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About Blackregiment

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  1. Blackregiment

    Hi all! A few rookie questions...

    Thanks, works great. Man is this game difficult. Anyone have any tips on spotting enemies? I'm getting killed before I even see anyone, and 90% of the time I have no idea who shot me. I'm running from cover to cover and crouching when stopped, scanning with binoculars and nothing seems to work. I must've played through a mission ten times without spotting a single enemy yet get killed everytime. Is there any specific tactic I should be using? :confused:
  2. Blackregiment

    Hi all! A few rookie questions...

    Great, thanks for the help. One thing...I'm downloading missions, one has worked so far but two others are not showing up anywhere in game after I place them in the ARMA II/Missions folder. They are very small downloads as well, just 20K or so, and are 7Z files (?), not pbo as specified. What am I doing wrong?
  3. Hello, As I've recently upgraded my rig, I'm just being able to get into this game. It's great, a bit difficult, but great nonetheless.....and man, what a looker. Anyhow, I have a few questions for all you vets out there: I only have the original ARMA II patched to 1.08. I've heard it said the campaign is the weakest aspect of this game, and that it truly shines in the mod/user created missions community. Trouble is, I'm having a bit of trouble finding where I can download these missions. Everywhere I go, I always see many for OA, which I don't own, but plan to pick up shortly. I've looked here, at armaholic and have had no luck. What are some of the best missions, where are they at, and how do I install them? I have created some myself, but don't quite understand scripting and the deeper aspects to make it come alive and become dynamic. Plus as I've made it, it's of course predictable, which takes away half the fun. Secondly, I really wish to play this online as the AI oftentimes drives me insane, but due to medical treatment I went through a few years back for a serious condition, I am unable to speak. Well, I'm not entirely unable, but it's very uncomfortable and painful to talk for extended periods of time and I'm somewhat garbled in my pronunciation, so I try to avoid doing it if at all possible. I've not yet played with anyone, and am wondering how accomodating people will be with this disability? I'd imagine it's going to be my biggest obstacle to an enjoyable MP experience. Obviously, I don't wish to command to any extent, I just want to play as a grunt and have no trouble following orders, my hearing is fine, and I'm a fairly fast typist. Are there quick automated responses in MP as there is in SP? Y'know, "copy", injured!", "contact at 9 o'clock", etc? Thanks for any and all help and advice, it's good to be here, and hopefully I'll see you in my sights at some point! :)