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Everything posted by Wiki

  1. Wiki

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    Question: do we know what time is the DLC to be released?
  2. Welcome home brother!
  3. Congrats for your new kid! ;-)
  4. Hi guys. 2 questions: - I can't find the ejection seat as an object. Does it exist as an object? - How can I make some actions on the seat? Like put it as an objective? Thanks
  5. Wiki

    [sp camp] Gambit Royale

    Hey @AZCoder!!! Congrats for this one! Sadly I have no time to test it for you :-( I enjoyed it on A2 and happy to see it coming on A3! 1 question also: how did you manage to have the AC-130 script work on A3?
  6. Nope, I think you need either friends or team mates. Also, I wonder if it needs full crew or 2 guys are enough.
  7. Yes but you need some other guys to do it also cause you need a full crew
  8. Just saw the new achievements... I'm crying... SPEND 24 HOURS IN A TANK IN MP WITH A HUMAN CREW What the hell??!
  9. I did it in my mission Fallen Angel. put a unit name it (eg man1) put a trigger condition of the trigger : !alive man1 activation of the trigger : put the holdaction code (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd)
  10. Wiki

    France General

  11. Wiki

    Laws of War DLC Feedback

    In "The Redacted", can you please improve our teammates AI skill a lot? These guys are SF operators but they can't aim and fire at a still target. I can't properly have a sync shot with them, they always miss. Feedback ticket: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T128004
  12. Wiki

    France General

    Another isis strike in France. 3 dead people, 16 injured and 2 struggling for their lives. A Lieutenant-Colonel of the Gendarmerie Nationale switched places with a female hostage and was severely injured.
  13. Haven't seen that in the changlogs (maybe I missed that) Do we know what the new achievements are?
  14. Do you think they could also generously share the HK 416 with you?
  15. IMHO, I do understand why "private addons" are forbidden - as it is possible to be stolen work (like a MH-60 blackhawk model) Concerning the retextures however, as it is just textures... I don't know, but I think there is less risk to have stolen texture than stolen asset. I think I would allow "private retexture" for screenshots. Then again, it's just my POV.
  16. Wiki

    Missions by Daku Kishi

    Mission requires CTRG mod. You need to update it without it mate ;-)
  17. I know there is a problem with the hellfire radar guided missiles, and I also know that the pb has been identified and delt with. Just waiting for the next update.
  18. Here it is: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/159274-wikis-creations-arma-3/?do=findComment&comment=3276844
  19. Wiki

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Mission is released! Fallen Angel - CUP A small MARSOC team is RTB after an exercice in the jungle. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1481291526 or https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1479331987 Enjoy!!! And don't forget to rate it! 😉 Mods needed: Advanced Rappelling CBA CUP Core CUP Units CUP Weapons CUP Vehicles
  20. At the end, when she asks you who you think is responsible, it's for all what happened.
  21. Concerning your last point, nope it doesn't. Just a dialog change, that's all.