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=242= CPT. Helios

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Everything posted by =242= CPT. Helios

  1. =242= CPT. Helios

    Broken Scenario Attributes

    Whenever I go to save a mission, I set the scenario name in attributes, general. However, when I go to load the mission, the editor, and game both default to the file name. Am I doing something wrong here? This is also on a new installation of the game. I set the attributes to say my name, and the proper mission name. It says Unnamed Mission and Unnammed Community author every time I go to load it. Also, certain scripts sometimes randomly do not work. What's the problem here? I also have other problems, when I go to preview the mission, even though the attribute is set to host or admin, I cannot use debug console in game. This is a very important feature! Is there something going on wrong here?
  2. Previous versions of this addon added in a VME Magazine functions dependency to missions that didn't have any Chinese units added. It seemed really superfluous and not necessary. Do current versions of this mod still have that issue?
  3. Is it at all possible to reduce the sensitivity for the pilot NV camera when aiming? I can't seem to get it down to a reasonable level. Also, I'm using ALT + Mouse to aim the thing when flying with a mouth. Is a possible to reduce the sensitivity for this control as well?
  4. =242= CPT. Helios

    Opening Mission.sqm as text file

    When I try to open the 3den mission.sqm as a text file, I get some random text. Has this functionality been removed from the editor? Will we no longer be able to edit things manually?
  5. I'm running an ArmA 3 RHS Server at I'd like to suggest STUI mod to be run by players, but not have this mod running on the server. I would prefer to keep many mods like this, soundpacks, and other unneeded mods off of the server, but allow the clients to load them. How do I add mods to the suggested downloads list here, without running them on the server?
  6. =242= CPT. Helios

    ArmA 3 Launcher - Adding Suggested Addons

    Yes, I'm aware that I only need the bikeys, but I'd like the server to suggest that people load shactac when they try to connect to ArmA3 launcher, as well as some other mods.
  7. I'm running a public server with Battleye enabled at Whenever a player joins, regardless of their loaded mods, it's only a matter of time before they're kicked without warning. Players are allowed to join the server and play for a while, but they eventually get kicked. I have another (locked) server with nearly identical settings - save for BE and Verify Signatures - and this issue never happens. Is there anyway to resolve this issue without just turning off Battleye and trying to find some other way to protect ourselves against cheaters?
  8. Is there any way to disable the voices? They're really annoying in Zeus when running the mod but not playing with Unsung content. They keep screaming random stuff. my group isn't really into AI voices that much.
  9. Do you knoiw what extra information I could provide? Is there a way to get the server to tell me which files are corrupted when I try and joijn the server? If it believes one of my files fails the authenticity check, it should tell me which file, right?
  10. I've just downloaded the latest version of CUP (1.2.0) and installed the keys on my server, both the CUP_CORE and CUP_Maps files are present in the server. However, when I try to join the server running an identical version of CUP as downloaded to the server( with keys and all). I'm instantly kicked out with no message. I've run the server vanilla, and with every other combination of mods to narrow down that this only happens when CUP is included. Error Message is "You were kicked" with no description towards what plugins were erroneous. Server.LOG file shows only "player was disconnected"
  11. I'd like to have a description.ext that changes a mission wide respawn template depending on different circumstances given. If the server is using ACE3, the respawn templates should be as follows respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"Tickets","MenuPosition"}; respawnTemplatesEast[] = {"Tickets","MenuPosition"}; respawnTemplatesGuer[] = {"Tickets","MenuPosition"}; If the server is Vanilla, or otherwise not using ACE3, the respawn templates should be as follows. respawnTemplatesWest[] = {}; respawnTemplatesEast[] = {}; respawnTemplatesGuer[] = {}; If I have to create an addon to this, that's fine, but I would rather simply keeping these constraints to the mission file. Here's what I've done so far __EVAL(if (isClass(configFile >> "cfgPatches" >> "ace_main")) then {RespawnTemplatesWest = {};}) But this returns an Input after endoffile error, and I can't seem to get this to work. Is there a solution, or a workaround> Would I have to create a new respawn template and somehow script this functionality in by hand?
  12. Used types are "mortar", "recon", "Engineer, Maintenance, Assault, Assault and UAV. These icons do not show up but others do. Here are the troublesome icons. class SupportTeams { id = 8; idtype = 0; side = "WEST"; size = "Platoon"; Type = "Infantry"; Text = "%1 %2 %3"; TextShort = "Support Platoon"; class Mortars { id = 1; idType = 0; size = "Section"; type = "mortar"; Text = "%1 Mortar Battery"; textshort = "Mortars Battery"; }; class Sniper { id = 5; idType = 0; size = "Fireteam"; type = "Recon"; Text = "%1 Sniper Squad"; textshort = "Sierra Team (Sniper)"; }; class Engineer { id = 7; idType = 0; size = "Platoon"; type = "Maintenance"; Text = "7th EOD Platoon"; textshort = "Hades EOD / Engineering"; assets[]={{"B_MRAP_01_F",4}}; class Hades1 { id = 1; idtype = 0; size = "Squad"; type = "Assault"; Text = "1st Combat Engineering Team"; TextShort = "Hades 1"; }; class Hades2 { id = 2; idtype = 0; size = "Squad"; type = "Assault"; Text = "2nd Combat Engineering Team"; TextShort = "Hades 2"; }; }; }; class UAV { id = 1; idType = 0; size = "Section"; type = "UAV"; Text = "%1 %2 Section"; textshort = "UAV Section"; Assets[] = {{"B_UAV_02_F",2}}; };
  13. =242= CPT. Helios

