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RSF TheCapulet

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Everything posted by RSF TheCapulet

  1. RSF TheCapulet

    [v0.3 MP Compatible] Access Points

    This is exactly what I was envisioning when I seen this pop up yesterday. I imagine you could make functioning windows even, depending on which buildings you put them in. Amazing work dude. Can't wait to use this.
  2. RSF TheCapulet

    [v0.3 MP Compatible] Access Points

    Any clue how to do this? :P I said it more to see if it was possible and how to do it if it was. lol. I didn't know visible triggers were possible. I've only seen stuff attached to them.
  3. RSF TheCapulet

    [v0.3 MP Compatible] Access Points

    Reminds me of Neverwinter Night's transition triggers. Great work! Instead of using an arrow, is it possible to reveal the actual trigger in game to a player within a certain proximity? Honestly, a transparent blue "blank" to walk through/onto seems more intuitive than a brightly colored arrow floating around in missions.
  4. Shouldn't this post have been made in Squads & Fanpages, or at best the Multiplayer forum instead of the missions forum? There's no mission here, just a server promo.
  5. Tried for the last 20 mins to find or play this mission. Why isn't this hosted anywhere at all? Why is the only server running this mission also running an additional yet impossible to find random mod? (There is another, but it's passworded.) Why does the website posted have absolutely no information on this mission at all? Why is this even posted here?
  6. Arma 3 has a vanilla script in the files to do this. execVM "\A3\Structures_F\scripts\Door_close.sqf"; Maybe getting the nearest building, and then firing this script on it? I've actually never used this script, so I don't have any clue if you have to define the door classnames and run the script, or if you can just fire it on an entire structure to close all doors.
  7. RSF TheCapulet

    Quick Play (dev branch)

    As an owner of a server running a couple end game servers, this is something I've been waiting for, for ages. It's a godsend. Thank you. While you're visiting this area, is it possible that we can get some more game type options to choose from? Zombie and RPG would be best, but some other classics would be really nice, even if they won't be used quite yet.
  8. RSF TheCapulet

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

  9. RSF TheCapulet

    NIArms Release Thread

    Great work Toadie. Any plans to upload the all-in-one pack to steam workshop?
  10. I've just put up a permanent CUP Chernarus Wasteland server using A3Wasteland's base with edits by Creampie. Fast Seattle based Dedicated Server with 1Gb connection We've got a full CUP only gun store Full CUP vehicle list (with some sensible civilian vehicles thrown in) All missions use CUP assets, down to the soldier uniforms A once a restart Frigate for capture Indefinite base saves 2 Week vehicle and crate (and deposited money) saves No Player saves or ATMs (Money saving in Crates and Warchests) The server's full name is: "The Rebel Base - Chernarus Wasteland | ToRSquad.com" IP Address is: All Community Upgrade Project mods are required. https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=583575232
  11. RSF TheCapulet

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    Sorry, a bit late. Forgot to check up on this. I'll try and reproduce it tonight and get a video for you.
  12. RSF TheCapulet

    BOHEMIA Please Tell Us You Have Fixed This

    Grass is tied to the terrain detail setting. So to remove grass, you have to remove all the terrain detail as well. BIS doesn't recommend or support this. BIS didn't do this. The stupid ass server admins did this. Go bitch at them instead.
  13. RSF TheCapulet

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    Regarding groups, possibly revive. Didn't see a good thread to put this in, so I figured I'd drop it in here. When incapacitated, you can bring the groups menu up. This will automatically join the first group in the list (possible variation, since I didn't test with more), and then for the rest of the session, it will keep flashing the "You've joined ### group" hint every few seconds. If you need more repro, let me know. Happened on vanilla feres end game mission.
  14. RSF TheCapulet

    Arma Languages support for Atom

    Damn, was literally just wishing for this a few days ago. Great work guys.
  15. RSF TheCapulet

    Namalsk for Arma 3

    Any chance of a workshop release? At 2.2 GB, my only hope to download this on my slow ass connection is to milk it for a couple weeks through steam.
  16. It's not critical, it's just a convenience that we've all grown pretty accustomed to. Pair that with the fact that much of the uproar over workshop integration was over issues that never materialized, or were promptly taken care of by BI and valve, and you likely have quite a few people who will only view it's non-inclusion on the workshop as an unreasonable vendetta against something that actually turned out to be a really good thing for the game and community. If you decide to keep unsung off of the steam workshop, I'd understand and support the group either way. But there's going to be others who will want a good explanation at the very least.
  17. RSF TheCapulet

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

  18. RSF TheCapulet

    ATLAS Mod: LHD Plus

    Just wanted to say thank you for contributing to CUP. Keep being great.
  19. Edit: Deleted (Sorry)
  20. RSF TheCapulet

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP_Terrains

    There's no reason to switch to CUP TP over AiA, if you already have it downloaded. And on top of that, there's absolutely no reason to download CUP TP now unless you intend on helping with it's quality development during it's last stages before release. It's not on steam or Pw6, so there's no delta patching. So if you download it now, AiA will still be better, and there won't be a single benefit when you have to download the actual release, as you'll have to download it in it's entirety, all over again. Stop Worrying about the CUP TP until it's done.
  21. RSF TheCapulet

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP_Terrains

    I remember Kju once saying this was an impossibility without source. So glad to see you've figured it out. This will be a bigger addition for me than all of the other CUP>AiA-TP features combined.
  22. RSF TheCapulet

    Terrain Pack Lost Island/Lost Island Winter

    If you take the buildings out of JBAD and put them in the core mod, you're not saving any space. You're just moving content from once place to another. So 1.3+ GB of buildings in JBAD will be the same 1.3+ GB of buildings, no matter how you get them.
  23. RSF TheCapulet

    all in arma chernarus_summer sounds?

    Wrong place to post. You're looking for this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?182072-All-in-Arma-Terrain-Pack-%28AiA-TP%29-A1-A2-OA-terrains-from-BI-in-A3 But in reality, that mod is no longer in development, so you should tell these guys instead: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?190329-Community-Upgrade-Project-CUP_Terrains They likely already know, but it's always worth making sure. Aside from that, don't get your hopes up for an AiA TP fix. It's not gonna happen.
  24. RSF TheCapulet

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Any update on the documentation? Without being able to copy and paste, or even just look at the class names with a bit of structure, the number of class names I'm working with makes what I'm trying to do downright impossible. :(
  25. Couldn't terrain deformation be simulated through the a grass layer that appears to be solid?