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Everything posted by oktyabr

  1. Yup! I already use them :) They are great! I meant in general... more A2 land vehicles (would love to see A2 motorbike and civ vehicles!) and fixed wing. :)
  2. Nice work! Just need the wheeled vehicles and fixed wing now :)
  3. I know which one I'm looking forward to most! Besides, Zeus is still at least a couple months away from a "stable" release.
  4. Very nice! Subscribed! I'd also love to see a video :D
  5. I'm looking forward to playing with the new release very much! Exciting stuff! A couple of questions: Have you gotten MCC to play better with custom units caf_ag, Drongo69's Middle Eastern Irregulars, etc. (MCC reports no units available) and A2 map support for those of us playing around with A3MP or AllinArma (zones work ok, "full map" in MW does not)?
  6. Thanks very much for this! Not only is it great to have options but they might provide a valuable learning tool too :)
  7. Awesome app! Just found it! By FAR the easiest way to quickly set up a dedi. Super nice for mission makers too, that want to test dedi compatibility before uploading a mission to separate server. Thank you for this!
  8. That would probably work. The other thing you can do is change the dropdown from "Dominant" to "Static" and then make sure the faction lines below it say whatever class name you want to have pop up there, i.e. for vanilla CSAT it needs to say OPF_F. More information here: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=CQB
  9. Thanks for the reply! You might consider adding something to keep players from jumping on board such a heli when it lands... is there a way to "lock" it so the heli can drop it's troops without letting stowaways on board? I wish there was some trick to getting AI vehicles to follow roads a bit better. They seem to do pretty well until they hit a 90 degree turn close to a building. Even a tip on some editor object I might try on some particularly tricky spots to keep vehicles from colliding with the corners of buildings would be sweet, if anyone has any suggestions? EDIT-- I was just testing the heli land and take off bit again and I watched a little bird come in, touch down, and before any of the troops could disembark it took off again! They were already jumping... most of them survived it but the last two fell at least 60 feet unto cold, hard tarmac! LOL!
  10. oktyabr

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Nice job! Anyone know any tricks to get the AI to take off with full throttle and use all the runway? I'm using a pretty short runway... I can get the A-10 up into the air on it but the AI seem like they don't engage full throttle right at the start of the runway and they end up crashing. Would be nice to have something like the "invisible helipad" that could be placed on a runway to tell the AI "FULL THROTTLE!!!!" (and appropriate flaps?)
  11. Nice! I did notice one exception that you might put on your "to do" list. It's possible to remove the cargo without using IgiLoad to do it, although IgiLoad still thinks the cargo is in the vehicle. Example: I used a CH-49 helicopter and Raven's "LIFTER" addon to pick a NATO ammo crate out of the back of a HEMTT that I had loaded earlier. When I got back in the HEMTT I still had the option to "Unload" the cargo. I'm not sure how often some one would really do this during a mission but a check to see if the cargo is still there might be handy, just in case.
  12. That's the "origin" point on the map, that corner. Anything that doesn't know where it's supposed to spawn will end up there. I haven't had any problems with ALiVE doing this yet but once when I broke my EOS call the units all spawned in that corner instead of the map markers where they were supposed to. Think I had it once with a civilian traffic script too.
  13. Just place one manually in the editor and copy the config name it gives you at the top, right corner of the unit selector, then paste that into the pool. If you can't find any then maybe African Conflict doesn't have dedicated crew personnel which means you'll have to sub a guy with a gun in their place. That's one of the neat things about EOS... you can put any unit (that you can find the config for) in any vehicle. I could have greek civilians manning NATO main battle tanks if I wanted :) I haven't noticed any more... or any less (I get some desync on my mission regardless). I'll try to experiment a bit and pay more attention. My question, two actually, about the helicopter spawning. Sometimes the helicopter (transport) lands, drops off troops and then takes off again. Other times it just seems to shut the engine down and park there. Is there a way to "encourage" the first result? Second question: Those troops that get out of the chopper... are they one of the group patrols from the call line, do they become one after they disembark, or are they just ambient eye candy?
  14. NP! Happens all the time on these forums. :) Good news is I think I found your problem! In your unitpools you are missing your crew definitions! The other pools will tell EOS what *vehicles* to use but not who should be manning them. This is an example of the AAF independent pool (faction #2): _diverPool= ["I_diver_exp_F","I_diver_F","I_diver_TL_F"]; _crewPool= ["I_crew_F"]; _heliCrew= ["I_helicrew_F","I_helipilot_F"];
  15. This is very likely a config problem with SAA/Hezbollah by Drongo69, although it might also be fixed in his latest version (released yesterday). You should post on his thread about it (after making sure you have the *latest* version): http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?172783-Syrian-Arab-Army-and-Hezbollah EDIT: I see you already have posted there. It's likely that the "v" is in the wrong place in the config line.
  16. oktyabr

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    I've also noticed that sometimes even though I've "released" whatever I'm lifting that although the slings fall away the object maintains it's position below the helicopter. I think this happens if the load is too close to the ground (or actually IN the ground a bit?) I think I've noticed that if I pass the load through another object, like the ground, it has trouble releasing later. That said I still love your addon! It's making me a MUCH better helicopter pilot! :D
  17. oktyabr

    Civilian kill Counter

    Revive from the beyond, font of ancient scripting! REVIVE! :D I found this thread by searching, before posting a new one myself. I'm curious if anyone has gotten this to work with a marker and/or trigger? I'm working on an "insurgent" type of mission (no, not "insurgency") for A3, targeted at coop on a dedicated server. Each of my towns and villages have a named marker. I also use these markers as a spawning zone for my civilians using BangaBob's EOS script, so they cache when players aren't around. Thus it makes sense that when a player is close enough to activate the zone the civilians spawn in on that specific zone (village). What I would like to do is find a way to keep a separate "BLU kills CIV" count for *each* marker/village and later use the count as a way to reflect the inhabitants' attitude towards blufor (positive they might produce intel, etc., negative they might produce assassins, suicide bombers and more insurgents!) Alternatively a counter of civ deaths for each player might also be useful? If anyone has the time to help me with this I would be MUCH appreciative, although I am really posting with the hopes that someone else has already accomplished this that wouldn't mind sharing a little copy/paste. :) Thanks in advance!
  18. I know you are new here but when posting code try to wrap it in spoiler (for large blocks of code) and php tags for easier reading. :) A quick glance didn't show me anything wrong with your pools... have an example line from your OpenMe.sqf?
  19. oktyabr

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    No, I was using third person so I could watch the animations better :) BUT, speaking of the H-key/camera, on the MH-9 Little Bird it's about useless... it seems to look forward rather than down?
  20. oktyabr

    Middle East Irregulars

    YAY!!!! Thanks Drongo69!!! :D
  21. I'm not sure. About an hour using the Recognition software. Just follow the steps it gives you (at least it does in Win7 Pro) and recite what it puts on the screen.
  22. Would be nice to see a HALO drop as a respawn option too :)
  23. oktyabr

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Can anyone give me some tips on how to pick things up? I've been experimenting with a little bird and a vehicle ammo crate. I can get the "lift" end of the sling to sit anywhere from the middle of the crate (inside it) to right on top of it or any distance above it... and I still can't seem to hook on to it. Thought the ammo crate might be too heavy so I tried a metal barrel too. Still no go. :( EDIT: Nevermind! I was looking for an "auto" hook to cargo or a hint or something. Got the addaction to come up and it works just fine. Thanks for this! A lot of fun and I think it's making me a better chopper pilot too :D