    Some CFGORBAT icons not appearing

    That's all she wrote! Have a like
  14. =242= CPT. Helios

    CFGORBAT Map Icon Texture not working

    The solution provided in the second post works. Here is an example for those who want to see it class CFGOrbat { class EXAMPLECFG{ Insignia = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15])+"NS\Imgs\242Logo.paa"); Texture = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15])+"NS\Imgs\242Logo.paa"); colorInsignia[] = {1,1,1,1}; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; }; }; However, I have an additional problem. I would like to put the entire CFGORBAT into a hpp file and then read it with an include. This helps to keep the description.ext down and assist with moving the orbat around. However, when I use the #include command. I can no longer see the image even with this command. Do preprocessor commands like this break down when used with an #include? Is there any way to negotiate this? Here is an example of what I'm trying to accomplish. Description.EXT class CFGOrbat { #include "NS\Orbat.hpp" }; NS\Orbat.Hpp class 242ndNS { Insignia = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 13])+"\NS\Imgs\242Logo.paa");; Texture = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 13])+"\NS\Imgs\242Logo.paa");; colorInsignia[] = {1,1,1,1}; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; I have attempted to use #define to create the path before the #include, but this does not work. This was my original attempt Description.EXT #define NSIMAGEFILEPATH __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15])+"NS\Imgs\242Logo.paa") class CFGOrbat { #include "NS\Orbat.hpp" }; NS\Orbat.hpp class 242ndNS { Insignia = NSIMAGEFILEPATH; Texture = NSIMAGEFILEPATH; colorInsignia[] = {1,1,1,1}; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; };
  15. class 242ndNS { Insignia = "\NS\Imgs\242logo.paa"; texture = "\NS\Imgs\242logo.paa"; /*can't get this to work for some reason */ }; Everything works except for the texture. The weird thing is that the Insignia works just fine. I'm not sure why I can't get the texture to appear though The solution provided in the second post works. Here is an example for those who want to see it. However, this is another problem that I'm having. class CFGOrbat { class 242ndNS { Insignia = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15])+"NS\Imgs\242Logo.paa"); Texture = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15])+"NS\Imgs\242Logo.paa"); colorInsignia[] = {1,1,1,1}; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; }; }; However, I have an additional problem. I would like to put the entire CFGORBAT into a hpp file and then read it with an include. This helps to keep the description.ext down and assist with moving the orbat around. However, when I use the #include command. I can no longer see the image even with this command. Do preprocessor commands like this break down when used with an #include? Is there any way to negotiate this? Here is an example of what I'm trying to accomplish. Description.EXT class CFGOrbat { #include "NS\Orbat.hpp" }; NS\Orbat.Hpp class 242ndNS { Insignia = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 13])+"NS\Imgs\242Logo.paa");; Texture = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 13])+"NS\Imgs\242Logo.paa");; colorInsignia[] = {1,1,1,1}; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; }; I have attempted to use #define to create the path before the #include, but this does not work. This was my original attempt Description.EXT #define NSIMAGEFILEPATH __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 13])+"NS\Imgs\242Logo.paa") class CFGOrbat { #include "NS\Orbat.hpp" }; NS\Orbat.hpp class 242ndNS { Insignia = NSIMAGEFILEPATH; Texture = NSIMAGEFILEPATH; colorInsignia[] = {1,1,1,1}; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; };
  16. =242= CPT. Helios

