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  1. Wiki

    Military Codes & Callsigns

    TIC: Troops In Contact CAS: Close Air Support CASEVAC / MEDEVAC : Casualty Evacuation / Medical Evacuation OP / COP : OutPost / Combat OutPost Bogey : unidentified contact (air) Judy : Objective in sight Roger / Wilco : Understand Angel (air) : 1000 feet JTAC : Joint Terminal Attack Controller (man on the ground who guides the air assets) and some more, you can check on google I think.
  2. With Bingo Fuel, you can even get 1 MBT Kuma, and 2 Moras. Even though you finish the mission with them... well... you don't have them after that. I can understand, it's all about the plot etc... But it could have been useful though.
  3. @lex__1 -go to editor -put a rifleman as player -put a second rifleman non playable -right-click on second rifleman -click on "play as" -enjoy "Non playable" means not the player and not playable by teamswitch. When you doubleclick on the unit, tick off "player" and "playable".
  4. Hello. This goes to Editing section. Anyway, you have several options: 1) use unitcapture / unitplay 2) you can create an explosion by spawning a GBU 12 (will destroy the building) - and activate it when the chopper comes by for example 3) put something (like a table, a chair... whatever) on the building and make the helicopter target that - and make him fire a missile at it
  5. The HK416F is to replace the FAMAS - but ATM, the FAMAS is still the standard weapon of the French army.
  6. Agreed. But I don't think many mission maker use that option.
  7. Yes, but as a player, you can't know that when you see a mission with many mods: you have to get them all before playing it.
  8. Yes, I see what you mean: for example, a mission with CUP, it's at least 4 mods (CBA, CUP weapons, units and vehicles) but as these are dependencies...
  9. I got this achievement, so it should work. If it doesn't work, maybe the achievement is just bugged
  10. You should have retried the mission. When there is a game update, better try again from the beginning.
  11. Hum, weird. I had this problem before, but it should have been fixed.
  12. Dunno, I've always destroyed the targets with the drone.
  13. Hi there. So far, we just have option "crosshair on/off". Would it be possible to have an option to add/remove it for the vehicles too? I don't use crosshair as infantry, but for choppers it would be quite useful.
  14. Wiki

    Crosshair option

    @oukej Yes, mainly about the Pawnee.
  15. This + in Disintegration Point, infantry part, the player is in zoom/aim mode when the mission is launched.
  16. @Karloff In Fait Accompli, SF part: medic is number 2 but it's number 4 who has the medikit hence the medic cannot heal. We have to make them swap the backpacks manually.
  17. Nope. I deleted the keys in my profil - so that the operation doesn't appear as "ticked". Retried the whole thing and nothing. So, please BIS? can you check this out? Or as I've already done everything needed, have it fixed so that the achievement automatically unlocks for me next time? Thanks
  18. So, I reverted Stepping Stone, replayed the whole operations, both missions, each role, and still the achievement didn't unlock. Can you check this out please? Thanks
  19. I already reverted. Played mission 1 as specops and mission 2 as infantry. Gonna do the opposite this time, see if it unlocks it.
  20. Yes, I got all of them but "finish stepping stone with each role" because the last mission was bugged. And now I did it, the achievement is bugged...
  21. So, 2 days ago I couldn't stepping stone as infantry - I had a problem which has been fixed now. However, now I've finished Settping Stone with all the roles, but the steam achievement is still locked.
  22. No problem :-)
  23. I assume this won't happen, but how about the camera allowing deport firing?