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Everything posted by singleton

  1. Maps will not load properly without being indexed.
  2. singleton

    Leights OPFOR Pack

    Please make ALiVE Compatibility Leight. It's a simple config reconfiguration and you have handfuls of guys expressing desire for your addon to play nice with ALiVE.
  3. singleton

    Leights OPFOR Pack

    Can anyone confirm ALiVE Compatibility?
  4. singleton

    Marine Expeditionary Force Mod

    I don't mean to be that guy and take away from your work, however this looks like nothing more than another generic reskin to me. Certainly not a 'unit addon pack' as no units are provided...
  5. singleton

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Extremely annoying that AGM Interaction is now a RequiredAddon for AGM Map. For us server owners who do not wish for our clients to have two interaction menu's to swap between (CSE, AGM). Now I have to take out AGM Map and cannot use map tools because I don't want to incorperate a whole interaction system for the sake of an interactive map tools. Please make AGM Map independent so people aren't forced to use unnecessary modules.
  6. singleton

    SOCMOD Release Thread

    Go away. Go far. far away.
  7. singleton

    The Username Change/Merge Thread

    If at all possible change my username to 'Singleton' please :)
  8. Make sure your Teamspeak files are 'Installed in installation directory'. Most people who select the option to 'Install to User Own Files' experience all kinds of TFAR related issues within our community. Uninstall TS, reinstall and select 'Install in installation directory' (forgot the actual wording but whichever isnt the option with 'user own files' in it).
  9. Hey buddy, I can't explain why I am getting the results that I am. I assume it is due to the file structure. You can have a test for yourself, but using the caf_ag_eurri faction (at work now so don't remember the exact name - but the independent EER faction) spawns the iranian army. Can you give it a try and see if you yield the same results?
  10. Please don't! For one, I personally like the 'still human' feel of the time period you are looking to represent, rather than being a complete super soldier. Additionally, if you wanted to do it right, you'd have to make new mocap'd animations and increase the running speed to be up to or in excess of 55 km/hr. HALO did a good thing, but being a 'single soldier' in the civil wars would be amazing.
  11. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext ctrl + f 'rotorlib' (you'll probably find some more interesting info in there that you didn't know about too)
  12. I feel this would be pointless to implement. For one, this is one single animation and if would look very weird to see 8 different AI play the same animation because rounds fly over their head. Secondly, imagine they are seasoned soldiers. Unless its the first contact on a patrol, they're probably not going to forget how to be soldiers first and return fire. The only way that animations would be even halfway decent is if there were 10-15 different mocap'd animations for various ducking and upper torso 'scrunching' when being fired at. Otherwise it would just look awful.
  13. singleton

    Development Blog & Reveals

    1803CET and DLC isn't here. What a disappointment.
  14. Currently HLC AK weapons are not compatible with ALiVE. (breaks some backend having to do with CQB and Mil Objectives I believe.)
  15. Hey buddy, thank you for the quick update! However the bad news is that it does not work. I should have explained ALiVE compatibility a bit more in depth than what I did. I feel that it is not compatible because of the current file structure. Here is how to make units compat with ALiVE. http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Unit_Mod_Config_Standardisation
  16. Hey nkey... Quick question..is there a way to setup a radio on the ground, or even any object for that matter and allow players to use it on a set frequency. For example, I have a FOB with 4 towers. However only the Platoon and Squad Leaders have radios...what I would like, is for the guys who go on to Tower Guard to be able to use a radio object while in the tower and speak to Squad Leaders. However, not be able to put the radio in their inventory. Any way to do with with the speaker feature?
  17. Already kinda did this myself but you've gone a step further. The only think I ask is that you change the factionClasses for each side so it will be compatible with mission frameworks like ALiVE. For examle, OPFOR Rebel faction class is caf_ag_eeur_r which is also the same for INDFOR.
  18. singleton

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Requesting a config to add RHS to Western and INDFOR factions for missionmakers who wish to make use of different scenarios. E.g. Russians vs Russians and being compatible with certain modules such as ALiVE.
  19. singleton

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Any chance at getting a LEA3 (Loadout Editor) profile up for this mod?
  20. Ah very interesting! Guess I can say I was just science'd. Great read, I stand corrected.
  21. singleton

    SOCMOD Release Thread

    Quality...is HERE!
  22. Firstly, I would like so say that I like your addon very much. However I want to make one suggestion which would put it through the roof in my opinion. The modelling aspect is outstanding. I haven't gotton around to testing it, however I hope that the coding side of this addon is just as good as the modelling aspect. Hopefully I don't download it and am spammed by hundreds of RPTs :) however here is my one suggestion... Make the paint MUCH more matted. All aircraft which utilize stealth do not have shiney reflective paint. The paint is always a very matte and non reflective. Remember: radar is simply using radio waves which is a form of LIGHT on the EM spectrum invisible to the human eye . If an aircraft reflects tons of VISIBLE light, it will also reflect other rays of light on the EM spectrum. In this case, it will reflect radio waves much more readily. If you made the paint not very reflective at all, and matte'd, it would put this addon much higher on the totem pole in my opinion.
  23. singleton

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Great addon as far as the Russians go. Really wish you guys stuck to your lineage and just kept developing your QUALITY Russian content. The US content really just screams an attempt to do nothing more than win MANW rather than stick to the roots which you guys were born from (I mean RHS has been around since OFP right?!). Especially given so much US Content is ported straight from A2.... Regardless, I LOVE the Russian side which countless days of effort and time was put together to complete it from the ground up. Rather than taking what was already made from BIS :\
  24. singleton

    SOC WIP Thread

    Nice to see a quality mod team creating everything from scratch! Unlike some other people :)
  25. singleton

    Action Button Mod

    Please get some solid Dedicated Server testing done. My biggest concern besides it being untested, is the fact that there are FPS issues. I monitor everything when it comes to owning a server and having addons that either spam RPTs or give way too much overhead for its use, is a no-go. Please optimize and test for server use :)