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Posts posted by Trux

  1. What's the best value to set enemy AI skill at?

    I just started a new sp game of Cyphers excellent Valleys of the Takiban using Ace 2 and Zeus AI on veteran difficulty where I'm in command of a group of 10.

    It's dawn and I load my troops into a Ural and make my way towards the target area. I round a bend and can just make out the headlights of a vehicle coming towards me so I pull over to the side of the road (my headlights were off) and before I can think about giving a command to disembark BAM! I take a round in the face.

    The other vehicle turned out to be an enemy UAZ Dhskm which could apparently id me from about 800m in near darkness.

    It destroyed my truck and decimated my squad which went from 10 to 4 in less than 10 seconds.

  2. Voted yes

    While I can understand some of the frustrations on here for those that say no to Steam I personally have had no issues since buying AmA 2 CO + BAF & PMC through steam.

    I use community mods with no trouble and a dedicated Steam release would likely iron out most peoples problems anyway.

    I think Steam has done wonders for pc gaming and am delighted more developers are releasing there products through the Steam platform.

  3. I've found out how to use the satchels after the new ACE update:

    Place the satchel(s) using the Self interaction menu (the text "satchel # X" appears in the upper right corner of the screen for each satchel you put down), move one step back so that you look at the satchel, hit the key for your Interaction menu and you'll see a menu:

    - Disarm satchel

    - Set timer

    - Safety off

    Select "Safety off", move away and scroll your mouse wheel, then you'll see the option to select "Safety off" for each satchel you've placed, select the satchel(s) you intent to activate and hit e.g. "Detonate satchel 1". :)

    Thank you.

  4. Can someone recommend the best game type to start playing on-line?

    Something that's easy to pick up for a total ArmA MP newcomer?

    I've read some of the mod guides and won't have issues there as I use six updater.

    I've also had a look at some of the tactical guides for game types stickied in this forum but each game type seems quite in-depth.

    So what's the best place to start for someone who's last on-line war experience was MOHAA back in the day? Ideally without messing up other peoples games!

    It would be nice to play with other peeps instead of getting frustrated playing with the AI as squad mates.

    I prefer things a little slower and more tactical than say a death match type experience.

