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Everything posted by FredAirland

  1. Hi brainlush, I did some FM helicopter editing for TKOH and just purchased ARMA 3 Why do you say Arma 3 doesn't use RLib ? by unpacking the files in air_f.pbo i can still find the rotor lib configuration files like Light-GenHeli600-DesktopSim.xml and such, so I think HelicopterX probably still uses rotorlib... anyway I am quite experienced in Helicopter FM, let me know if you need help... bye Fred
  2. Hi, I am the author of an FSX addon module called Helicopter Total Realism, which overrides FSX flight model for helicopters and has been tested and approved by several real pilots. Since I am very familiar with C# Java I wondered if it is possible to override the TKOH with my flight model software using Take On Java Function calls (i.e. SetVelocity, SetRotation etc...) Thanks Fred
  3. No I haven't but I think it is a very good suggestion ! I will try it too. thanks Fred
  4. Hi, I am the author of Helicopter Total Realism HTR, a free physics add used in FSX. I am not a professional game programmer, but I do develop in my real life,and have physics / aerodynamics experience at university level. 5 years ago I started developing HTR for fun and hobby. After several months of study and feedback from real pilots, HTR is now a very mature product that will be used in other sims and projects (FSX, Prepar3d, DCS, Combat Helo). I believe it will de facto become the helicopter physics standard for games in a couple of years. I see Bistudio struggling between a simplified flight model and and porting thr TKOH flight model ARMA3 but I believe that, due to the way Rotorlib was setup, there's a wrong perception about realism and difficulty in flying helicopters. Here's my statement Helicopters can be realistic and easy to fly at the same time Especially military helicopters with assisted flight control systems... I read somewhere that a bistudio physics programmer spent one month fixing the flight model in RotorLib. There's something wrong there... At hovercontrol, I have over 40 flight models developed by normal people (modders) spending no more than a few evenings of their free time and having fun while at it. I did some fixes to the Rotorlib files within the software limitations, it took me around 4 hours in total (from pbo extraction to release) but I also saw the limitations there are. What I would like the ARMA3 flight model to be (and I know exactly how to do this) 1. relativery easy for the average player, whilst fully realistic if needed (easy to do) 2. usable by AI (I did it in HTR, check the AFCS system and autohover feature, it is the computer that controls the helicopter) 3. optional ultra realistic helicopter flight characteristics including ground effect, updrifts/downdrifts, vortex ring state, retreating blade stall, altitude effects, translating tendency (well check HTR pdf manual...) I don't want in any way to criticize the work done so far in ARMA3 , which is fantastic and will I am sure mark the simulation business for years to come. I just want to help Bistudio to make ARMA3 an even better product. So I am offering my free advice, and if needed hours of sweat to make it happen.... Fred Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum, et tertia non datur (To err is human; to persist is of the devil, and the third possibility is not given).
  5. FredAirland

    New Helicopter flight model by HTR dev

    From the informations I have there will be a new helicopter flight model in Arma 3 and it will be based on RotorLib, also I will be helping in fixing the flight model. I believe that in most cases this means the current alpha (or arma 2) flight model will be greatly increased and I think it will satisfy most of the users requesting a better FM. As long as HTR goes, it is not a final no, but BIS will stick to RotorLib atm... Maybe upon realease they will support external FM dlls as other sims do and I might be able to integrate it. At the end of the day, all looks good, at least I think...
  6. FredAirland

    New Helicopter flight model by HTR dev

    Sorry I was misunderstood, I see a lot of enthousiasm from the community, I was referring to BIS reply...
  7. FredAirland

    New Helicopter flight model by HTR dev

    I had news from Bis. Plans for the flight model in ARMA3 are not final yet, but I currently do not see much enthousiasm in HTR integration. I respect people that have much more experience that I have, and I was possibly wrong with Rotorlib potential. I will be glad to help in any way I can. Fred
  8. FredAirland

