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Everything posted by dysta

  1. dysta

    Weapon Lock

    Grenade can also be a silent weapon, not because of the "Thud!" noise when hitting the object sounds quieter than firearm, but also when it explode right in front of you. You will sense nothing but meeting the death.
  2. dysta

    Difference between M4 and M16

    Well, I mean, "tougher", meaning the XM177E2 is longer lasting than M4A1 because of the gas operation cycle is shorter than M4A1, which giving it more sustainable and faster rate of fire, however it will greatly reduce the accuracy especially with shorter barrel, and louder noise from the muzzle. The M4A1 was frequently jammed not just because of the bolt carrier's problem, but mostly the gas operation was in bad condition, unlike XM177E2 the M4 has slightly longer barrel from the front iron sight, giving it more accuracy of course, but that is highly choking the gas tube if the bullet doesn't leaving the barrel fast enough, or tainted with slightly of dust or water. The gas tube chocking will cause to jam in minor, if too serious it will travel the gun-powered gas back to the receiver and cause to explode. That's why the M4A1 must not submerge into mud or even a tap water. The XM177E2 have not much problem than M4A1 thanks by the gas tube entrance is very close to the barrel exit, so the bullet can immediate fired out and cause fewer chocking than M4A1.
  3. dysta

    Military Humor

    You will have my cookie if you can get the meaning of this picture.
  4. dysta

    New Details on Russia’s T-95 Tank Emerge

    This. Again, "Aerial Warfare WON'T conquer a land." There's no absolute domination for only single weapon or machine. Not even the nuclear warfare did.
  5. dysta

    US Marines

    I really like this mod, though there's some gears mixed up of this mod with both USMC and US army on (CO). Like a US Army Marksman, Engineer, Crewman with USMC helmets (MARPAT or OD green). They should have their same pattern for whole gears. Would you fix it for further update? :)
  6. Are we returning to dark age again? Why you all sounds armors was THAT important for everyone? For hunting dragons? To me, the protection for environmental situation is already enough for common soldiers, if we are on frontline of battlefield, evade their fire by build up defense or go guerrilla sounds better than "eating bullets".
  7. dysta

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Then I am an OPFOR of the Outerra, I support CryEngine 3 also.
  8. dysta

    An upgraded compass, finally?

    A reference from movie Stealth? (Actually it's a timer, but how could let pilot know the attitude so accurate?)
  9. dysta

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    There is a way: "Flight Certification Access" DLC pack: USD$9.99
  10. Well, might be coming with sound simulation footage from YouTube is a good idea? MQt1jtDBNK4
  11. dysta

    New Details on Russia’s T-95 Tank Emerge

    There is a cliche: "Aerial warfare WON'T conquer the land."
  12. Operation SparkSpot anyone?
  13. dysta

    New Details on Russia’s T-95 Tank Emerge

    Just like meter and feet. Same number for length, different format to calculate.
  14. dysta

    Difference between M4 and M16

    E2 is a cute, reliable lad for scout unit with it, since it's lighter and surprisingly tougher than M4A1. Of course, for military, the barrel is too short for this.
  15. dysta

    New Details on Russia’s T-95 Tank Emerge

    The canceled one is T-80 140mm version called "Black Eagle". T-95 is an entirely different tank from the previous project.
  16. dysta

    Difference between M4 and M16

    The lower receiver and trigger assembly will tell you the "Core" of the weapon, which is the real name. That would be specific to identify instead of the shape, length and appearance. For example, this: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2010/271/4/1/swapped_by_darksamuraix1999-d2znxwo.jpg Image >100kb. There are rules here. Please read them. /Alex72
  17. dysta

    An upgraded compass, finally?

    What if that is OPFOR, do they still have to carry old school compass and paper map instead of electric toy?
  18. Untrustworthy. Let's get Liquid armor instead:
  19. I smell "commercial sarcasm" and "unlikely prophecy" when they talking about Cat Owns Dog like this.
  20. Even 50 years later the rocket is still possible to crash before leaving the orbit, as well as the modern firearm will jammed in extreme environment. I won't surprised if technology is still going fail more than success.
  21. Video game won't make youth gamer learning and developing their own-life, instead, pushing them into ideal dream from the reality.
  22. Eyes-candy is sweeter than cruel, bitter war, you say.
  23. 95% of the human sense are acknowledged by visions, so BF3 can win 95% of all the gamer's eyes to the maximum. Yet, only less than 10% of the actual knowledge were contained in an average human brain. ARMA series will make 10% of all the gamers adapt and having fun with real challenge.
  24. dysta

    Bohemia's realism.

    Then what do we miss? Concussive warfare? Shooting every projectiles that will blast a tiny explosions to shatter everything on your way?
  25. Guys, you forget LSA (Liquid-state armor).