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Everything posted by oktyabr

  1. oktyabr

    VBS3 snow... in ARMA 3?!?!?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah... I remember tons of arguments that went like that when I was mod on the original Day Z forums... everyone hated on one idea because they some how thought it endangered their own wishes and dreams. That isn't the case. Rather than raining on this thread, post your own. I'll even come support it! That's not MY problem. I searched the forums (and the feedback tracker) pretty thoroughly before posting. If procedural snow in Arma had been brought up before I missed it. As for the "dozen" other threads? Can you blame them? Believe me... if the current COD had procedural snow and VBS hadn't, I'd be posting it that way instead. Maybe. That would be much easier to dismiss though, wouldn't it ;) ---------- Post added at 08:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 PM ---------- Not "falling snow". That's relatively easy and common. It's just a particle system. Snow that *accumulates*, in a realistic manner, that impedes vehicles and even slows foot travel... that hasn't been done before. Further having such a system would allow a map maker to make a map *once*, and players would have to download one map, rather than separate winter and non-winter versions. Ever wonder why there aren't more snow maps in the ARMA universe? Because it's a pain to remake a map in a winter version. ---------- Post added at 08:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ---------- There is one post, in the other thread, where a member posted a WIP proof of concept. It didn't look as good and didn't include detail about how it was done, how it works, etc. Certainly some have the same thought though. I just haven't seen any progress on it.
  2. oktyabr

    VTS Simple gesture commo rose

    Would you care to share how you got them working together? I'd love to have the two in combination! PM sent as well. @L etranger: I'm guessing you've seen how VBS2 does such things? Have you considered a symbolic gui rather than written words? Personally I think I would prefer it at the bottom of the screen rather than in the middle of it. (UI starts at 1m36s): Further I'm not only curious about using your gesture addon with another AI guidance system but also spoken apps like Articulate. I wonder if there is a way to create hooks so that when an order is given to AI using another system (voice or otherwise) your animations still take place? Thanks!
  3. oktyabr

    Karma Modules

    Thanks for the reply! For modules or anything else that is going to be used often I can see where it is better to download and install it once than download the same thing over and over again with each new mission. Apps like PlayWithSix have simplified this further, if the mods are included in it's database, as you can click the server you want and download all the dependent mods automatically. And yet this is really something that should be done from within the game engine itself. Many FPS games had this figured out over a decade ago. You join a server and the map and any additional needed mods are downloaded before you get to play. For someone like you or me, that have become adept to the arma way of doing things, it's maybe not so big a problem. But there are always those new people out there, curious about ARMA, that are used to the "old" way of having such stuff dished up automatically. In particular I have a group of friends that find messing with configs and modlines has left a bad taste in their mouth and they've pretty much ignored the ARMA world. For these people I like a script version when I can find it. Get them hooked on the game and *then* slowly coax them into the more "complicated" stuff. Of course this isn't about you or your mod(s) in particular and I'm certainly not suggesting you spend any time you don't have working on script versions too. If it's good enough people will use it regardless. I'm personally looking forward to your next release and the "new features" :)
  4. oktyabr

    VBS3 snow... in ARMA 3?!?!?

    Exactly! I love BI! I've purchased every title over the years (usually two or more copies, since I've raised children that were gamers too) and always felt like I saw the potential but never saw it completely fulfilled... so I kept waiting for the next version. And the next. snYpir said (in the other thread): "We hope that our VBS clients see these videos and buy more licenses of VBS! If you want to see certain features in Arma, then make a noise and let BIS know." I started THIS thread, and the feedback tracker, to do exactly that. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16735
  5. oktyabr

    VBS3 snow... in ARMA 3?!?!?

    No one took your ball and said the game was over. All you super desktop generals are the ones blowing this into a VBS/ARMA thread. I specifically stated in my very first post: "Could we please have similar snow FX for ARMA3? This would vastly improve the game for players, map makers and mission creators. And probably wouldn't hurt sales either." The fact that it's in VBS is proof that in *concept* it's possible with this engine. It's also completely irrelevant to the actual topic... the lack of snow in ARMA. Go throw polyhedral dice at each other or something ... sneak back to reddit or skype or where ever, where you experts can plan what the players really want in the game they've paid for (and will pay for again). And last but not least, remember, *only* a dreamer can have a dream come true. ;)
  6. oktyabr

    VBS3 snow... in ARMA 3?!?!?

    Then they NEED to be.
  7. oktyabr

    VBS3 snow... in ARMA 3?!?!?

    You said "If a feature does not directly benefit the vanilla game, it will not be implemented." I cannot imagine how such a feature would *not* benefit the "vanilla game", which isn't even a completed product yet. Future sales motivates most business' in the direction of their development. Did it ever occur to you that two might might not be so unrelated? There is a LOT under the cover of this "game" that is yet to be refined and utilized. See one of the threads on TrueWeather if you haven't already. Again, the proof of concept is in that video. And it seems to work. We can argue about what "totally different" means until the sun goes down but the the fact is that VBS and ARMA are more alike than they are different. The point I was trying to make in my first post stands. Again, "not a likely event"? When? You mean right now? It snowed in Egypt this last winter. Are you so sure of the climate in 2035? If they really want to set their game in a realistic future snow, even in Greece, is something they might want to consider... not that anyone thinks two Mediterranean islands are the main attraction of Arma 3. ---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ---------- Thanks Gnat! A useful link indeed. From that thread:
  8. oktyabr

    VBS3 snow... in ARMA 3?!?!?

