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  1. So, I had 36 fragments. Not enough. Should be more. Questions: all the memories are available during the last mission? Or are there some that can be found only at some moments of the campaign? Plus, what should we do to get the Humanitarian achievement? What is the actions that are needed for it?
  2. Does anyone know how many memories there are?
  3. Wiki

    Hidden DLC Plans?

    I find you guys amazing, how you look for details, hint, information, etc... That's great!
  4. Wiki

    ArmA 3: Callsign Minotaur

    As good as Kydoimos' Resist campaign. Looks like an official one. Congrats mate!
  5. Wiki

    ArmA 3: Callsign Minotaur

    Ok, great! Gonna give a new try then. Yeah, I know that feeling ahah ;-)
  6. Wiki

    ArmA 3: Callsign Minotaur

    Ah, that's great you release it. It is a nice campaign indeed
  7. Thx for the answer. I finally got the ones with the IDAP showcase and the laws of war showcase too. Currently playing the campaign. All in all, it's very good so far. Just one thing bothering me is the "lock" on the mines is sometimes random.
  8. What movie is it?
  9. Hi guys. I create this topic so we can discuss about the new campaign coming along with Laws of war: the remnants. Please, hide the spoilers in your posts. Thanks you.
  10. Can achievements be unlocked in the dev branch?
  11. Wiki

    Laws of War DLC Feedback

    That's what I do and nothin' happens... EDIT: Ah yeah, got it. Pffff.... seems random. The lock / target doesn't work well. Gotta click numerous times on the keybind to have a chance to tagert it, even if i am 5cm away from it.
  12. Wiki

    Laws of War DLC Feedback

    So far: - the "next panel mode" in the action menu is still there - need to fix that. - can't disarm the mines even with the detector and the tool box. I can see where the mines are, but nothing more. no option to disarm them. - in the VR training, in the 1st room, there are only civilians and can't progress unless i kill the armed civilian. However, the guy IS a civilian...
  13. How do I use the tool box to disarm the mines? Also, in the VR training, in the 1st room, there are only civilians and can't progress unless i kill the armed civilian. However, the guy IS a civilian... So i think it prevents me from getting the achievement
  14. Where did you get the chopper? It looks nice.
  15. This one is awesome. I just bugged a few seconds, I thought it was a real photo and I was just "uh? why put a photo in this thread"? Congrats!
  16. Wiki

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Hi. Found 3 issues: -when we take off the carrier, the gear no longer retracts -in the showcase, the gear of the other plane is not out at the beginning, and it explodes when it launches -when we land on the carrier, the gear retracts
  17. Nice pic. However (I might be wrong of course), but in such situation, I think the pilote would deploy the landing gear in case of emergency landing or whatever, wouldn't he?
  18. Good news. 1 question however: when you say "- "NATO SOAR Blackhawks" (sterile no USA markings)", does this includ the L and K versions?
  19. I wonder: is it B01 or BIS who made this mission?
  20. The only problem for me is I really prefer playing as a guy of the armed forces. That's why I didn't enjoy the Adapt part as much as Survive and Win. Of course, civilian/resistance mission may be interesting sometimes - like in OFP/CWA - but I prefer being part of the war machine (strategy, tactical plans, helicopter insertion, air assets for CAS, IFV/APC/MBT combat, etc...)
  21. Wiki

    Malden DLC discussion

    I really like the airfield, much better than any other one on stratis/altis/tanoa.
  22. IMHO, what I need in SP is a good story, interesting characters with a background and not have the feeling that I win the war by myself. I liketo feel like I'm just a part of a whole thing. Plus, it would be interesting to have some missions in which, even if we achieve it, we lose all in all because some other units involved didn't succeed. For example: we take an objective and have to wait for reinforcements or air support, but then we learn the team who was supposed to neutralize the AA failed. Then, we have no choice but retreat because an armored counter attack is up. Always winning doesn't feel realistic
  23. For some, yes indeed. You and I both know, even if it is a linear mission, it can totally change from one game to another, due to the AI. Sometime the mission will work just fine, and sometimes you will struggle to finish it, all your teammates dead, etc... I'm not into the sandbox missions (but that's just me), I prefer when I have clear objectives. For example, in ArmA 2, I enjoyed the beginning of the campaign - but from the moment it was "search the whole map for the guy" (and worse: the Warfare mode in SP), it lost all its interest. No please, no warfare (or things like that) in SP, it's really not a good SP mode!!! That's just for me, but what I liked the most in CWA was: we played different roles we didn't have the feeling to be a one man army I mean, we still don't here, but still, in the campaign I feel like we do all the work - not feeling like we are just a part of a whole. That is what I miss - but that's just my opinion. I wouldn't mind smaller mission, but more of them. For example, not a platoon with orders like "go there, take that objective, then go there, take that objective, then go there and take that objective... and so on" for just 1 platoon! As an example, some official SP missions in ArmA 3 that were the kind I like: Firing from vehicle Combined Arms (as we could lose also and b forced to retreat) I like the beginning of Armed Assault, but after the first objective, sending a 4 man team to secure 2 checkpoints... seriously? But then again, all I wrote is just my opinion.
  24. Agreed. For the moment, we have to rely on the community - and the quality of the usermade content is fluctuant. (Like the official ones though - I know, but sill...)