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About CrimsonMoon

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  1. Still no luck. Here's where I'm at: OS: Win 7 64-bit, Intel I5 quad core, 8 gig ram, Nvidia 260 GTX. Had: ArmA Steam version, patched to 1.09. Downloaded ArmA & Op Arrowhead combined ops plus BAF from Sprocket. Installed those, then ran the 1.59 patch, to supposedly update all three. Arrowhead and BAF patched fine, but it wouldn't patch ArmA (Bohemia install from Sprocket). Tried the Bohemia 1.09 patch for ArmA, but it just erors with "ArmA not installed on this computer or it is corrupt". Attempts to resolve: Uninstalled ArmA Steam (backed up first), uninstalled Steam, uninstalled Bohemia ArmA, Op Arrowhead, and BAF. Reboot. Backed up registry and created system restore point just in case, then reboot. Searched registry for any instance of ArmA2 referencing Steam and Bohemia installs, deleted those entries, and rebooted. At this point, system should be ArmA-free. Installed Bohemia ArmA, and tried the patches, which still report the same error. Installed Op Arrowhead and BAF, and again the 1.59 patch updated them but not ArmA. Even the Arrowhead installer doesn't seem to detect the ArmA install, and sets up as a stand-alone in it own folder under the Bohemia folder. Is it perhaps a matter of editing the install path for Arrowhead, removing the /Bohemia/operation arrowhead section, so that it installs directly into the ArmA folder? I can't see any other way to get ArmA updated, or blended with Arrowhead. Hope this clears up any confusion. I don't want to run ArmA through Steam, which is why I purchased seperate copy from Sprocket. Steam isn't even installed at all at this time. Any ideas?
  2. Wow, thanks for the lightning reply. I've uninstalled Steam (backed up games first) until I resolve this, I want to run them native. You think it's the registry that's mucking it up, hmm? I'm not quite the power-user as others, and haven't touched a registry since early on with XP. BTW, forgot to mention: I'm on Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, no problems with anything since building this box about a year and a half ago. I seem to recall registry keys could be under numerous headings in XP, and have heard that 7 is even more involved. I thought about dumping the Steam ArmA 2-related keys, and re-installing the downloaded with a reboot to set it. Does that make sense to you?
  3. I'm having the same problem. Have been running ArmA 2 on Steam since day one, patched to 1.09 with the patch via Armaholic, which found the Steam install without issue. This week I decided to grab Arrowhead and British Armed Forces from Sprocket, and what the heck, got the Combined Operations for ArmA 2 and A-head. I was figuring the proper ArmA version would run a little bit smoother than going through Steam. ArmA 2 installed fine. Wanted to install Arrowhead as stand-alone, but the installer by default pointed to the Steam install of ArmA. Re-directing to its own folder, it gave an error when it couldn't find the ArmA executable, and ended there. Re-directing it to the Bohemia install, it installed fine. BAF installed okay. The Arrowhead 1.59 patch is supposed to update all 3. It updates Arrowhead and BAF fine, but for ArmA 2 it gives same error as the fellow above, "...not installed or corrupt". Anybody got any ideas?