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RSF TheCapulet

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Everything posted by RSF TheCapulet

  1. [Comparison Shots] http://ihiopc.com/Cockpit.shtml http://ihiopc.com/heli.shtml http://ihiopc.com/horizon.shtml http://ihiopc.com/Ironsight.shtml http://ihiopc.com/reticle.shtml http://ihiopc.com/Sniper.shtml [Nice View with A2 FXAA On, at Bushlurker's Etah Plateau, Antarctica island] http://ihiopc.com/Nice.shtml Really looking forward to 2.2. :)
  2. Sure thing. Will post some in a bit.
  3. Just tried this with a 4850 X2. :O Is all I have to say. Seriously... Free AA. I love it. :)
  4. RSF TheCapulet

    Arma 2 ballistics

    Those are added in by the video maker. :P Actually, the only time you'll ever see bullet drop is while using a 'sniper' scope. Even using the 4x zoom scopes will negates the bullet drop all together. And since that's true, no other gun in the game suffers from bullet drop aside from the long range rifles in their default attachment state. In BC2 I've routinely used pistols and shotguns to great effect at 500m+. The bullet goes exactly where your iron sights or red dot point to. And it gets there instantly. Aside from long range scoped rifles, there's no bullet speed (aside from ping). In BC2 every long range rifle scope is zero'd at 0 meters, and starts it's arch directly from the crosshair (note: not the chamber, or even the end of the barrel). At 500m, your at 3 'mil-dots' holdover on the M25 scope. (And I say that in the most sarcastic way possible) And all long range rifles have identical bullet drop, no matter the round, aside from the M95, which has slightly less. Battlefield's ballistics are only slightly more realistic than 'not at all', and only if you happen to be holding a scoped rifle, at that.
  5. FXAA was designed specifically to work on all modern DX levels. That's one of the major pros of FXAA in the first place. In fact, it even works on consoles.
  6. I'd be willing to do the website for this, if it's not already in the making.
  7. RSF TheCapulet

    FRL Airforce Addons release thread

    Can't wait! So since Rock's not including a cockpit yet, does that mean you'll be forced to use your over-previewed but never released F-16 cockpit? :P
  8. RSF TheCapulet

    Arma 2: G36 series vs XM8 series?

    Not persuading you of what? (And I wouldn't say they're bested by the AKSU. I got a chance to fire one of those a while back and it's weird as hell) All archo is saying is that comparably, they're not that good. And what I'm trying to say is that they're way to expensive to be realistic. Sure the SF teams have them... but the SF teams get a ton of money for equipment costs. The rest of the military and police world have to buy them out of our own pockets. And considering that they're three times the price of comparable or better weapons, it's just not gonna happen. H&K make a few decent guns. But it's their arrogance that gets in the way. Their guns aren't as great as they seem to think, and aren't worth anything close to what they charge you to get one in your hands.
  9. Your common sense is showing. :O
  10. RSF TheCapulet

    Arma 2: G36 series vs XM8 series?

    I'm American, which means I haven't touched the G36. We have self respect. :P But after listening to a bunch or Royal Army grunts, and hearing so many horror stories, I'm inclined to believe all the rumors. That's the point. How can it be known for accuracy if the M16 outperforms it and it in general being a 5.56 rifle. So with that in mind, it's absurd price, and the horror stories I mentioned earlier, the case isn't looking good for that gun. They're not THAT bad. I prefer them a ton over almost any other plastic pistol. The only plastic gun I like more is the Springfield XD, My 9mm M4 upper conversion kit cost me $480 USD, and nets me a very serviceable alternative to an MP5 platform for like a 10th of the money. SF may get their hands on them, and good for them. But they're way too damn expensive to give out in any greater numbers, specially when it's considered that there are better alternatives anyways.
  11. Set the pedals mapping to your mouse so you can set the trip properly?
  12. RSF TheCapulet

    Arma 2: G36 series vs XM8 series?

