RSF TheCapulet
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Everything posted by RSF TheCapulet
Amazing sounds samples.... but a bad sound engine
RSF TheCapulet replied to babylonjoke's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
You guys are also failing to grasp the learning curve aspect if they were to suddenly up and rip out the current in house engine and replace it with a third party engine. So lets say they spend a large chunk of change on a new sound engine. Who the hell is going to integrate it? Will they have to hire a new sound programmer to take care of it? Likely. So now what's he supposed to do? The game is set to release this year. Hopefully sooner rather than later too. So that means even an expert in said new sound engine will still have to learn BI's engine/programming model just to be effective. And 'then' he can get to work. They'd have to push the game back again, just to get it done. Even outside of the initial costs, it'd be a hell of an investment. One that wouldn't be worth it, IMO, when they can just improve the current one. "Engine is shit, buy a new one!" If you look at this problem in one dimension like that, you're not going to find a solution, only more problems. BI know this, and so they know better. -
Arma 3 already has decent destructible buildings. You can take out whole sections of buildings, or even the whole thing. But it takes some serious firepower to just up and move a wall. The thing I think they could do better though is adding animations between destruction states. In essence, this is all BF3 does anyways. (Hell, even BC2 had more advanced destruction, but still followed the same concept.) Right now, when a section of a building, or whole building itself gets destroyed, the model switches from one to the other instantly. No sound or fx. But realistically all it'd need is a good 60-80 frames between/after model swaps (if that's even how it's done in Arma 3) showing debris falling, dust billowing up and then settling, and some falling/crumbling SFX with some windows shattering peppered in. But... is this even possible with Arma 3 models? Another possibility, (if I can call it that) would be to build "destructible" models around static models, the same way BC2 does. For instance, the little green shacks in BC2. When fully destroyed, all you'd really be left with is the frame. But the wooden panels, when their hit point were exceeded, simply played a fancy destructive animation and then disappeared.
We need a better server browser system, and leaderboard system
RSF TheCapulet replied to Kellon's topic in ARMA 3 - MULTIPLAYER
I read the title, clicked on the last post, and agree completely with bink. I don't even need to see/read the rest. -
Originally, I was totally against PhysX in Arma 3. Then I got some hands on time with the SDK, and realized that GPU accelerated physX is just one small tiny facet of the PhysX engine and what it's capable of, even on the CPU. Arma 3's CPU PhysX implementation isn't advanced. They're not throwing in a thousand particle effects that requires GPGPU processing to keep up. It's simply modeling vehicle Physics and rag-dolls. (maybe thrown objects as well, not sure). Every other modern Physics engine can do the same and far more on CPU, and the PhysX engine is no different. PhysX does just as well or better. PhysX 3 isn't CPU crippled anymore, so using it as a CPU physics platform (just like the consoles do, hur dur) is exactly what Arma 3 needs. You guys need to get over thinking of PhysX as a GPU bound process or something "designed for the GPU", because it's simply not true anymore. Lets not forget that PhysX was originally written to run on the CPU anyways, and it wasn't until Agia came around and bought them up that dedicated physics processing came to be.
Underwater Improvements
RSF TheCapulet replied to Ranwer135's topic in TAKE ON HELICOPTERS - SUGGESTIONS
Wait, what? Is this a troll thread, or am I just stoned? -
Driving AI fix
RSF TheCapulet replied to sakura_chan's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Create a new folder, name it "@Whatevermoditis". Open that folder, and then create another folder inside of it called "addons". Then place the PBO and bsign files into that folder. At this point, you can either use modline paramaters within steam/a shortcut, or you can use a launcher, many of which are easy enough to find on google. But don't bother with this mod. I just tested it a few days ago, and it made no difference at all. There was mention of one of the patches breaking it on one of the forums it's discussed on. -
Shadow quality set to ultra with a shadow distance of 80m seems to be the sweet spot, IMO. I really wish we had seperate adjustments for shadow resolution and shadow distance. I've got FPS to spare, let me use them, BI!!!
SF squads who wear hardly any/no body armor, running lightened weapons and light loadouts, fast roping onto roofs, chasing tangos, etc. Just because it's a military simulator doesn't mean that every single dude on the battlefield has to be wearing a full 75 Lbs kit. Today I was moving to enter a building. I shot the window out with a nade launcher. I ran up, and attempted to enter. I was blocked by a 4 inch rise from the ground to foundation. Vaulting over the threshold takes me a good two seconds and leaves me completely vulnerable while I derp around climbing these four inches. Jumping would allow me to move in naturally while maintaining tactical awareness and combat readiness. Sure, jumping all over the place like a CoD idiot isn't realistic. But it's no more or less realistic than having to take a massive two steps over every little piece of junk in my way. With PhysX INF, there's no reason not to add a quick 6in-1ft jump animation to take care of these things. Oh, and btw... It's routine for most State Law Enforcement Physical Tests to require a minimum high Jump. Tell me why my department requires it of me, if I'd never have jump in any tactical situation? (My state's requirements were recommended by our state's national guard)
Lol, thanks.
Littlebird Extension Beta
RSF TheCapulet replied to python.au's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
These look like Take On Helicopters skins. -
Play withSIX - Launcher, Downloader, ServerBrowser - FULL ARMA3 Alpha Support +more!
