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RSF TheCapulet

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Everything posted by RSF TheCapulet

  1. RSF TheCapulet

    What exactly do people do in CTI mode?

    I almost always go out of my way to avoid using AI. But I usually have a clanmate or 3 playing with me while we tromp through towns and enemy bases. So I never need them. 1 tank with two human players is twice as effective as 4 AI driven tanks. If you're feeling left out, ask around for people who are willing to include you in some teamwork. In large CTI servers, it seems like everyone has a social phobia. But most will jump at the chance to participate in some engaging teamwork. If that doesn't work, join a clan who frequents CTI servers. :P Not every Arma clan is a hardcore Coop team.
  2. RSF TheCapulet

    Refund? Possibly?

    You'd be making much more use of your time if you posted your exact settings, so you can get help in getting rid of input lag and getting the most performance for the hardware you do have, rather than complaining that you can't get a refund. At this point, there's a 99% chance that you'll never receive a refund on any PC game that you'll ever buy from now on. The fact of the matter is that the game itself does exactly what it was advertised to do. The ironic thing is that your CPU is better than mine, while your GFX card outputs roughly the same performance, and I run nearly everything on the highest settings with great performance. Comparing FPS to WOW is even more absurd than the occasional comparison to CoD or Battlefield titles. Drastically different games, drastically different engines, and drastically different performance.
  3. RSF TheCapulet

    FRL Airforce Addons release thread

    Myke, is it possible to get some premade configs for all of the missilebox stuff to work with the ACE EASA module? I'd absolutely love to just place a plane, place an EASA loader, and just outfit planes on the fly instead of setting individual params for each plane. (Which stems from the fact that I still haven't taken the time to figure out how to do that yet.) I opened stuff up to see what it'd take, and it looked like a ton of work with the minuscule experience I have. And thanks, even for the late reply, on the bug report. :)
  4. RSF TheCapulet

    Is teleporting soldiers a widespread problem?

    Same. When I play good ping American servers, I never have that kind of jerkiness. Though that does look common for my overseas connections.
  5. RSF TheCapulet

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    In Neverwinter Nights 2, this was a huge issue for Obsidian Entertainment, due to the fact that playing any server required the download of a custom walkmesh file at the very least. Their solution makes so much sense that it still amazes me that more devs don't take this route. They contracted one of the community leaders to take his already made autodownloader and integrate it on a server by server level into the game UI, which made for seamless autodownloading. Downloads of 2+GB were routine, and it drastically and almost instantly improved multiplayer. In fact, it really resulted in a multiplayer revival for that game. I'm not sure a solution like this could be any easier for BIS, considering sickboy's ready made solution. Sign him to a one time contract to integrate his already working and massively tested method into the in-game UI, and the entire MP community will see massive and immediate benifits.
  6. RSF TheCapulet

    BluFor needs proper AA

    There's also this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIM-72_Chaparral Honestly, it sounds like the OP has only really played benny's edition of warfare/CTI, where this actually is a huge problem. So I don't think it's something that's gonna get fixed for him. lol. I would totally love to see this in ACE though.
  7. RSF TheCapulet

    AAD10 Coop5 Sniper Silver Range

    Having an instruction set spelled out to you, and what it takes to qualify before you start sending lead down range would be nice. Also, starting the timer while you're talking to the CO leads to a 'wtf is happening now?' situation.
  8. RSF TheCapulet


    Nope, that's not even close to accurate. In fact, there was a modding crew not long after Nvidia bought out aegia, who had made some real progress in building homebrew ATI drivers that enabled hardware physX, and Nvidia threatened to sue the pants off them. Before Nvida made the driver changes, running Nvidia and ATI hardware together on vista and 7 worked flawlessly. They never even put out a public statement on reasoning, they just flat out disabled the possibility and swept it under the rug, hoping it'd go away.
  9. Every once in a while, I like to pull out a pistol or rifle, load up the mags with the cheapest off the shelf ammo, and take aim at as many targets as I can bunch up together at 50 feet. This sums up how I feel about CoD and BF games anymore. If I play them, it's just to enjoy the shooting gallery. Played most of this weekend during the black ops free weekend, since our clan's server was full the whole time. Was fun to get back to it after a few months. But now that it's over, I probably won't bother for another few months. CoD/BF/Etc = Target Practice.
  10. RSF TheCapulet

