well...I'm running a mission of 175 sd, 150 sdrand, 10000 scandis. The allied bases are all atleast 3200 m away, directly behinde the player. The first enemy base closest to the player is 1500 m directly in front of the player. Using the basic SP template. Should i bring the bases in closer? Because, what you say makes since to me, just that in virtual use it defies the expected result. Though, only circumstacial at this point, I can say that the enemy units are spawning directly on top of allied bases, never anywhere else . You'd think that they would spawn anywhere else at random, with the possibility of spawning on the bases(assuming there is a flaw). And further allied units aren't doing this. ???
sorry to go edit happy on this. Does the line between bases become the front line, regardless of the players facing? In that case I think i can see why, that means when the second closest enemy base has a spawn(that is 3200m northwest of the closest enemy base), the front line switches, making allied bases at my side rather than behinde me?