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Posts posted by mrwesley

  1. hi YuraPetrov,

    thank you for your nice addon!!

    i make an MH-60 training for our pilots i wanna check her reaction if the tailrotor was complete damage but setHit ["mala vrtule", 1]; doesn´t work with your choppers...how must i name it if i use your blackhawks?

    Panzer hurra

    tail rotor is currently indestructible, so you'll have to wait for the update

  2. Supporter Edition is only available from Store.bistudio.com, so there's your answer :)

    Yes indeed.

    I'm a little confused about the prices though as in the first row you see the alpha for 25 euro's and below the beta 35 and the full game 45, if you buy the alpha for 25 euro's on 5th march does that mean you get full access to the beta And the full game or do you have to buy those separate when they come out?

  3. just a quick heads up regarding fast roping using both yura's blackhawk and your chinook. First time i reported it it was that when both heli's are in the same mission the ropes would spawn at the back of the blackhawk, now i've just tried it again (dunno why) but it seemed that the ropes on the blackhawk are in the correct position, and that the ropes on the chinook somewhat in the middle of the helicopter spawn instead of at the rear ramp, and when the soldiers repel down some of them actually just run out of the back of the chinook and fall to their death.

  4. Hello, me and my friend founded a failure....we want to play on 1.62 multiplayer but we cant. We successfully connect to the server, choose a side. But, if we shoot the game crash with notice " progam stopped work". Can anyone how to fix it? Thanks.

    what version of the Beta patch are you running? and are you running any sound mods like JSRS?

    since beta pathc 102111 has came out the game crashes in multiplayer while shooting any type of gun using the JSRS sound mod, if you and your rolled back to patch 101747 it should all work again until its fixed.

    Edit: check this topic http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?146569-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-102209-%281-62-MP-compatible-build-post-1-62-release%29 loads of people are having this issue, bi developers know the issue and according to the last post of the developer it has been fixed and will be in the next beta patch.

  5. maybe this has been mentioned before but its lots of reading all those pages but everytime i shoot with the A10 my game crashes, anyone have any idea on how to fix this besides not running the mod?

    Edit: seems like it does it with every gun, looks like it has to do with the latest beta patch, installing previous version atm will get back on it when i've tried it out.

    Edit: just installed patch 101747 again and game works fine again.

    Looks like patch 102111 crashes my game when firing any typ of gun with JSRS enables, not sure if it does it with anything else.

  6. Wesley did the very same test as you on Duala, same actions activated in the same sequence, and didnt get any duplication. My textures are right since the beginning. But the duplication of the menu actions is weird, as if the init of the plane were executed twice by CBA XEH. Might you try the same loading only the F18 required addons just to make sure there is not any conflict with something else?

    did the same stuff again and the same problem again, plane is gone at the beginning taking off, textures come back, every is dublicated only with CBA The plane and the island.
