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Everything posted by MANTIA

  1. hmm, that did not work. Do I have to put in a specific number in the rating this area or just paste it into the INIT just like you listed?

    High Command - Problems and Thoughts

    The pains of getting an infantry squad into a vehicles are horrible! A solution needs to be implemented ASAP! A SITREP from units in contact is also a great idea!
  3. You can already adjust the stance of selected units with the vanillia a.i. commands. But I too would like to see a 360 degree security formation kinda like a patrol base. This would be great for when your halted and looking at the map deciding how to approach an objective.
  4. @Windwalking Any way to add a "get in vehicle" command? That could be used for units under High Command? Why? Its been an issue in Arma 2 and 3 that you cant tells units (that are also in high command, not in your group) to get into vehicles while using High Command. This makes using infantry over great distances near impossible unless you want to wait for them to walk across the map back and forth.

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    I'm also on DEV Build But I made that change and now its working perfectly! Thanks a ton for the tool!

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    @spunFIN Did you have a chance yet to take a look at the file I posted the other day? I still haven't been able to figure it out.
  7. I've search around but have found no exact answer on what I'm trying to do. Maybe I'm using the wrong search criteria. Anyways, I want to link all of my mission tasks to a group of players. Currently I have been linking each of them to the tasks individually which is time consuming, messy, and I'm sure there has to be an easier way of doing it especially if my mission will be made up of 20+ playable units. I'm guessing there is probably a module that I can link all tasks to and then link the playable units to that module? But I'm not sure what exactly to use when doing so.
  8. Ah so simple I knew it! Thanks!

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/g21w01kd5yq9pic/DorosMission.zip thanks a ton
  10. A tip for using this. Do not use invisible helipads if your placing the hostage in a building and also planning on calling AI helo transportation support as the AI will use the invisible helipad to try and land on. Me and a few buddies successfully completed a mission to perfection. I then called in 3 blackhawk transports to evac us and all 3 attempted to land on triangular roof buildings........all crashing.
  11. MANTIA

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Hmm, it still doesn't seem to want to work. I'm beginning to think it has to do with the calling my own script. Example of what I'm using: "nul = [this] execVM 'RPKsoldier.sqf';" in my Initialization box in the AISSP flash program. Whats in my gear script: _unit = _this select 0; removeallWeapons _unit; removeallassigneditems _unit; removeuniform _unit; removevest _unit; removebackpack _unit; _unit addvest "V_Chestrig_khk"; _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag",5]; _unit addWeapon "LMG_mas_rpk_F"; _unit adduniform "U_IG_Guerilla3_1";
  12. MANTIA

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Thanks a bunch man! I'll give that try in a bit.
  13. MANTIA

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Having a bit of a problem calling my own script. I've tried 2 ways: First Way: _unit = this select 0; removeallWeapons _unit; removeallassigneditems _unit; removeuniform _unit; removevest _unit; removebackpack this; _unit addvest "V_Chestrig_khk"; _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag",5]; _unit addWeapon "LMG_mas_rpk_F"; _unit adduniform "U_IG_Guerilla3_1"; Second Way: removeallweapons this; removeallassigneditems this; removeuniform this; removevest this; removebackpack this; this addvest "V_Chestrig_khk"; this addMagazines ["30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag",5]; this addWeapon "LMG_mas_rpk_F"; this adduniform "U_IG_Guerilla3_1";
  14. MANTIA

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Thanks, I see where to put my init commands in ".sqf" but how exactly would this be handled since multiple a.i. are spawned sometimes with a + number? Would all spawn in with the same gear? Is there a way to randomize this? I guess I could just use multiple fillhouse scripts mixing them up between riflemen, machine gunners, ect.
  15. MANTIA

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    spunFIN, is there a way to give the a.i. that are spawned custom loadouts?
  16. Hello, I've been learning quite a lot using the forums, google, youtube, ect over the past few days. However, I've run into wall on this one. How do I find classnames for weapons,clothes, ect from addons I've downloaded? Basically I'm trying to dress some a.i. up as a ragtag group with AK's and such.
  17. MANTIA

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Awesome mod! I'll be using it.
  18. Mouse Button 2, it is a smaller button just left of my Left Mouse button
  19. When I run the Test in VAC Builder I get "Phrase recognized, but activation key not pressed.". However, when I push the key I have set the green light in the bottom left box next to Push to Activate Key does light up green........so to me that means it has been pressed.
  20. Hello, I found a mission via the Steam Workshop that I wish to edit to my SP liking. Basically I just want to remove almost all the vehicles that spawn in on the start. How do I go about opening and editing one of these mission pbo's? Thank You.
  21. Hey guys. I've messed around with the editor a lot over the last few days. Mainly learning via youtube videos and other helpful posts. I've found most of these resources via google search and the forum search option but there are a few areas I can't seem to find the resources on my own. About what I'm working on: I took an Insurgency mission file posted on Steam Workshop, unpacked the pbo's and am editing it for me and a friends personal use. I've added some Friendly A.I. infantry and some support assets such as CAS and Artillery. But looking to make a few more adjustments to things I was to tweak for personal enjoyment. 1. Dead Enemy A.I. Bodies: How to get their corpse to stay present? Currently I kill and A.I. and within seconds his corpse disappears. So if hes on the run when I'm shooting him I often am not sure if I killed him or if he is hidden because I can't find a body. How and Where do I go to edit this please? 2. Enemy A.I. Spawn Distance: Currently in this Insurgency mission I go to a red block and A.I. spawns. However sometimes they don't spawn till I'm close and BAM all of a sudden I have enemy APCs and Infantry spawning before my eyes. I would like for them to already be present when I get within 900 meters so I can recon the area. 3. Enemy AIM and Skill: Where and how do I edit this? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  22. I get that same error. My work around that is working for me: When messing with Builder I DO NOT run as administrator and I made sure VAC System is Closed. However, when I'm using VAC to play in game I DO run as administrator and make sure Builder is closed. I have stopped getting that error when doing things that way. ---------- Post added at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ---------- My Problem: When I have a push to activate Voice Commands enabled my VAC does not work in game. However, if I changed the Voice Commands key to NONE it does work in game. However, not having a "push to talk" button often ends up with VAC thinking I'm trying to give voice commands when I'm not like if I talk to someone in the room or in TeamSpeak. Am I doing something wrong? I tried having my push to command button as just "mouse2". Are there only specific keys that can be used for this?
  23. Is there a way to edit the loadouts of the recruited a.i. players? Like if I wanted them to spawn in with weapon and clothing mods I have downloaded? thanks
  24. MANTIA

    Editing a Mission?

    Thank you!
  25. How would I go about outfitting my soldiers with the mods I have downloaded? such as weapons,clothes, ect?