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Everything posted by ryansoper

  1. So me and my clan-mates (101stdivision.net*) have gotten back into ARMA after a brief stint hopping other games (Devil worship I know!) and I was saying to the others over TS about why I loved ARMA and its community. It's quite simple, It's quite truly friendly! I have never experienced any bitchiness or nastiness directly, and when I've witnessed it, other community members always rush to defend the person in question, or just laugh the attacker out of the game, for instance last night, my clan was on a warfare server, and there was another clan on the OPFOR side, it generated a friendly bit of banter and there was even a few messages of, "Ahahahah Nice Find" and "Good Game, Play Again?". It's a level of maturity and friendliness which i feel is yet to be matched elsewhere. And then there is the community innovation and sharing, All these missions and gamemodes, the moderators on here and various other forums, people like Sickboy, who spare their own time to create incredible mods, missions and addons to continually change the game. I could literally sit on the game for hours just playing community made missions. And then the media that surrounds the game, the reason I bought this game was because I subbed to Richiespeed's channel and watched a load of his videos (Pretty sure he's now on a new Youtube account) and through his videos i found Briggsil, who posted all the videos related to 6th Sense, which was a serious tactical gaming community hosting a mission night every sunday, I joined them, and from there I was hooked. I'm not sure if 6thSense are still around, but its those guys who I have to thank, they opened me to whole new world of gaming, a world where I was actually half decent (I suck at games like MW2 and BF3 ;) ) and now I go on with my own community, eagerly awaiting the release of ARMA 3 playing Combined Operations and dabbling in a bit of mission creation (I want to get competent enough to provide the community with a Warfare-esqe gamemode). Anyway, I just thought a community like this, coupled with a game like this required a bit of recognition, because its amazing. Thanks, Ryan *Bit of shameless promotion :), we're recruiting by the way, and operate an open TS for anybody to hop on and join us on.
  2. ryansoper

    Why I love ARMA and its community

    Yes, I was looking through the forums properly the other evening, some of the mods and missions on here are insanely well done, and it makes me want to create and contribute something!
  3. ryansoper

    freedom for Viktor Bout

    I've always said that if Nick Griffin and his racist BNP Party come to power in the UK, I'm becoming a rebel. I hope you don't become my arms dealer! ;)
  4. ryansoper

    Why I love ARMA and its community

    Yeah, when I first heard about ARMA:Free i though ARMA in general was going F2P. Luckily this was not the case and Bohemia made it a seperate project with no integration whatsoever. Pretty sure If Free players were allowed onto normal servers this post would be a different story!
  5. I'm looking to setup a small server for my clan, had a quick google, but I got quoted £120 for a 16 player server and then £50 for the same spec, thought it'd be worth posting here first to see if there are any reccomendations to hosts before I just choose the cheapest host, which as past experience has proved, isn't always the best choice to make! What we need: 14-16 slots. ARMA 2 CO FTP Access Pretty Easy Setup Please bear in mind this will be my first ARMA CO server, so I won't be up for setting up every single setting to do with the server manually. Thanks, Ryan
  6. ryansoper

    Is this the right game?

    For your CO issue, On steam you should have Operation Arrowhead in your library yes? Click that and a dialog will appears asking whether to launch OA Standalone (Or something to that effect) and another option for Combined Operations. Hope that helps, Ryan
  7. 101st Division Friendly tactical gaming 101st Division is a European based (We welcome members from elsewhere too!) gaming community now focusing on ARMA, and we're looking for active members to join us in game and on Teamspeak! We have our own server and like to play Warfare or Insurgency as well as 'deployments', which are essentially member made campaigns and missions that we play through (We welcome any well made missions and campaigns!), employing our simple command structure and a little bit of tactics. We welcome anybody (Clan member or not) to join us on our server. If it's empty and 'Creating', vote yourself admin and setup a game if you wish! We won't restart it unless we have a planned deployment or game, and even then, we'll invite you to join us in our deployment. We also like to give everybody a go, allowing players to elect their squad leaders and commanders before the scenario is played, and then we try to assign players to roles they prefer and enjoy. Thats just a small snippet about us, but if you'd like to join, head to our webiste, register and join us on teamspeak! We don't have a formal signup process, just find us on TS (Most weekday evenings and Weekends) and express your interest in the clan! Members: 14 Website http://www.101stdivision.net Teamspeak IP ts.101stdivision.net:30047 Game Server IP (CO) Hope to see you in game!
  8. Hi all, Not sure if I got the section right for this question, so apologies if i'm wrong, but I need a little help. I'm trying to create an MP mission, I want it to be for up to 12 players, but I don't want any unoccupied slots to be taken by random AI soldiers, I only want the soldier created if there is an actual player to take the place? I'm pretty sure this would be possible, as otherwise how would GMs like warfare work? Thanks, Ryan
  9. Hey Guys, I want to know if it is possible to set an area around a base or designated as a hurt zone to enemy Air Units. You see, I want to make a Warfare Gamemode where there are certain safezones where enemy Air Units cannot go to try and stop the typical Apache base-raping. Thanks, Ryan
  10. ryansoper

    Warfare BE - AI Opfor?

    Thanks Gunter
  11. Hey! I was wondering if it is possible to lock the OpFor or BluFor team so that players can only join one faction and you effectively get a warfare mode VS. AI. You see, I like the idea of defenses and the AI taking towns, however I hate the way Human players base rape constantly with Apaches/Hinds. Thanks, Ryan
  12. Please see Topic: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=114203 Thanks, Ryan
  13. ryansoper

    Warfare BE - AI Opfor?

    I know the Thread is placed wrong, But this is already open, Rather than start a new thread, I thought i'd continue here. I managed to De-PBO the mission, and set the Kremlins (Russians :P) as Non-Playable, but now they don't seem to build or attack bases :/ Which obviously defeats the object of the game-mode. I have poked around the script files, and I think it might be something to do with the advanced spawn script file. Any Ideas? N.P. The Town Resistance works fine, and the final summary screen shows the AI as having created 16 soldiers. Thanks, Ryan
  14. ryansoper

    Warfare BE - AI Opfor?

    Ah ok, Whilst I'm being a noob. ;) How would i De-Pbo a Mission?