    Ramdisk and servers

    I have 8GB ram, and for the first 10 mins or so, gameplay is silky smooth on ramdisk. But after that, it degrades into a slideshow on MP servers, despite the fact that I'm still 1GB away from my max. Following the directions exactly as liquidpinky prescribed works. Just doesn't seem to work very well for me.
  11. RSF TheCapulet

    FRL Airforce Addons release thread

    Was messing around with the GBU-43/MOAB in hopes of using it in a munitions stockpile elimination mission. It's ground blast radius seems really inconsistent with reality. For instance, I tested ground detonation blast radius at 800m,1300m, and 2700m, and died every time. To repro, just place one in chern, drive off a while and target with rocket. --Edit-- Also tested at 2500m altitude. Same results. While deploying the weapon conventionally has fairly realistic results, ground detonation has an absolutely insane blast radius. And even then, it fails to kill nearly anything on the ground. For instance, I can detonate it while in light armor or unarmored vehicles literally 1-200m away and survive without damage. But at the same time, if I hit it with an .50 cal incendiary round 2000m away, I will die instantly. I can detonate it in a town full of enemy troops, and while a majority of buildings are destroyed, out of 60+ AI and a dozen vehicles maybe 4-6 will die with no vehicle loss. But detonating it while traveling 800 Km/H at an altitude of 2500 m, I'm blown out of the sky.
  12. RSF TheCapulet

    They better have female soldiers...

    Lol, I laughed.
  13. RSF TheCapulet

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f380-project-reality-news/98008-update-pr-arma2-highlights-reel-5-a.html This is the very same information that everyone else has.
  14. RSF TheCapulet

    They better have female soldiers...

    Lol, this thread really needs more jokes like this. I'm not kidding either. :P
  15. RSF TheCapulet

    Coffeecat's Single Player Missions

    Honestly, I've never been able to get the Harrier to land properly in VTOL mode. F-35 poses no problem though. And I prefer to land my plane like an American. :P If I had it my way, I'd be using the F/A-18, using a perfectly serviceable and much more predictable tail hook method. lol
  16. Quick question. In the ACE Training Grounds 1.7 mp mission, which btw is incredibly useful to leave up between mission nights to screw around on, I notice that there seems to be some scripting functions related to respawning the enemy group once they're all dead. Is there something IG that players need to do to trigger this script?
  17. RSF TheCapulet

    They better have female soldiers...

    How do you figure? An awkward unusable implementation of something that really doesn't add much in the first place definitely isn't better than not including it and focusing the time in other areas of the game.
  18. RSF TheCapulet

    They better have female soldiers...

    Do you identify your targets by gender at 300+ meters?
  19. RSF TheCapulet

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    He asked for tips on vanilla sounds not modified by his SM, or in this case, the lack of a vanilla sound.
  20. RSF TheCapulet

    If you could decide the author of A3 campaign

    Stephen King! :P
  21. Not just helos, but fixed wing aircraft as well. I'd absolutely love it if arma 3 got past the issue where if a vehicle hits the ground at a predefined speed, it instantly results in catastrophic explosion. There have been a ton of times where I've attempted a crash landing, came in at 50 KIAS, clipped a tree with a wing and came to a full stop, stayed alive for a second or two, and then the entire plane explodes and turns into a giant chunk of coal. Fixing this would also be amazing for in flight ejections. The eject function in fixed wing aircraft is 100% useless at the moment. You have no internal instrument indicators to let you know that you've received damage. Your 'hull' is either green or dead. And as soon as a stray 7.62 round hits your plane anywhere when you're near the predefined threshhold, the entire plane turns into a fireball and immediately murders the pilot without remorse.
  22. RSF TheCapulet

    They better have female soldiers...

    Wait, which major armies? And in what capacity does the IDF deploy them on the front line?
  23. Holy crap, 70 files to sift through? lol. Worked like a charm after I figured out which one to download. :P Thanks. :) ---------- Post added at 04:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 AM ---------- Btw, while I'm here, I'd like to second this request, even though the author should post it in the tracker at devheaven. To rephrase the author's terrible english: The G effects, while mostly realistic, are often counter-intuitive to the missions we're trying to create. (Yes, even while using a pilot slot) Having a module or trigger to prevent the effects would be much appreciated.
  24. RSF TheCapulet

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    AA-12, HE round. Impact explosion has no sound.