    New Helicopter flight model by HTR dev

    Wow, I did not expect so many replies in less than 48 hours... I am really suprised to learn that over 90% of the forum users are interested in realistic helicopter behaviors. @Dwarden I got your message, thank you, I will reply this evening as it deserves a detailed reply. @Damacles Hve you tried TKOH with my physics adjustments for Light and Medium? This is the best I could do without access to the physics engine but the helicopter are much easier to control whilst more realistic you can find the thread here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?145171-Advanced-Flight-Model-based-on-HTR @Myke portfolio is already there, HTR for FSX is being tested by several real pilots and instructors and I also got a few proposals to develop some serious simulation software. It is also used in some flight schools for training. in Arma3 having AFCS and larger helicopters will make flying much easier. Thanks! Fred
  9. I also use a laptop, I suggest you map third person view to Shift Enter on your laptop as I did Bye Fred
  10. Each HTR release got over 4000 downloads, being a relatively unknown piece of software for fsx published on a single website. I believe that TKOH & HTR, a product sitting in the middle between the serious simulation and a game, with the possibility to download or buy add ons would meet a good success as it would get the interest of the arma community (serious FPS) and FSX community (serious flight sim) , real pilots (hundreds of pilots use HTR for training) while not being so boring as a serious simulation software. Also a pro version (based on vbs) would have substantial interest (i already got contacted by i.e. british Columbia fire dept for a serious simulation based on HTR, also from flying schools etc...) Bye Fred
  11. I was not aware of these possibilities, definitely a step ahead! I a, not yet that familiar with Arma moddding... Need to study a bit more Thanks ! Fred
  12. @eagleeye integration is not possible to my knowledge, as there's no third party libraries support. I believe that TKOH + HTR would be a fantastic product for training but would probably need a Bistudio agreement on that... Possibly the rotor code in RotorLib in is much more complex that it seems but looking at the XML files there's a lot of table lookups, check yourself... @JumpungHubert I don't have TKOH Hinds (yet) but definitely yes when I will buy it...
  13. Hi SamB yes I have been contacted, regarding medium download again the same file for the medium (just check xml is dated feb 3rd) I changed the lift dynamics and now the helicopter does not sink anymore and autos are possible. I fiddled with the helicopter lift coefficients as I believe rotor lift is independent from velocity in RotorLib.... A also have reloaded and A2 AO but I believe this is not possible in A2 but will be possible in A3, possibily the Huey could be ported or used in TKOH, as well as the helicopters you can find in Challenges, Army showcase scenario, but I will need help from a more experienced modder to do that.
  14. Yes BIS is reading threads indeed... thanks I have posted a new profile for the medium helicopter, please download it here https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7457035/HSimMedium.zip and let me know what you think To use just unzip to TKOH main folder it will not overwrite the previous profile The flight model is inspired from the HTR Hovercontrol Bell 412 model for FSX Except for the ground effect issue (helicopter climbs progressively so you have to lower collective to stop climbing when close to the ground) which I believe cannot been solved in XML only I thnk it is quite realistic. I also changed the air resistance at midrange angle of attack to make it a little faster and the moments of inertia that possibly did not factor the gyroscope effect... Enjoy Fred
  15. I'd love to do that, as I believe there's a lot of potential there too, graphics are very good (especially on a powerful computer) and the mission planner is extremely powerful. Unfortunately I believe there's no support for third pary libraries. If anyone can tell me who shall I contact in Bohemia I believe there's a market for a more realistic sim, based on TKOH and HTR.... Bye Fred
  16. Just rename the .xml file in hsim// to .old or cancel it...
  17. I believe It was already there in my installation, try unzipping to the main folder, the directory will be created
  18. IMHO TKOH has a lot of potential for a very realistic flight simulation, and I know I can deliver.... If the new ARMA3 engine will allow for third party physics libraries as DCS does, I'd be ready for the task. I have been studying the XML config files for TKOH and plan to release a realistic mod for the light helicopter (and also the medium and heavy) based on my MD500 flight model for FSX but what can be done by changing XML is very limited. Also I am not sure everything I do in HTR can be done due to the fact that RotorLib is based on lookup tables .... Bye Fred
  19. Could you provide a quick hint on how to load OA maps in TOH and where to find the best maps ? I could definitely search the forums myself but an answer from an Arma expert would really help (also for other users...) thanks Fred
  20. I ended up buying Arma2:OA to test Combat Helo, just 15 euros and I am glad to support the Combat Helo project more. OA it is a very nice game, I used to be very good with Operation Flashpoint but got discouraged by Arma 1 as I was aways killed by enemy that could see you everywhere and shoot instantly. I am glad it has been fixed with Arma2:OA
  21. I can vouch for nightstalker as an excellent beta tester, he did the test for Helicopter Total Realism MD500 and other models and provided excellent feedback! (HTR is a free addon for FSX you can find at www.hovercontrol.com) Fred
  22. I did the prebuy today to support game development, so this is no problem for me, but be aware that the preview is not yet available. I got this message •Your Take On Helicopters Pre-order Serial Number is not yet available. It will be delivered to your email address once the preload is enabled. So I guess this means I will get a preview when ready... Fred
  23. Hi, I am the developer of a free realism mod for Helicopters in FSX called Helicopter Total Realism (see the forums at www.hovercontrol.com) The mod has been extensively tested by real helicopter pilots and has also being used by some for home based training. It also includes around 10 specific helicopter failures, autorotations, VRS etc... 1. Where could I get the best tutorials for Arma/TOH Modding ? 2. Will TOH moddability allow for extensive aerodynamics modding, or are the developers planning to expand the available controls ? I.E. will I be able to control - Forces & Torques or Linear and angular velocities ? - Engine Power output ? - Rotor RPM ? - Gauges Values in general ? Thanks Fred
  24. Hi, Does the prebuy option give access to the community preview ? Or is there a way to make it so ? I am not really interested in Arma OA, only TOH. I am a member of Hovercontrol, a coomunity specialized in helicopter simulations, and I believe such an option would increase the prebuys substantially, especially from helicopter simulation fans.... thanks Fred
  25. FredAirland

    Realism VS. Arcade style fun

    Hello everyone, I am not an helicopter pilot, but I have a lot of experience in helicopter aerodynamics (I wrote a physics engine for helicopters for FSX which is widely used and free at www.Hovercontrol.com) From my experience it is not that difficult to do a physics engine for helicopters that pleases beginners and experts alike (this is kind of what I did), just a matter of dampening torques or stabilizing the beast a bit, I could have even done it easier than that if I wished. Regarding startup procedures I agree those could be optional for more impatient people or more complex, I believe that for simple startup Search & Rescue 4 did it right (if I remember less than 4-5 clicks) Since I was planning to do an helicopter simulator myself some day I am very interested in the moddability of it. I guess it will be... Will you be able to modify physics too ? And if you need any help in physics (these can be nasty...) send me a pm.... Bye Fred