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Everything posted by Anjan-Riot

  1. Hi all, i need help with this script, it worked before but not now i don't get an error so i don't know what the problem is. Here is the script rslots.sqf: private ["_reserved_units", "_reserved_uids", "_uid"]; waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {(vehicle player) == player}; waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != ""}; _reserved_units = ["unit_0","unit_1"]; _reserved_uids = ["1234567890"]; _uid = getPlayerUID player; if ((player in _reserved_units)&& !(_uid in _reserved_uids)) then { sleep 20; hint "You are in a member slot, kicking to lobby in 10 seconds"; sleep 10; failMission "end1"; }; i call the sript via the units init field like that: nul = this execVM "scripts\rslots.sqf";
  2. Anjan-Riot

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    Something like that? I change the GUI and put a camera into VAS. The GUI is inspired by Xeno he want to make a new "ammo box" for domination but never finished it. I did this a few weeks ago. I never release it here because I ran into trouble with the safezones. The GUI only works on 1920x1080 and small interface in video settings. Unfortunately i have no time at the moment to fix it.
  3. Hi there I getting an error in Domination. "no entry 'mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\description.ext/RscTitles/d_FrameHandlerRsc/controlsBackground/dummy_map.PowerSolar'" I found this entry: class PowerSolar { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\powersolar_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.85; coefMax = 1.0; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; i try to empty the link or to delete the whole class but I still get this error. Can anyone help me out with that? anjan
  4. Anjan-Riot

    Error PowerSolar

    Hi walt, take the two files i send you via pm they should fix the errors. with the domdatabase rpt error is a bit more to do. i delete all domdatabase related code from domination for now. later i'll look for a fix. regards anjan
  5. Anjan-Riot

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    Hi Tonic, can you please check your inbox. anjan
  6. Hi there, Nice script but I found a tiny error in the debug. cosCore.sqf line 47: _grp=createGroup DefaultSide; _unit = _grp createUnit [_tempUnit, _tempPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; IF (debugCOS) then { _txt=format["INF%1,MKR%2",_counter,_mkr]; _debugMkr=createMarker [_txt,getpos _unit]; _debugMkr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _debugMkr setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _debugMkr setMarkerText "Civ Spawn"; }; player sidechat format ["civilians%1",_grp]; _civilianArray set [count _civilianArray,_grp]; null =[_grp,_roadlist2] call Patrol_FNC; null =[_unit] execVM "cos\addScript_Unit.sqf"; }; I thought it should like this: _grp=createGroup DefaultSide; _unit = _grp createUnit [_tempUnit, _tempPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; IF (debugCOS) then { _txt=format["INF%1,MKR%2",_counter,_mkr]; _debugMkr=createMarker [_txt,getpos _unit]; _debugMkr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _debugMkr setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _debugMkr setMarkerText "Civ Spawn"; player sidechat format ["civilians%1",_grp]; }; _civilianArray set [count _civilianArray,_grp]; null =[_grp,_roadlist2] call Patrol_FNC; null =[_unit] execVM "cos\addScript_Unit.sqf"; }; Edith: It would also very nice if you can make it more modular Civilians = True; Cars = False; Parked_Cars = True; what do you think? anjan
  7. Anjan-Riot

    Error PowerSolar

    Solved! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. anjan
  8. Anjan-Riot


    I found this about mantis. Pic This is a boxer with mantis turret on top. for inspiration.
  9. Anjan-Riot

    ASR AI Skills

    Hi there, can some give me a link to the latest version for arma3? I try to download it over Six but with no luck. The file on devheaven seems outdated. Thank you.
  10. Anjan-Riot

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    I seed this for 1 day with ~40 MB/s hope that make the download via torrent faster
  11. Take a look on this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21924
  12. Anjan-Riot

