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Everything posted by DieselJC

  1. Any news on this? I assume your still tweaking away at it..Ive been using Burnes MK10 in my Modpack and missions even though it has a few issues..really hoping this project comes together especially for Tanoa for Logistics..baffles me why BI didn't include one of these when they released Tanoa. I do have 1 suggestion..I know when I have the Burnes model I am using parked on a beach someplace that if the wind is high it will float away..so maybe some sort of scroll wheel option to lower a front and rear Anchor to keep it in place would be nice. Diesel
  2. I'll take a look at it and see what I can do and let you know..glad you like it..seems every update always breaks something..lol
  3. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    I think they just did an update for that Nimitz beta didn't they? Maybe they go some issues fixed.
  4. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    I always use the main base as a starting point and put in a manual arsenal..just for those testing loadouts and a quick re-load instead of opening up the in mission box.
  5. So I am building a base offshore and its big enough to drive vehicles to a loading spot for slingloading but being that they are offshore their are no engine sounds at all..one you get out of the vehicle you can hear the engine shut down but in 1st person or third there are no engine sounds..is there a way to force the sounds to work even if they aren't on land? Diesel
  6. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    I did try and manually spawn it slightly above but to no avail..still destroyed itself..I even used getPos of a manually placed box in the sqf but then couldn't get it to show up at all.
  7. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    I edited the above with a screenshot..is there any way to manually place that box at all?
  8. DieselJC

    Custom oilrig

    Pretty sure that's the one I am using for my Offshore base..it did need ARP2 Objects Mod but I went in and took that out and used stock stuff from the game. Not sure about Posting links here so just Google "Icarus Solar Farm" on Armaholic..you'll need that older version of ARP2 or just go in the mission sqm and take it out then replace objects with standard stuff. I'm testing it on Altis and the frames on it are really good..its way out in the ocean so its about the only thing you see until you get close to land. The orginal creator "Spookygnu" did a really great job on it. I'm doing a lot of editing on mine to use as an offshore Special Ops Logistics and support base. Diesel
  9. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    So I am trying out the Altis version of Liberation and moved the base to an offshore platform I built..I got everything working even the Huron now spawns without exploding..lol..my issue is the box_basespawn still spawns ans blows up then spawns again and does the same thing.. Ive tried using setPos..Ive logged the pos to the clipboard and used that in the "startgame.sqf" so it looks like this: _fobbox = FOB_box_typename createVehicle (getpos 20269.3,26464.9,0.00144005); _fobbox setpos (getpos 20269.3,26464.9,0.00144005); _fobbox setdir 215; Not sure about the "setdir" if that's needed..but with what I have above I cant get the box to spawn. The Huron I just kept moving things slightly until it settled where I wanted it,but that isn't working for the box. Is there a way to manually place it so it doesn't spawn but then after its used it will respawn in the same spot? Not sure how to post the whole init here so just copied the lines I changed..any advice or help would be great. Thanks, Diesel Edit..this is what I am trying to get that box to spawn on.
  10. DieselJC

    Custom oilrig

    That's really cool..I am doing something similar to build an offshore base to use on Tanoa with a Landing craft, that is really intricate I saw something awhile back on armaholic somebody made one and used the arp2 objects but had an issue with the newer version I think. Wish the Eden editor gave a better choice of locking objects. Maybe now with new updates building something and merging it will be easier. Diesel
  11. Does anyone have the CSAT Tempest Truck templates..or even slkins already done in black..greatly appreciate it. Diesel
  12. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Ive used it in other missions..really a great system if your not using ACE..what errors are you getting?
  13. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Did the new save manager file delete anything already saved for you..I'd like to try it but I don't want to delete any progress made already.
  14. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Will that save vehicles not placed by Zues or built in-game..I have a selection of vehicles I use for support that are at the main base I transport to the FOBs so would be nice if they saved after a re-start..how close do they need to be to the FOB? Thanks Diesel
  15. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Is there anything adjustable for the cleanup feature..especially intowns there are a lot of bodies laying around and it cuts down the frames quite a bit. Other than that I am very happy with the whole mission! Diesel
  16. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    A better shot of the Landing craft and a link to Burnes youtube channel where you can get the download link..he does great work and has modding tutorials as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcBtLaklRdQ
  17. That looks great..nice work on the re-write..I have always used the original but will be using this now. Any place to get it instead of Steam Workshop? I avoid that at all costs. Thanks for sharing. Diesel
  18. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    The Mod is Burnes MK10 Landing Craft..if you google it Armaholic links it to youtube where the download links are. The Mod is only 70MB so it isn't huge exactly what Tanoa needed for those of us who don't fly to transport vehicles and supplies. I like the idea of creating assets only at the main base then transporting them to the FOBs. Diesel
  19. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Really enjoying this so far..I think I am having as much fun moving supplies to the FOB rather than just creating them on the spot than I am fighting the bad guys!
  20. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Would changing the access to Zues instead of commander using "adminLogged" change anything as far as the way the mission runs? I always am hesitant with Zeus as next thing you know you have tons of stuff all over the place. Diesel
  21. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Thanks for the reply..much appreciated..I use ACE in all my stuff so I have all that just wanted to know about the FAR revive..great version on Tanoa..thanks for all the hard work! Diesel
  22. Question about the Advanced Fatigue Module..are the default values in that Module the same as BI Vanilla Fatigue? And what range of numbers is that allowable to? All the updates look great..thanks for all the hard work! Diesel
  23. DieselJC

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    This looks really great..I would like to add ACE in for medical and revive..however I see that FAR Revive is included..is there anything specific I need to do or take out in order to use ACE for the Revive? I am using the Greuh Lib0924 AJ Tanoa version. Any help would be great! Looking forward to running this! Diesel
  24. DieselJC

    Cores and Logical Processors

    I use this...has a few options as well to set up. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191816-xtbbmalloc-a-custom-memory-allocator-for-a3/
  25. DieselJC

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Got it working..thanks very much..always like to give people the option to turn stuff down for those with less than stellar rigs to run the game.. Much appreciated. Diesel