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Everything posted by Horner

  1. Hmmm. Did you put the "alive and side east is less than X" in the condition and put the setCaptive false in the on act. ? Also in the condition should not have a semicolon but the on act. should. Also the activation needs to be civilian because setCaptive sets the side to civilian.
  2. UHM if you ask the Devs at HGS they have an addon called SL2 that saves stats. They may be able to help you the game they use this on is Chernarus Life Ultimate.
  3. Horner

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Something I really want and not impossible at all. PLEASE and I Mean PLEASE Make stuff SERVER side like wind, time, etc. Makes everything SOOOOOOOOOO much easier. :)
  4. @Cantora Something like this In a triggers condition field put this !alive general (assuming general is the variable name of the person that is killed) then in the on act. put something like player1 setCaptive false But to make sure he is "undercover at first in his init put... this setCaptive true; also make sure the activation for the trigger is civilian and it is grouped to the agent. (with the setCaptive script it changes the agent to civilian...)
  5. You have to make a briefing. Look around you can find how to do that.. Just search how to make tasks..
  6. thanks ST! I'll try it out and give ya feed back.
  7. OKAY I have something that should have worked but for some reason it doesn't. I have the setCaptive true thing still but I put a trigger so if the player goes in that area he will be shot.... this is what i have in the on act. in the trigger soldier1 setCaptive false But it doesnt work. I go in the trigger area and I still am not shot at. What's the issue?
  8. isnt there a way I can just put setCaptive false if the player is so close to something? and I don't have to change everything.
  9. ? Idk what your saying. Are you saying that a person gets a bunch of different tasks at first and not have to unlock them like in domination?
  10. Horner

    Why should I buy your game ?

    OK BF3. (whoops :P) But anyway I'm only prejudging because of the attitude he asked the question with. Like he was entitled to an answer. And I do hope that he buys Arma 3 and loves it. Because we all know he will be missing out if he doesn't.
  11. Horner

    They better have female soldiers...

    Our clan has a girl pilot......
  12. Horner

    Why should I buy your game ?

    Why should we waste our time answering a smartass question like that? You think your better then everyone and that BIS has something to PROVE to you? You think your entitled to an answer? Fine I'll give you an answer. The answer is BIS doesnt care if YOU buy there game or not. Because you will probably be one to nitpick at everything in the game when honestly Arma is the best game out there. So go buy your BFBC 3 and see who gives a shit...
  13. Horner

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    I wish that i didnt have to spend 130 dollars on a new graphics card lol
  14. demonized beat me but yeah thats how you do it.
  15. try and change sqs files to sqf files. this might help if not im not sure
  16. Horner

    Limit map size

    Hell to the no!!!
  17. I can tell you that ACRE is FABULOUS!!! My clan uses it and it is the best thing ever for large groups that way you dont get the massive flood of voices yet you can here people within the vecinity...
  18. Horner

    Custom face from photo

    as far as I know you can make an addon from just about anything.... You just need photoshop and some other tools like the BI tools. (Mainly Oxygen 2)
  19. Either that or don't place the units in the same group? Its really that easy...
  20. Horner

    Artillery Sounds

    have you updated your ace recently?
  21. Horner


    Thanks Demonized :)
  22. Hey guys. I've searched high and low for a good way to learn how to script but I"ve no luck.. Does anyone know of any way to learn how to script?
  23. Horner

    The Mission details...

    Umm.... What I'm getting from this is you want to make it so there are diary notes in the map? If so you need a briefing.sqf file. You can find how to do those on Here, Youtube, or almost anywhere...
  24. You do not need to edit the Config file to change the player's default loadout. You just need the addWeapon, addMagazine scripts. But having no experience with warfare missions I wouldn't be able to tell you how to put it in the menu... Oh and BTW if your running it on normal ARMA II you wont be able to use the vector...