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About Penguinacity

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  1. Penguinacity

    Real Warfare Soundmod

    Hi! I'm sort of new to using Mods, and probably don't quite understand it. I have the steam version of Combined Operations. Is this mod totally client side? I.E. Would I be able to go into any server with it and not be kicked out for bad signatures? I followed the instructions, but I can't get in just any server.
  2. Penguinacity

    Setting Up X-52 Flight Controls

    Look for the game command that says "Thrust (analog)", and that'll be the one you want.
  3. Penguinacity

    In game blur while turning.

    Ah, thanks so much! I can now enjoy Arma 2 without the general bleeding from the eyes and dizziness induced halucinations.
  4. Hi! The in game blur while turning looks exactly like it does when I get spectacularly wasted and try to do anything too fast. Unfortunately it also elicits the same physical responses in me and makes me dizzy. How do I turn it off? Is there any command or line in a config that specifically turns off this feature?