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Everything posted by 1nsider

  1. Have a minor issue. Recruitable units appear & act just alright, the only problem is that classes like "Assistant MG" or "Assistant AT" appear without backpack, so they are not any different than usual riflemen. When I place the same vehicle classes in the editor for testing purposes ("US_Soldier_AAR_EP1", "US_Soldier_AAT_EP1", etc.) - they appear fully with backpacks just fine. Please advise if someone has encountered the same issue & the possible solution for that. -- Aware of this post, which can provide a way of customizing the loadouts to a specific taste, but I was wondering if the above mentioned behaviour is normal.
  2. A great script. Would be even greater if there was a possibility to limit the amount of overall shells/hour for each shell type. Or, to have an unlimited amount of SMOKE/ILLUM available, while keeping the powerful ones like DPICM/HE/SADARM limited. -- Ok, seems that making an unlimited amount of SMOKE/ILLUM is quite an easy case, one should just edit bon_arti_fire.sqf and right after _shellsleft = Server getVariable format["Arti_%1_shellsleft",_side]; add something like switch (_artitype) do { case "SmokeShell": { Server setVariable [format["Arti_%1_shellsleft",_side],_shellsleft - 0, bon_arti_global]; }; default { Server setVariable [format["Arti_%1_shellsleft",_side],_shellsleft - _nrshells, bon_arti_global]; }; ... + in bon_arti_setup gotta disable check for number of shells left - to avoid the check altogether in case SMOKE/ILLUM rounds are used
  3. That's just great, mate. My sincere recommendations for the ones looking for a quality COOP mission & who haven't tried this one yet. -- was attaching 'bon_artillery' script to Domination recently - worked like a charm, another piece of well thought programming logic. cheers.
  4. There's just 4 of us playing atm :), so out setup probably is not the most frequent one. Also we've tweaked the mission in a way to 'unlock' the possibilies of recruiting different AI's & having access to commander's assets for every human player on the server (since it's just us - we can keep it cool). By the way, thank you for the great mission. A very clean & high quality code inside which makes tweaking it a pleasant experience. Really.
  5. k, thanks for the tip.
  6. Sorry if the question was asked already, and I know it is stated clearly in the mission description that "Every player is his/her own squad leader, being able to recruit AI squad members of all types", but let me recheck - is there no way to play with fellow teammates (human players) in one squad?
  7. 1nsider

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Just recently had a chance to start gaming in ArmA2 with some friends and we've got hooked with Domination mission (playing as one small team with AI's against AI). Surely, it's one of the best things to find in ArmA2 world, it is truly open to customizations and small tweaks and I guess every player can play it as realistically as he wants to. I am not sure if ArmA2 as a game would be as much interesting for me without Dom. It was a sad news to hear about closing further development of Domination, and I would like to encourage Xeno to keep working on it, but I guess he have strong reason dropping the project like that. Anyways, let's thank him for the Domination & wish him the best of luck in any of the future projects (gaming-related or not) he would like to find himself in.