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Posts posted by mrwesley

  1. when i put my aircraft in the editor, almost the entire aircraft is invisible, only the weaponry is visable as the pilots, cockpit and that about it. After i get up in the air about 200m ALT, its freezes up a sec and then the plane appears completly but all the options as mentioned aboce are dublicated. the air dampers are working perfectly though even on the Nimitz no issues at all but then again i havnt landed fron wheel first and then the back wheels :D love the plane so far but hope you will be able to resolve the issues.

  2. it says in v1.6 that you added dempers to the aircraft, well i thought you were talking about the dempers on the landing gear right? for a smoother landing something similar what the Typhoon has for RKSL? or am i wrong? cause when im landing i cant see any difference between V1.6 and the previous versions.

    but anyway it looks awsome! having a lot of fun with it so far and cant wait untill the next update :D keep it up !

  3. i've bought many different joysticks over the last year for arma 2 and arma 2 OA for flying but everytime when i buy a new one after a month or so it bugs and my helicopter/plane banks either to the right or to the left for no reason while im not moving my joystick at all, when i buy a new one and use it, the problems gone, but after a month its back!, anyone one if this has to do with either my joystick or some hardware thats plugged in at the same time? i have no idea anymore of what i should do, hope you guys could maybe help me out

  4. You may should follow the thread a bit. Just last page we talked about that problem. And there's no way to fix it. I tried to fix it while changing the config, and while changing the soundfile. So maybe you should test another soundmod and tell me if they're working on Hydras or FFAR's.



    yeah i know i should have followed a bit but i just came back from a week in london, and started playing yesterday again and kept crashing, but thanks anyway, ill test it with different sound mods and otherwise ill delete the hydra sound files and see if it still crashes

  5. Hey Rock i was wondering if you were still working on the Harrier, and if you are, is it possible to make the nozzle go instead of backwards and down go forward aswell??? so you lose air speed very quickly?? and and would it be possible to lock the nozzle's in the position cause with the standart bis harrier you cant land verticale and take off witch is a bit dissapointing

  6. i would like too see a big map for flying that doesnt take you only 1 min to go to the other side of the map with the eurofighter typhoon and some big cities and also alot smaller villages like on everon, and also a big open field for tank battles etc would be very nice actualy if you have like 3 islands put togethet on one big map and with an ocean between so you also can do sea battles or something like that. the size of the complete map should be about 100km x 100km not sure if this is actualy possible but yeah thats something id like to see in arma :D

  7. Hey sounds awsome but just one question and sorry if this is already asked or mentioned somewhere else on the thread just dont have time atm too read everything and i got to go after this post, but is this sound mod compatible with others like JSRS or something to change the sound of the guns or is it still being worked on to change the sound of the guns cause i think they are the standart gun sounds but i could be wrong.

  8. ive managed to get the airplanes, ACE indeed makes them dissapear, here are some things you guys might wanna know aswell for further updates, the tail rudder works in the opposit way, so when you turn left either on the ground or in the air with your tail rudder it should bend to the left like with the other planes in arma 2 but on the skyraider it bends to the right when turning left, and also the 4 guns only one of them are working, not sure if this is how it should be or that its just not working just thought id point it out, what i also felt was when taking off the planes both attack planes and transport plane having a difficult time to get off the runway and when landing they drop realy fast out of the air and you land very hard at a speed where these planes should have been normal and than im talking about between 220 and 240 but after all it looks great! and i hope these things might get solved if these are actual problems, Great job! and keep it up!
