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About Althalos

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  1. Broken? No, we just need a ballistic computer/range finder to make it work right. I've also noticed a problem with AI using howitzer, there seems to be no way to tell the AI to fire the weapon from distance, they simply drive to medium/short range and fire it like a HEAT.
  2. I can confirm this, happened to me as well.
  3. Althalos

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi there. I have MSI StarCam Clip II and I would like to know if there is anybody here who has experience with disabling it's AutoExposure. I spend a day setting it up properly to get the best FPS, but the results are not really what I would like to have. I have the latest drivers installed along with it's configuration GUI. It has an option to turn off autoexposure and set a custom value, but it seems like whenever the illumination of the room reaches a certain value, the cam starts to use the autoexposure again disregarding the custom value. I did a temporary workaround like this: - The camera is placed on top of my monitor. - There is a lamp above/behind me out of the FOV of the cam, and another lamp behind the cam positioned to face a wall and use the reflected light to illuminate my face. 1. I turn of the lamp behind the cam. 2. Launch Freetrack and let it initialize (the cam initializes with autoexposure 5-10 FPS). 3. Set the custom value for the exposure. 4. Turn the lamp back on. 5. The cam stays at ~28 FPS without the autoexposure to kick in. One of the problems is this does not work in daylight unless I make the room dark enough and use those lamps instead. I found a lot of solutions for linux users on google, but barely any word about windows. EDIT: Side question: FaceTrack constantly shows that it takes 0% CPU and 0 MB RAM, is this possible and/or normal?