    Agreed, except for one point. H&K pistols are pretty damn good, and fairly inexpensive. Any gun, after being properly assembled, has to be tested for accuracy. The G36 meets the requirements to see action, but it's no marksmanship rifle. And Archo is right, the G36's reliability isn't good. The MP5 is a toy. And costs 3 times as much as everything else. Not worth a damn. Just the USMC. Army still hasn't made up it's mind after the SCAR debacle, and there's no way in hell the air force is picking it out of a lineup. But more realistically, instead of the M8, the US M picked the FN scar, which ended up being an even bigger piece of shit. We don't even field those piles of shit anymore because you couldn't look down the sights without it falling apart. But either way, I honestly don't see any of them making a significant move away from the M16/M4 platform. I'd love to eat my words and see everyone pick up the REC7 in 6.8 though.
  13. RSF TheCapulet

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Are you able to work with the reloading/chambering sounds at all? For instance, the M107 has a very distinct bolt action sound after each round, despite it being semi-auto and having a much higher rate of fire than the bolt action sound can keep up with.
  14. RSF TheCapulet

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    [feature request] Hey SM, is it possible to get the launcher to look for and launch the TOH community preview as well? [/feature request]
  15. RSF TheCapulet

    How long till we these features in Arma

    Having the TOH FM as a server side param would be awesome. That way it would be forced on for some server admins who want to run it that way. But that doesn't mean that every server admin will, and it doesn't mean that you have to play the ones that do. I imagine that single player difficulty options regarding the FM can be controlled by the mission maker either way. (Or at least I'd hope)
  16. RSF TheCapulet

    Arma 2: G36 series vs XM8 series?

    Heh, almost any H&K is.
  17. A server that I routinely played went down a week or two ago, and they've been hosting a temporary solution in the mean time. The issue is that when I connect to the server, I can get slotted and join the game, but 2-4 mins in I get automatically kicked by the server with no reason given. Those on the server and within their forums say it happens to users who have the purchased versions of the BAF and PMC downloadable content. They also insist that many other servers have this issue, and the only solution is to reinstall my game without the DLC Is any of this true, and if so, how can I (read: they) fix it?
  18. I'm talking more about stingers and their russian counterpart than the AIM-9s. AIM9s hit like an insane Mach 5 and kill almost anything every time.
  19. Stingers and the Russian eq are damn near useless in warfare, unless used against incredibly novice pilots. If you're playing BE, the Russians have the Tunguska obviously, while the linebacker APC has the same missiles on the US side. And if the Unit Balancing param is on, the USMC version of the Avenger has AIM-9 Sidewinders. The only time stingers are advisable is if you have a pilot flying directly over head at very low altitudes. Before or after they pass you, they have too much time to see the radar warning and toss out a few dozen flares before the incredibly slow missile reaches them. A2/OA really needed a proper SAM model in the base game.
  20. I could have sworn I tried that earlier. But it does work now. Thanks. :)
  21. Tried it out in Taki, and I loved it. Now I want to fly in Cherna! But it's not working. I'm trying to load my steam install A2 as a mod folder like I normally do to run CO. But no matter which way I have the mod order, the game throws an error and crashes on startup. Here's my command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\tkoh_preview\takeonhpreview.exe" -mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2;Expansion;ca;TKOH_preview
  22. RSF TheCapulet

    rented Gameserver performance

    Most GSP's run their game servers on racks with 4-8 game servers per rack in virtual OS enviroment. This means that you're likely getting 1-2 cores with low Ghz, low memory, and shared bandwidth. For most of the standard fare game servers, this isn't an issue since they rarely run AI and are probably only generating a 100 square meter battlefield at a time. Arma 2, specially with BE Warfare, is likely running 100+ AI on a 140 square mile battlefield. There are a few GPSs who know how and what it takes to run an Arma 2 server. Outside of those guys, it's best to run on a dedicated high spec server. You can find these for rent, but they're usually lots of monies.
  23. The problem is, you asked a question that you could have answered your self with the search function on dev-heaven. They weren't jerks, just facetious. Those guys answer and close hundreds of tickets opened by people who really could answer their own questions or figure out things all on their own with a bit of effort. I'd much rather them reply with smart ass remarks rather than being outright dickheads. This really is one of those situations where you need to just lighten up.
  24. RSF TheCapulet

    FRL Airforce Addons release thread

    Welcome to the modding scene. lol. :P Every modding community, in any game, in any genre is like this. In fact, the Arma community is really one of the better ones I've experienced. You gotta remember, these guys aren't doing this for props, they're doing it for enjoyment. If someone encroaches on that enjoyment, no one can blame them if they take their ball and go home. I'm not saying that it's always the right thing to do, I'm just saying that it's a very common cause and effect situation.