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Everything posted by MANTIA

  1. Terox, thanks a ton for the detailed answer! What type of connection would I be needing if I build my own? I get around 9.5 Mbps Down and 3.75 Mbps Up.

    Land Navigation mod

    Excellent work! I have a recommendation/request: Ranger beads to keep track of how far you have gone. Not sure it is a must but another immersion feature that could be added.
  3. Problem using A2 units in game. A3 units are working correctly. I don't have a AiA_DisableA3Content.pbo and I never removed the AiA_DisableA3Content.pbo? from looking through the threads I understand that this should have been in AllInArma by default?
  4. .......I never witnessed this problem. No problem with hitting things 10meters away. If anything it is easier to shoot in Arma 3 than in real life.
  5. Any plans for implementation of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Pakistan (FATA)? I just discovered is island the other night and was wowed by it.

    No Women=Disturbing

    I want females in the game mostly for the civilian side. Fill your mission or ALIVE game with civilians adds a whole different level of immersion.

    Non-enterable Buildings

    Was wondering if anyone knows if some of the current non-enterable buildings are planned to be enterable in future updates? The factory complexes could be the site for some incredible missions if you could get into the buildings. As of right now they just looks cool from the outside but are disappointing when you get up close and can't utilize any of the structures!
  8. Awesome! Real Land Navigation can now be brought into Arma 3.

    Non-enterable Buildings

    The large factory buildings are also non-enterable. Which kinda kills the possibility of planning it as an objective. "Oh I have to search this area for a dirty bomb?" But can't enter the biggest buildings in the objective?".
  10. So it works if one player has TPW on a dedi it works?
  11. This mod looks great. I've watched it from afar because I saw in the description that it won't work on a dedi server for MP. However, I've seen people mention MP in the replies so I'm a bit confused. Will it work on a MP dedi server?
  12. Anyone give this a try with an ALiVE server yet?
  13. MANTIA

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Smoke grenades kick up more smoke than an artillery smoke screen! Other than that I love it :)
  14. I think most of the replies in this thread come from people who think they know what a game engine is but really have no idea. Which is the case in almost all "this engine is better than this engine" debates.
  15. MANTIA

    Max_Cops and Robbers MOD

    Can you post the classnames? or have I missed them somewhere?
  16. MANTIA

    Non-enterable Buildings

    One major factor complex is found if you take the main road North East out of Kavala. Its just off the road on the Northern side of the road.
  17. Hello I've search around the forums and google and haven't seen any other thread that answers this. I want OPFOR A.I. to be invincible to BLUFOR A.I. but to be able to be killed by BLUEFOR human players. I want to do this so an a.i. vs a.i. battle ensues and so that human players respond as a QRF to change the momentum of the battle.
  18. I'm not a COD fan but I'm really liking this addon. Can't wait!
  19. Thanks so much DarkDruid. That does exactly what I need. The creation of this mission was at a halt for the last few days but now I can complete it. Thanks again!
  20. Looks like a U.S. Army Infantry Drill Sergeant hat from good ol' Ft. Benning , GA. FOLLOW ME!
  21. No populated servers? Or am I just doing something wrong in sorting for the TacBF servers?
  22. MANTIA

    VTS Duck Hunt

    Awesome. I was just trying to create a mission in the editor the other night that would be similar to the type of firefights when I was in Afghanistan. Then I realized the a.i. wouldn't fight from mountain to mountain and it ruined my whole mission. This is exactly what I had in mind. So it only works on Vanilla A3 weapons?
  23. I want them to engage each other, not ignore each other. So that the human players can hear the fire fight in the distance and locate the unit in distress. Is there a way to have them blindly fire at nothing? I suppose to could simulate the firefight without actually killing each other.
  24. I appreciate your help Kerc Kasha But this still seems to allow the BLUFor A.I. to kill the OPfor A.I.