    Domination arma 3 Heli lift

    Go to the mission folder in x_init\fn_preinit.sqf and search for: GVAR(helilift1_types) and take a look on: __OWN_SIDE_BLUFOR__ case (__A3Ver): { ["B_MRAP_01_F","B_MRAP_01_gmg_F","B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","B_Truck_01_transport_F","B_Truck_01_covered_F","I_MRAP_03_F","I_MRAP_03_hmg_F", "I_MRAP_03_gmg_F","B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F","B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F","B_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F","B_SDV_01_F"] Enter there the classnames you want to be liftable. If you want to lift boats then you have to do a littlebit more. Go to x_client\x_helilifts.sqf and seach for: _nobjects and add the class "ship" like that: _nobjects = nearestObjects [(position _vehicle), ["LandVehicle","Air","Ship"], 40]; Then in the same file search for: _fuelloss and add this to the code: case (_nearest isKindOf "Ship"): {0.0006}; like that: _fuelloss = switch (true) do { case (_nearest isKindOf "Wheeled_APC"): {0.0003}; case (_nearest isKindOf "Car" || {_nearest isKindOf "Car_F"}): {0.0002}; case (_nearest isKindOf "Air"): {0.0004}; case (_nearest isKindOf "TANK"): {0.0006}; case (_nearest isKindOf "Ship"): {0.0006}; default {0.0001}; }; After that we have to modify another file in x_client\x_f\fn_chop_hudsp.sqf seach for: _nobjects and add the class "ship" like that: _nobjects = nearestObjects [_vec, ["LandVehicle","Air","Ship"], _search_height]; Hope that helps Regards anjan
  13. Hi there, I have a problem to get my keyboard to qwertz. After I reinstalled windows I get only english keyboard layout and keybindings. Shift + alt don't work. I test it with other steam games and there is all fine. the arma.cfg says: steamLanguage="English"; language="English"; forcedAdapterId=-1; detectedAdapterId=0; detectedAdapterVendorId=4318; detectedAdapterDeviceId=4225; detectedAdapterSubSysId=359807042; detectedAdapterRevision=161; detectedAdapterBenchmark=105; displayMode=0; winX=16; winY=32; winWidth=1024; winHeight=768; winDefWidth=1024; winDefHeight=768; fullScreenWidth=1920; fullScreenHeight=1080; refresh=60; renderWidth=1920; renderHeight=1080; multiSampleCount=4; multiSampleQuality=0; particlesQuality=2; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=2; HDRPrecision=16; vsync=1; AToC=15; cloudsQuality=4; pipQuality=3; dynamicLightsQuality=3; PPAA=2; ppSSAO=2; ppCaustics=1; ppBloom=1; ppRotBlur=1; ppRadialBlur=1; ppDOF=1; But all settings on my pc are german.
  14. Anjan-Riot


    Nice job that did it. Thank you kylania.
  15. Anjan-Riot


    @kylania Did you take a look thru the scripts?
  16. Anjan-Riot


    yes i did it with: [ch1,member0] execVM "BTK\Cargo Drop\Start.sqf";
  17. Anjan-Riot


    Thank you cuel but it don't work.
  18. Anjan-Riot


    Here is a dropbox link. I call it with: execVM "BTK\Cargo Drop\Start.sqf"; Thank you PS. if you want to test it make a new mission place a ch-49 and a quad near by.
  19. Anjan-Riot


    You're right same error. Hmm i dont get it. Its an old arma2 script I want to use for arma3 and there is more than this part. It works but with errors. If you have time would you look thru it with me?
  20. Anjan-Riot


    hi there, how i can fix this? _Transporter = _this select 0; _Unit = _this select 1; //// Check for action _BTK_CargoDrop_ActionAdded = _Transporter getVariable "BTK_CargoDrop_ActionAdded"; if (_BTK_CargoDrop_ActionAdded) exitWith {}; //// If no action continue here _Transporter setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ActionAdded", true]; _CargoAction = _Transporter addAction [("<t color=""#fadfbe"">" + ("Load cargo") + "</t>"),"BTK\Cargo Drop\Engine.sqf",["LoadCargo"], 5, false, false, "", "vehicle _this == player"]; //// remove Action waitUntil {(_Unit distance _Transporter > 20) || !(alive _Unit) || !(alive _Transporter)}; _Transporter removeAction _CargoAction; _Transporter setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ActionAdded", false]; error is on _unit thaks anjan
  21. Anjan-Riot

    There should be multiple jets in the release version

    Back in Arma 2 we had a transport and airdrop script for the C130J and it was good. The only thing was that the C130J was not big enough for the M1. It fits but not that good, so we need just a little bit bigger airplane. http://s22.postimg.org/gcg7i53pd/arma2oa_2013_08_14_17_01_23_266.png (129 kB) http://s22.postimg.org/nr5jaipkx/arma2oa_2013_08_14_17_02_14_270.png (155 kB) http://s23.postimg.org/v67ohrsd7/arma2oa_2013_08_14_17_28_26_316.png (105 kB) http://s23.postimg.org/ln2l21u8r/arma2oa_2013_08_14_17_28_28_950.png (106 kB) http://s23.postimg.org/62v7bik4b/arma2oa_2013_08_14_17_28_31_415.png (109 kB)
  22. Anjan-Riot

    There should be multiple jets in the release version

    I take a look and the MBT here in Arma3 have 65 tonnes and the only planes that can handle that at the moment are McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III (payload 77.519 kg) Lockheed C-5 Galaxy (payload 122.472 kg) Antonow An-124 (payload 150.000 kg) I think they are to big for Arma3.:(
  23. Anjan-Riot

    There should be multiple jets in the release version

    not agree with that because a chopper can't carry a 40tonns tank even a C130J can't carry a tank: Crew: 3 (two pilots, and one loadmaster are minimum crew) Capacity: 92 passengers (128 for C-130J-30) or 64 airborne troops (92 for C-130J-30) or 6 pallets (8 pallets for C-130J-30) or 74 litter patients with 2 medical personnel (97 litters for C-130J-30) 2–3 Humvees, or 1 LAV III (with turret removed) or an M113 armored personnel carrier We nee a tranport aircraft that can carry and drop a tank. Maybe a "future" version of the
  24. Anjan-Riot

    Need help with UID script

    Thank you, works fine
  25. Anjan-Riot

    Need help with UID script

    Nobody an idea how to get this working with two player / slots?