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Everything posted by MANTIA

  1. Looks good! I love the amount of opfor addons released recently.
  2. I can't seem to get the Mission Wizard to work along with Clafghan or F.A.T.A. islands? Any plans to make them compatible in the future?

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Happy to hear about MCC compatability. I know it is designed for ALiVE in mind but many use ALIVE and the MCC Mission generation wizard together.

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    I see that "angry civilians" are planned in the future. Are there also non angry civies planned as well?

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    :) I can guess the secret since I see an object model :)

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Can't wait for this! Like someone already mentioned Civies to go along with please!

    Middle East Irregulars

    What doesn't work with them? I have the 75th in my Alive game right now.
  8. Is there a way to have an a.i. squad dismount a helicopter via the ALiVe transport module? I can get them to board using the MCC but I cant figure out how to get them to dismount once the bird lands.

    infantry needs.

    Suppression effects are needed for the infantry side. Suppression effects are always a touchy subject in first person shooters. You have those who want it and those who don't. However, suppression is what routinely determines the outcome in most real engagements. Almost every battle drill (from armies all around the world) are built around suppressing the enemy while another element finishes off the enemy. Tactics differ around the world. In the western way infantry combat you will see battle drills that focus more on direct fire engagements while other friendly elements close in to destroy. Far eastern tactics differ in that many are centered around destroying the enemy with indirect fire, BUT with keeping the enemy in one area by suppressing them with direct fire weapons. My point is you can't create a "military simulation" without having a suppression effect. I would also say those who don't want it and think that bullets whizzing by their head would have no effect on them precisely returning fire to point targets have never been suppressed in real combat before.
  10. Any way to get an a.i. squad to load and unload from a helicopter via the support chain? I can call the support, have the a.i. squad "get in nearest" but I can't get them to dismount the bird. I cant select the bird the same way since it is a support object.
  11. Has anyone actually got this to work? Like had an a.i. group load onto a bird you called in via mcc support? I can't seem to get it to work.
  12. Question about High Command with MCC If you don't already know there is a huge problem with High Command in Arma 3 (been told it also existed in Arma 2). But it doesn't allow you to tell a friendly squad to load onto a friendly vehicles for transportation. If you want to move an infantry squad you basically have to march them across the map to the objective. I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to use MCC as a work around for this? I tinkered around with trying to give the "get in" or "load" waypoints in the group generator but was not successful but feel as if I'm close. Does anyone know how to do this with MCC? P.S. If not able to do with MCC I think it would be a great feature for future releases. Could open up an entire new level of play.
  13. Hello everyone. I'm pretty good with knowledge and troubleshooting of my own PC but admittedly have minimal knowledge of the network and server side of things. I am going to be creating an Arma 3 server here soon for my Arma 3 group and have a few noobish questions if someone could please help me out with. 1. Difference between Dedicated Server & "Game Servers" on providers such as HFB and Vilayer? 2. What would you recommend for an Arma 3 group that is made up of 20 players and plans to host an ALiVE/MSO server in the near future? 3. Any other recommended options rather than HFB and Vilayer?
  14. MANTIA

    JUMP please!!

    Anyone who wants to jump has never worn a kit with a combat load before or is a POG.
  15. You may have inspired me to play as a Green Beret leading my own FIA unconventional force into battle! Definitely when I can save a game.
  16. Earlier I and some friends were playing. We generated a mission with 2 tasks and then spent quite awhile waiting for one more friend to get on. While waiting a message popped up saying both tasks had been completed. Is there a time limit on completing tasks?
  17. In the new Mission Generator Wizard what is the "stealth" option? I haven't been able to figure it out.
  18. I've seen in a few places that the African Conflict addon is suppose to work in the next update? I was wondering if there was just a solution created for these addon units or was there something done to implement all addon on unit packs?
  19. I've seen an RPG travel through and out the other side of an MRAP.
  20. Question: Are you able to spawn friendly a.i. into your group to command? If not I think that would be a good future addition.
  21. Truely impressed with the Mission Wizard! I'm one of the missions makers for a group I'm apart of. I enjoy making missions but at the same time I kinda know what to expect since I created them myself. This Mission Wizard allows easy creation of a type of mission we want to run without any of us knowing the exact details!
  22. MANTIA

    Loli Defense

    Looks interesting. Anyway to disable the money part to just allow outpost constuction?
  23. Hello guys. I'm putting together a mission where you have to hunt a series of enemy mortar sites. Basically I want an a.i. mortar to repeatedly fire onto a position on a map. The players will listen to the tubes out fire to determine the exact position of the enemy mortar. This is what I thought would do the trick. The a.i. mortar seems to acknowledge the "watch" part as he spins himself around and points the tube toward the target (variable T1). However he doesn't fire a single round. The target is an invisible helipad named T1 this doWatch T1; T1 = this select 1; mortar = this select 0 ;X = getPos T1 select 0; Y = getPos T1 select 1; mortar1 commandArtilleryFire [[X, Y, 0], "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells", 1]; goto"redo"; Any ideas on how to get this mortar man to fire?
  24. The group I play with is having a hard time finding good TvT modes. I've searched around but can't find one that is close to what we are looking for. -No or limited respawns -Objective based (capture point/area OR something along those lines) -Able to be played with small numbers 4v4 or 6v6 type numbers.
  25. Thanks for the replies. I enjoy TacBF but not so sure it fits smaller numbers as well. It also requires a bit of a setup on the server side that is more than just uploading a mission. galzohar, I think I'll give your game a try. It looks pretty fun and it may be a good fit for what we are looking for.