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Everything posted by DieselJC

  1. Double check the mission make sure you have any mods it might need..sounds like you are missing something it requires..was it all vanilla? Diesel
  2. What do you mean by "configure it"..as in parameters or actually going in and editing it? If its parameters that should be availible when you start the mission in MP. If you are going to edit it then it should be like any other mission as far as editing. Diesel
  3. DieselJC

    64-Bit still has some issues.

    I havent run into that issue..I run all 3 of the CUP Terrains as well as RHS ACE and a few others Arma always loads faster in Vanilla thats been like that since Arma 2. Diesel
  4. DieselJC

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Question..I downloaded the vehicles pack but all I get are the infantry and no vehicles..I am running just the vehicles and CBA. Are the downloads wrong on the 3CB site or am I missing something? I re-checked and the folder says @3cb_baf_vehicles and the pbos are all vehicle related...very strange..I must be missing something. Any help would be great. Edit...found them!..lol..(pounding my head on the desk) Diesel
  5. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Anyone have a whitelist with just the US weapons..including RHS US weapons? I am wanting to avoid people using the Russian AK's in the game as they sound like the enemy and it makes it tougher to figure out where the enemy is. Diesel
  6. Can the new version be used with exisiting maps? I have quite a few that I have ported this too and dont really want to re-do them all so can I use the folders/files only? I assume all the markers etc are the same? Diesel
  7. Challenger Shmallenger..bring on the Trucks!...LOL Diesel
  8. Ironic that the Original Poster wants free use of a program to encrypt something he doesnt want to share...even more ironic he asked on a forum that was built on community members sharing their stuff. Diesel
  9. Finally got this working for me...I was curious does anyone have an RHS version of this so I dont need to run CUP Units.Weapons,Vehicles? Looking forward to many hours playing this..thanks! Diesel
  10. Wait what..I missed a Truck that came out?..damnit..lol Diesel
  11. Will this be ona certain Map or will it be able to be ported to other maps as well. Looks really good so far..I'd keep the Mods to a minimum just for playablity..maybe the big basics everyone seems to have..RHS,ACE,CUP I would also include a vanilla version for those who want to edit or add different Mods/factions. I've been using the Liberation CTI from Zbug but this looks really good,I'll be watching this topic for sure..thanks for sharing! Diesel
  12. DieselJC

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I always thought that requesting in a thread that was WIP or Done even was not allowed..I figured thats what the request thread was for. I think adding another thread isnt going to do much anyway regardless of what "rules" are posted..I would not want to try and moderate a thread like that...the only request I was ever granted was my divorce..lol Diesel
  13. DieselJC

    You've played to much Arma when:

    When you wake up at 3AM because the answer to a question you have been trying to solve with an addon or server issue suddenly appears to you in your dreams. Diesel
  14. Agree with ross..before you do anything with someone elses Mod/work the first thing you need to do is ask permission to alter their work. Provided they give you permission maybe you can ask them about the issue your having and what you are trying to achieve. Diesel
  15. Sorry but you really cant expect the same frame rates as Battlefield or COD or any of those type shooters...Arma is in a class by itself..does it have issues..yes it does..it has always had issues..but look at what it offers..look at how big the Mpas are..look at the Mod availibility..you just cant find that anywhere else..I'm lucky I get 35fps..i deal with it because I love the game..plenty of tweaks and settings you can do to help some stuttering and fps..lower view distance,tweak graphic settings,try different servers too..alot of them dont run well some run great..check youtube for some tweaking ideas..but dont go off just one..check around take notes and keep records of what you did..its a trade off between what Arma has to offer and fps..always has been and most likely always will be. Diesel
  16. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    I have quite a few of the markers down..maybe I just dont have enough of them...I'll try and add in a few more on my next big port to MSKE 2017..I always make sure they have a good spot and enough room to spawn in without issues against buildings and such...I got everything converted to RHS now to so I can swap out classnames sqf quickly from desert to woodland..saves me some time...I'll check the opfor points..thanks for the comment and suggestion..much appreciated! Diesel
  17. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Has anyone had any issues with FOB Hunting on the secondary objectives lately? Or is there a limit to those? Been playing on Everon with the port I did and we were doing really well with things every couple AO's we would do a secondary objective to keep the percentage down and then all of a sudden we can't do them..I had thought somehow after CBA updated that was maybe an issue but wanted to ask here if anyone was having the same issue. I adjusted alot of the stuff so we are now running basically infantry and light vehicle stuff..no big armor or attack choppers..works great for the smaller group I have...been having alot of fun swapping from different islands. Anyway..any ideas about the secondary objectives would help. Diesel
  18. DieselJC

    Unsung Missions On Steam

    It isnt just Unsung Missions either...the problem is people upload things that are not theirs and dont include all of the information needed for the mission or the Mod..ive run into that numerous times with the workshop. Diesel
  19. Those would look awesome in an MK10 LandingCraft...just sayin..lol Diesel
  20. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Has anyone here added in an addtional Respawn Vehicle? A few Maps I have ported this too are basically big islands so I was thinking about having a boat as an addtional respawn vehicle. I tried adding one in the classnames but no go with that..then I looked at the F_getMobileRespawns function but not sure if its possible to add in a second respawn type. Any help would be great. Thanks Diesel
  21. Maybe it was a rope I was thinking about..in the seaport section I think..always thought to myself..well thats dumb what are ya gonna do with a single piece of straight rope..lol You making a crane from scratch? Thats impressive! Diesel
  22. Isnt there a steel cable in the editor...or can you change the color/texture of the rope to black or a dark silver? Diesel
  23. DieselJC

    How to remove animals

    How to remove an animal... [] execVM divorce.sqf/ex-wife.sqf (removal complete) Just sayin.. Diesel
  24. DieselJC

    HEMTT Retexture Templates and Mod

    I realize this is an old topic but is there any way to texture the Hemmt tractor alone..no box on the back. The issue is I dont want it to be a Mod. I have the templates but cant find any information on how to use them and apply them for the Hemmt Tractor. Diesel
  25. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Just an Idea but what about building a base/liberation mission with no objectives in the Virtual Map..that way its quick and easy to test Mods when things update..I have been thinking about doing that but havent done it yet..I have just one on Stratis I use to just copy and paste the base and infantry since I have everything converted to RHS. Just a thought for testing. Diesel