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Everything posted by Wiki

  1. Is there any chance to see BIS release some (1 or 2) sp mission / showcase? Or will it only be alongside the DLC?
  2. Wiki

    New official missions?

    Yeah, I know that. Was just wondering whether we could expect it in the future or not.
  3. Wiki

    New official missions?

    I was thinking about 1 or 2 SP mission alongside with a next update. Like what they did for Eagle Wing for example.
  4. Hi there. Is BiS gonna be present at the E3 2017? If yes, will they have a desk, or just during the PC game show? Also, if yes, any idea about what they can/will show? Thanks
  5. Wiki

    E3 2017 and BIS

    That was disappointing. I expected some news about the upcoming things for arma...
  6. Wiki

    E3 2017 and BIS

    I missed the beginning of the show. Has BIS showed up yet?
  7. Wiki

    E3 2017 and BIS

    Good news, thanks
  8. That was the advanced rappeling mod I was alking about ;-)
  9. @sgt_savage Thx for your work and commitment to the community. Wish you good luck for the rest - whatever you plan to do. Cheers
  10. Wiki

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    I can agree here. Some usermade missions are much better than the official showcase. The VTOL showcase is nice though, but the jet showcase, not that much. This one is much better IMHO
  11. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    I've bought Rising Storm 2 : Vietnam, so my ArmA 3 projets are on hold right now.
  12. Beautiful indeed. Concerning the fastrope, is it the advanced rappelling mod, or your own?
  13. Rising Storm Vietnam is out and it's a real blast! Very fun to play. Feel free to share your opinion about it.
  14. Wiki

    New Rangefinding system

    What is the function referring to "T" please? It's more easy to give the function than the letter as people may have changed the binding.
  15. Wiki

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

    I hope we'll have some informations during the E3.
  16. Hi there! Now you have a merchandise page (https://store.bistudio.com/category/merchandise) Do you plan to add more than that later? Like little figurines (like those we can find in "special", "extended" or whatever they call that of other games)? Thanks!
  17. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    So, thanks to Daku Kishi, I managed to have my launch sequence. However, it doesn't work with the F/A-18, so it will be with the F-181. The US ambassy is almost done, so I'll be working on making the missions soon.
  18. How do you know who was in charge of which mission?
  19. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Dunno. I'm more used to CUP. And it's a lighter mod (I think) But when it's complete, I may release a version with each mod (one with CUP and the other one with RHS)
  20. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Don't know yet. I've begun to work on the prologue (which we don't see in the movie) and make the US ambassy. There will be at least 1 cutscene - launch of the F-18, but I still need to figure out how to make a proper launch animation sequence.
  21. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    I was more to use CUP instead.
  22. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    New mission released! Swift Venom On the request of CSAT forces in Tanoa, a Viper team has been dispatched to the Horizon islands. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1627800795 or https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1479331987 Enjoy!!! And don't forget to rate it! 😉 Also, have a question: I will probably work on a mini campaign based on the movie "Tears of the sun". Do you guys prefer a vanilla campaign? Or do I add some mods?
  23. Hey there. Looking for a simple script that simulates the whole animated lauching sequence. Just the animations for the crew members. Does anyone have that in stock? Would be great!
  24. Wiki

    Terror attack in Manchester

    Cheer up dear English friends!!! We share your pain and grieve, especially ProfTournesol and I as we suffered the same 2 years ago with the Bataclan.