    ATLAS Mod: LHD Plus

    I'm having this problem as well.
  17. Players James Bond, Elite Harry and Mezd Upz connected to our server with arsenal anywhere and teleport capability. They were also using modded weapons. We asked them to stop, and kicked them when they didn't. They then rejoined and crashed the server, forcing everyone's desynch to 10000 and killing the players over and over. Suggest you admins add them to the list and and keep these guys out of your public Servers. James Bond - ID - 76561198142295393 - IP - - GUID - 5f30929a628b823fd1718b18f532e6b3 Elite Harry - ID - 76561198086369631 - IP - - GUID aae6db4a2736b7d19a45cbfd64ca7b6f ( Mezd Upz - ID 76561198144448817 - IP - GUID - 5684a4e5c0c8e072abc518b2f66eebb6 We suggest that you guys add these jerks to your banlists, and update this thread with any additional bans. CPT. Helios, 242nd Nightstalkers Name -ID -IP -GUID
  18. =242= CPT. Helios

    What happened to the campaign missions?

    It's been merged into one campagin
  19. The APEX campaign had some splendid blue nametags. My group would like to replace its nametag mod with these nametags from bohemia. Fewer mods is always better. I have not been able to reconstruct the campaign missions to see how this is done. Could someone please explain how this process works? The respawning system in the campaign is also excellent, allowing players to respawn on their group members. How exactly does this work, and can I combine it with the BIS_Revive system?
  20. =242= CPT. Helios

    Enable APEX campaign Nametags and respawning syste

    shame that this isn't a dynamic system, it would have been nice to use this to replace nametags. The respawning system and BIS revive seem excellent though
  21. Whenever I turn on VerifySignatures = 2; onto my server.CFG, the server erratically kicks players for no reason. Every player gets kicked regardless of their ping. I don't get any error messages, I Don't have a MAXPING setting on the server. We're running 0 mods when this happens. If there is no way to get battleye to stop ruining my games, please tell me how I can stop the hackers from destroying my games by stopping them from coming in with their mods.
  22. Whenever I turn on VerifySignatures = 2; onto my server.CFG, the server erratically kicks players for no reason. Every player gets kicked regardless of their ping. I don't get any error messages, I Don't have a MAXPING setting on the server. We're running 0 mods when this happens. If there is no way to get battleye to stop ruining my games, please tell me how I can stop the hackers from destroying my games by stopping them from coming in with their mods.z
  23. Back in the old desciption.ext, we had the ability to set respawn templates for different factions. Civilians, Indfor, West, and East, could all have different settings depending on respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"Tickets","Counter","wave"}; respawnTemplatesEast[] = {,"Counter","wave"}; respawnTemplatesGuer[] = {"Tickets","Counter","Menuposition","wave"}; This functionality is missing from 3den. It is very important for certain, faction based scripts. For example, we have a mission where players on east can take control of AI to fight against a powerful blufor faction of players. Is it possible?
  24. I'd like to see this answered as well