RSF TheCapulet replied to sickboy's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
That's honestly the first bad thing I've heard against Play's UI. I wonder how many still bash it, not realizing there is a difference? Branding issue, perhaps? -
'Heli-4-Hire' SimCopter Revival Dynamic Sandbox (WIP)
RSF TheCapulet replied to moach_mayhem's topic in TAKE ON HELICOPTERS : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Any chance someone could post it in PBO form for me please? -
[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map Missions by SaOk
RSF TheCapulet replied to SaOk's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
I've only played with Ace and the most up to date beta. Not had any problems yet. -
[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map Missions by SaOk
RSF TheCapulet replied to SaOk's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
This explains my massive vehicle spawn save reload I was talking about earlier. Heh. Glad you got it fixed. -
Yep, you're right. You caught me. And if I could roll my eyes any harder, I'd likely go blind. If you bothered to read what I wrote, you'd have realized that I didn't say that it couldn't be done. And you wouldn't have insulted my experience and sounded like an ass. Reread what I wrote, and if you have a real rebuttal concerning what I actually said, I'll hear it out.
Am I the only one that think they're perfect? ---------- Post added at 06:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ---------- When tanking in an Abrams, I can't even hear my clanmates in TS and quite a bit of gunfire over that massive turbine engine. Should it be so loud that I have to take my headphones off to preserve my hearing?
Have any of you ever actually fired a weapon with any sort of magnified optic? This peripheral vision is nearly nonexistent, if not completely depending on the shooter and how they first started training. It actually takes quite a bit of practice to fire with both eyes open, and even when you do manage it while reliably hitting your targets, imagine having only about 20-30 degrees of view left to gather all your 'peripheral' information. Any vision you do have is blurry, dark, and almost worth closing the other eye for to get rid of the distractions. There's nothing realistic about how Red Orchestra does their optics, it just happens to look pretty to gamers who've never picked up a weapon in their lives. On the other hand, I think Arma desperately needs parallax-free reflex sights. You can find an example here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflex_sight The image in the top right hand corner of the article shows the behavior I'm talking about.
Namalsk island, v1.10
RSF TheCapulet replied to Sumrak's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I also echo this request. This is literally the ONLY gripe I have about Namalsk. Would be much much, more useful if it was simply a mission parameter instead. -
[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map Missions by SaOk
RSF TheCapulet replied to SaOk's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Today I was near the British base and found some random taki civies. I asked them if they'd seen any enemies, and they gave me directions to a nearby camp. I really liked that, cool as hell. But not long after I got sniped in the face. I went to reload a save, which happened to be right after I talked to said civillian, and a dozen or more enemy armor and technicals instantly blitzed the whole area (by that, I mean as soon as I was done loading, the massive enemy force was just there, where it'd not been before) and laid waste to every friendly camp in the area. It looked and sounded amazing (Thanks blastcore and JSRS :P), but obviously, it prevented me from continuing with that save. What's the possibility of getting the AI air to extract/deliver my squad? Being able to call an extract when I get into trouble or have finished a mission would boost the immersion a ton, specially if I have to clear out the LZ for them. Love the mission, can't wait for the co-op version. --Edit-- Also, I noticed a ton of grammatical/translation errors in the dialogue. I'd be willing to go through it all and rewrite it to sound more natural if you send me a text file with all the dialogue. I suppose I could unpack it and go through myself and fix it all, but honestly I've never had any luck trying that. Never get anything to repack properly afterwards. -
Unwanted opinions time. :) I really like the new sounds for the Mk.16 and the M16/M4. They're a definite step up. But from my personal experience, it sounds like the Mk. 16 has all of the bassy boom and the M16 has all of the high end crack of the 5.56 round. I think if they were both mixed together, it'd be the closest I've heard a game come to the sound of the RL round. Also, I really like the new vehicle sounds. All of them I've heard so far sound much more refined than 1.4
ScopeFX - Dynamic scopes - including TrackIR support
RSF TheCapulet replied to das attorney's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Either way, we can't have a zoomed scope view in addition to an unzoomed situational awareness view without render to texture, correct? I'm sure everyone 'wants' to do it, but we'll have to wait a bit longer. I wasn't military trained (indoctrinated), but I shoot regularly, and I personally leave my left eye slightly open while focusing with my dominant right while shooting. It took practice, but I prefer it that way now for sure. But even considering that, situational awareness is still next to zero when it comes to sight. You'll see light and some movement (maybe a max of 30 degrees), but without focus, that's the extent of what you'll be situationally aware of. -
I noticed this a few mins after playing warfare last night. The little things make the difference LJ, thanks for the attention to detail. :)
Will there be any Christmas Sales from BI Studios?
RSF TheCapulet replied to thinkr's topic in BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE - GENERAL
I concur. My ACR purchase, while the product may eventually turn into something in a finished state later on down the road, was more of a philanthropist effort on my part than anything else. Buy it when it's fixed, not when it's a few dollars off. -
ARMA 2: OA beta build 99153 (1.62 MP compatible build, post 1.62 release)
RSF TheCapulet replied to Dwarden's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - BETA PATCH TESTING
1. Reinstall 2. Reapply patches 3. Post this shit in the right forum. 4. Profit. -
This to me, is essentially like complaining to a friend about free cannabis before you even get a chance to smoke it. No matter how politely you can say it, it still makes you look like an ass.