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About codez4me

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  1. codez4me

    Overclocking CPU

    Your PSU is fine for that config
  2. codez4me

    Overclocking CPU

    Good point :) Prime 95 still good for that .... http://files.extremeoverclocking.com/file.php?f=103
  3. codez4me

    Overclocking CPU

    Still worth overclocking that CPU. I've got a 955BE and overclocked it to 3.6Ghz on stock voltage (from 3.2 in my chip's case). If you want max stability and safety stick with stock voltage, switch off the cool n quiet stuff in the BIOS and wind up the CPU multiplier only (3800Mhz is a x19 multiplier - it will do that no sweat at all) That's the great thing about these unlocked CPUs no need to upset the clock rate of anything else in your system. I would buy a new CPU cooler before you start. I bought a ThermalTake Contac 29 which was cheap and could be retro-fitted easily without taking the motherboard out. My CPU temps are now 10 deg C cooler overclocked, versus stock speed with stock cooler. Pretty good result. Even if you don't overclock I'd still recommend that cooler, much cooler running CPU under full load and a lot quieter than stock cooler.