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Everything posted by Wiki

  1. Wiki

    AI Improvement

    will the AI be able to drag and heal the wounded on their own initiative?
  2. Wiki

    AI Improvement

    glad to hear that!!!
  3. Wiki

    AI Improvement

    yes, but mods for ArmA 3 don't already exist. so, I wanna know if all these things that mods bring to the game will be integrated to the vanilla version of the game. (BTW, why do we say "vanilla" version?)
  4. Wiki

    OMAC Mission Pack 1

    hi. here is my feedback: -no problem with objective 1 and 2 -end trigger doesn't work: I landed at the airfield, but nothing happened which can be improved: -set "destroy advancing armored" as current objective, and as soon as it is done, set objective 2 as current objective -when both objective 1 and 2 are done, set objective 3 as current objective -add side objectives and/or more objectives during the mission (like defend a ambushed convoy or something like that) my feeling -the briefing and background are good -the mission is not really interesting: I had to destroy 1 BMP-2, 3 T-72 and 2/3 people at the base - it just looks like you just dropped the player in an A-10, and put 4 armored vehicles on the map, nothing more you should add more stuff to this mission to make it really enjoyable to play anyway, thanks for offering SP missions to the community. regards, Wiki
  5. Regardless of the problem between Icebreakr and other people, I just want to know when I can expect the new release of Lingor and the units, so that I can continue my campaign. And I think some people are wondering too.
  6. I am working on a SP campaign on Lingor, but FTM, I'm waiting for the update and the units to be released.
  7. well, either with your method or coffeecat's I don't encounter much civilians at all. are there a lot of civ. when you try it?
  8. yes, i've jut put the ALICE module on the map with 1 USMC soldier (me), but it doesn't work... I've tried just putting the module, and tried putting the module and using Coffeecat link. I encounter some civilians, but not that much (3 or 4 maximum) could you upload a test mission on emita please?
  9. ok, thanks I've just tried, but: -It doesn't spawn much civilian ppl on the map: I've counted 4 ppl maximum... -I dunno how to have much more civilians... or to make them spawn only in the part of the city in which I am... (let's say in a 400m radius around my position) I think I'll let my town empty... unless someone knows how to do what I need anyway, thanks for your help
  10. hi bracer. I can't have the civilian module work for me on this map. I use the arma 2 civilian module, not the expansion one, but no civilian spawns... and if i use the vehicle module, the vehicles have weird spawns sometimes. do you have this kind of problem? i'd like to have civilian life in your city. thanks
  11. Wiki

    Wiki's Creations

    sorry mate, i don't have it anymore on my hd... however, if you really prefer the us soldiers/weapons etc... i allow you to edit the campaign to change the french soldiers/gear to the us soldiers/gear
  12. Wiki

    Wiki's Creations

    Update: Afghan War Diary v2.1 out CHangelog: see first post Link: http://www.gamefront.com/files/21573202/Afghan+War+Diary+version+2.1.rar
  13. hum... in the link you've given, I can't see the link to download the A1 campaign... I found for PS missions, but nothing for the campaign... and in the A1 SP missions pack, there are missions 1, 6 and 11 missing. is it normal? thanks
  14. Operation Spring Fire by Wiki Description: A few days before Operation Harvest Red, the USMC must take the airfield on Utes. You are going to make it happen... Features: Campaign of 3 missions Play USMC Recon Lone Wolf Play USMC Recon Team Leader Play USMC Rifleman Installation: Extract the .rar file in your ArmA 2/Campaign folder Usage: SP only Change log: v1.2 -Fixed choppers patrol -Added weapons selection during briefing -Added random patrol -Added a few more enemies -Fixed triggers problems Credits & Thanks: BIS Armaholic OFPEC.com for feedback ADO team Kronzky Wiki Link: v1.2 http://www.gamefront.com/files/21337450 Armaholic Link soon
  15. @xxbbcc campaign is in v2.0 now try the link given by folgore or on armaholic
  16. Wiki

    Wiki's Creations

    try the armaholic link (available on armaholic.com)
  17. Wiki

    Wiki's Creations

    Update: Gothic Serpent v2.0 released!!! Paused: Operation Licorne - waiting for Lingore units update
  18. @Icebreakr question: did you photoshop these pictures or mworked on them? or is it just the ingame filters? cause I like this color/effects, and I dunno how to have this while playing the game. I just use the color/effects module of the game, but nothing similar to that. can you tell me what you used to have this effect/colors? thanks
  19. will the classnames of the units change or not?
  20. @Orcinus i haven't noticed anything peculiar in the mission.sqm btw, glad you liked my missions @PvPscene yes i do. as i said, the briefing works in other missions, and when I delete the units. i think it wouldn't work at all if the debriefing was equal to 0. so i really don't know where it come from...
  21. @IceBreakr to me, all infantry units are missing. i think there are some more, but let you know later. i'll post here or i'll send you a PM regards Wiki
  22. very nice release. however, i'm working on a campaign on this island, so same question as Andy McNab, cause for the moment, all the work I've done so far is just f*cked up, as some units are now missing...
  23. ok, I've just checked something: in my mission, there are 2 groups of 8 ppl + 3 helicopters. the briefing doesn't show up. but when I delete 5 ppl in my group, then the briefing shows up. anyone has an idea why it works that way? why I must delete 5 men of mine to have it work? thanks
  24. I've searched in all the other topics about that problem, but nothing works. I DO have my briefing.html, there is nothing mission in the text etc... it just sucks, dunno why...