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About IrishRepublicanArmy

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  1. IrishRepublicanArmy

    Computer Crash.

    Thanks for the quick responses :). Would you be able to recommend me a good video card (One that's not too expensive). I got the new DirectX installed, and I'm going to reinstall the game and download the new patch. I hope it works. EDIT: Didn't work :(. Any ideas on what to do?
  2. IrishRepublicanArmy

    Computer Crash.

    AMD Anthlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+ Core Processor 4600+ 1.80 GHz, 1.93 GB of RAM And I have not downloaded the last patch for the game. Also, I got an audio problem which occurred. When I was re-downloading it it said I didn't have il_Audio64.exe(Something like that), and from research, someone said I needed to download the last DirectX (Which I'm doing now).
  3. IrishRepublicanArmy

    Computer Crash.

    Hello, I've recently bought Arma II OA, and I was installing it today. The installation went fine, and I didn't find any errors but when I went through the loading screen, after Meriam 4, my computer would just crash. What is the reason for this, if you know? I re-booted my system and everything, and I'm downloading the game now. I hope it works. Thanks in advance.