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About ShazGT

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  1. Hi, Sorry for my friends temper above, as he can get a little heated when frustrated with things, I was online last night for a bit with him trying to go through what I thought might be the problem, but couldn't help resolve the issue, meanwhile I was in game and 3rd Person view was working fine for me. Odd thing was, that I was with out internet for several days, and didn't get into the Beta until a day or two after it was released, so he's been dealing with the trouble for a bit longer than I've been back online. In our little group of gaming friends, I'm usually the "tech" guy, and figuring out how to correct the problems that arise in game, or even correcting issues on our Server that even sometimes our Hosting providers tech support can't figure out. So I think he's been a bit more frustrated than usual with me AFK for a bit. Add to that, sometimes his english doesn't translate too well, since he's pure blood French Canadian (temper and all), LOL. Funny as all heck when he gets pissed on Teamspeak, starts out in English then starts cussing in French, until you hear his Wife start chewing him out in the background for getting so pissed and cussing, that or hitting him over the head with a frying pan (which happened many years ago several times). Yeah, His 3rd Person isn't working, and I suggested maybe removing his ArmA 3 Alpha Profile Folders in the My Documents (Windows Vista, 7, etc, its "Documents" but I still refer to it as "My Documents" from the XP era), to avoid any possible conflicts with older configs/keybindings, maybe that was causing the problem. But it didn't work. He has 4 Folders, ArmA 3 Alpha, ArmA 3 Alpha Other Profiles, ArmA 3 and ArmA 3 Other Profiles (2nd two are the Beta's Folders). In my case, I have 6, 2 each for Alpha Lite, Alpha and Beta. At the time I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working, as I suggested the Folder possibility after making sure he had his 3rd Person bound to a key, and confirmed he had no Keybind Conflicts as well. I myself was having issues with just about every map made for the Alpha not working because content was missing in the Beta, downloaded some newer Beta Maps and things are working. Some of my Mods and Addons weren't working either, so I looked for updates, most of which there were none at the time, R3F, MCC Sandbox, etc. But I did download, install a few newer ones, FHQ Accessories/M4 Packs, and a couple others, as well as CBA A3 for Beta... after that, CBA for Beta, then suddenly MCC Sandbox for Alpha and some others were working again. Once I got into game, and found using MCC Sandbox, I realized that the Assets or Content coming up missing from Alpha Maps, were still in the Beta, which was odd for the message to pop up, if the stuff was still there? Anyways, I couldn't come up with any other ideas as to why his 3rd Person was not working, as I was dealing with my own issues with the game last night as well. I Apologize for his comments, I know its still not an excuse, but he was pretty frustrated on Teamspeak last night trying to figure that out, and I know he LOVES his 3rd person view, myself, personally I hate it, unless driving a restricted view ground vehicle, or watching bombing/missile strike runs (ArmA 2) in aircraft, but he loves using it. Thanks for the suggestion, dealing with my own problems with the Beta, I completely overlooked that possibility last night trying to help him, now that you mentioned that, its a good possibility that is what the problem is. Though mine was already enabled from the get go, but its possible he could have accidentally disabled that. As its happened with one of our other members in the past, accidentally disabling something in the difficulty settings in the game Options menu. Not sure if that would help, I had him remove his Alpha Lite and Alpha Folders from his Documents Folder last night, start the game so that only the Beta Folders Configs were there, and the game wouldn't even load properly. So he put them back, and the game loaded fine, but still no 3rd Person. (wondering if he removed the wrong combination of Folders or something) As to the Gameplay Preferences in the Game Options Menu, as I said above, its a good bet that is what the problem is. Ranker, Go to you Game Options Menu on the Main Menu, go to the Difficulty tab, and scroll down the list to see if 3rd Person view is Disabled (its enabled by default for Recruit, Regular, and Veteran Difficulty Settings, Disabled for Elite Settings). See if that works for you. If not, reply back, but try to keep calm and the commentary civil (at least any cussing, or angered commentary). Also, thinking outside the box here, but try binding your 3rd Person to another Keyboard key, to rule out any possibility that your preferred key is not simply stuck and not responding. That new Sidewinder X4 Keyboard you bought, same one I have two of, has had a key every now and then get stuck, but its always been a relatively minor issue, usually from eating/snacking near the keyboard, and crumbs sometimes finding their way into the keys. (Canned Air and Pull keys off and clean out every couple months to make sure it stays clear of pet fur, dust, crumbs, etc)