ["lightOff", vehicle player]; LightOn Description: Turns on the headlights of an empty vehicle. If vehicle is AI-controlled, see notes under the LightOff action. Syntax: unit action ["lightOn", targetVehicle] Where unit is any unit (no action animation is performed) and targetVehicle is a vehicle with lights. Example: player action ["lightOn", spotLight];
  8. in the init of the chopper: this engineOn true; this flyinHeight 0; When you want the chopper to take off: in a trigger or script: chopper flyinHeight 50; (50 =50m above ground = default height)
  9. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Ok, I'll check that out
  10. Hello guys. Is there a possibility to have an AI plane drop bomb on a specific position using onMapSingleClick command? community.bistudio.com/wiki/onMapSingleClick For example, once a trigger is activated, I want the player to be able to call an airstrike / bomb run using this command. It doesn't work well with the modules. Plus, I can't use the modules to have a napalm run with Unsung asset for example. Thanks Edit: to do this for example:
  11. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    New mission! Ambush A NATO SF operator must neutralize an enemy target onboard a CSAT convoy. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1647667108 Enjoy and don't forget to rate 😉
  12. Hi. I need to randomly place a unit in a vehicle. I have 1 unit and 2 vehicles (car1 and car2) At the beginning of the mission, I want my unit to be in either car1 or car2. I want it to be random. How can I do that? Thanks
  13. WIll try, thanks It works, thanks a lot!
  14. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    @johnnyboy I've added a vanilla sniper rifle in the car. Tell me if you can play the mission now.
  15. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Hum... Don't plan to. I may add vanilla sniper rifle in the car, so the player can switch loadout
  16. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    New mission! Sniper As a SF sniper, you've been tasked to take out 2 enemy targets. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1644989049 Enjoy and don't forget to rate 😉
  17. Yeah, but for people who don't use ACE...
  18. Hey, right now, the V-44X Blackfish has only HEAT-DP (which is not really effective) for the 105mm. Could it be possible to add HE shells for the 105mm?
  19. Hello, SO far, the "loiter" waypoint works quite well. However, we can't add any other WP otherwise it breaks the "loiter" WP. Can this be fixed / changed so that we can cancel it with a trigger "ignore the WP" (like "hold" WP or any other)? For example, for now, we can't have a chopper come over an area, loiter and then leave.
  20. The mortar is in a backpack. To carry it, you gotta take the mortar backpack. So, when you find it, just grab the backpack (leave the one you have if you are carrying one already). Then go to the ERV point and drop the mortar backpack there. On a personnal note, I would add that I don't fid it very useful as the mortar will never be used.
  21. Yeah, I tried but didn't work as I wanted. However, unitcapture / unitplay is good enough, it was just about esthetic :)
  22. Hello guys, one simple question: When I use unitcapture / unitplay, it works fine but the wheels of the ground vehicles don't roll. Is there a way to have them spin while executing the unitplay? Or is it just the way it is? Thanks
  23. Wiki

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Question: you're currently working on LAV-25. How will you set the passengers position? Face to face or back to back? Thanks