    You have the post count to know how related the two engines (and studios) are... or at least you *should*. What's your horse in this race? If you don't have anything positive to contribute why are you posting at all? How would such an implementation affect you and your desires? That would be a more meaningful post, in my humble opinion.
  9. oktyabr

    VBS3 snow... in ARMA 3?!?!?

    ^^^^ What he said.
  10. oktyabr

    VBS3 snow... in ARMA 3?!?!?

    Does not mean feature X DOESN'T have any chance of being in A3/4 either. And popping in a feature *no other game* can brag about is not a potential feature for future sales how, exactly? Uhmmm.... Yeah, right. I'll just leave this right here ;) http://products.bisimulations.com/vbs3-future-virtual-battlespace
  11. oktyabr

    VBS3 snow... in ARMA 3?!?!?

    That's the *last* reason they should want to add snow. We are playing a "sandbox", supposedly the most realistic, versatile of it's kind. Snow *belongs* in this game, whether the current maps are appropriate or not. The fact that BI has *already* implemented it in VBS3 says that's it's possible. Most of the hard work is already done. Just need to make the case that we on the "gaming" side of things would appreciate this too. Hell, I'd pay extra $$$ for this functionality and since it would be the first sandbox shooter of it's kind to have such a feature I bet a lot of other people would too ;) ---------- Post added at 03:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ---------- And the more I think about it the more I wonder just how unappropriate this might be for Mediterranean islands... in 2035. It could even be a twist on the plot line... "climate change"!!! I'd even bet that's the big reason it's being added to VBS. Cue in some stock video footage of cars sliding off the snow covered streets in Cairo, snowball fights in Syria...
  12. oktyabr

    Secret SimulWeather commands?

    How did THIS thread slip by me?!?! Not only would it be nice to have better control over the weather but I had no idea that weather effects had such a bad MP sync problem! No one has any feedback tickets on these?
  13. oktyabr

    VBS3 snow... in ARMA 3?!?!?

    We already have user made maps for A3 based in Denmark and one that is still pre-release in Finland. The ARMA series of games have *never* been limited to a single geographical region or climate. Chernarus was certainly northern enough to see snow (imagine DayZ in a blizzard!) and there was the excellent Thirsk"W" version too, still one of my favorites... And btw, did you know it even snows in Greece on occasion? ;) Hell, it just snowed in EGYPT! This is supposedly set in 2035. If climate change continues to provide dramatic events like snow on the pyramids today... maybe we'll really be seeing half meter snow drifts on "Altis" in another 20 years? I'd love to fight the battle of Ardennes via Iron Front + Arma 3 + All-In-Arma with REAL snow! I bet I could even get my BF4 and COD buddies to buy into it for something like that.
  14. oktyabr

    VBS3 snow... in ARMA 3?!?!?

    If it's *possible* in VBS then it should certainly be possible in ARMA. If it's possible then it should be a worthy topic for discussion (and voting!) in General! :)
  15. Snow, like in VBS3: And biotopes! snYpir said: "We hope that our VBS clients see these videos and buy more licenses of VBS! If you want to see certain features in Arma, then make a noise and let BIS know."
  16. Welcome back Saul and I hope you guys had happy holidays! Anything on not getting missile lockon? Running stable version. Thanks!
  17. No, but it might be closer than you think ;) Feedback tracker: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16735
  18. I'm not sure... maybe this is already in PWS and I just haven't found it? I'd love it if the news had a separate "update" section for addons too. A recent update to an older addon might be very interesting news and help shake the dust off of some of them :)
  19. It's looking quite good! I'm very happy to see a beautiful map that *isn't* set in some arid island. :)
  20. My list would be similarly long but if I could only have one? Snow. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16735
  21. oktyabr

    Karma Modules

    Oooops! Double post. Sorry.
  22. oktyabr

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    Wow! They look awesome! I see you have plans to include the F/A-22... what about the F-35?
  23. oktyabr

    Russian Naval Infantry

    LOL! You and a whole lot of other people, I imagine. Nice work! I look forward to giving them a try! PS I agree with swapping out the weapons.
  24. oktyabr

    Particle Editor

    Wow! Has anyone messed around with a snow storm? A blizzard on ThirskW (via AiA) would be awesome!
  25. Very nice! Still wonder about some sort of SDK, etc. that might allow the incorporation of custom commands? For instance I've been experimenting with gizzy46's COM MOD which attempts to simplify AI command with a mouse wheel GUI and some short cut keys. It has one interesting feature that if you point at a building you can order any/all selected units to clear that building with a single key press. Very clever and it works well. Being able to script something like that and bind it to an articulate command phrase would be very handy indeed.