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Everything posted by topden

  1. topden

    co10 Escape

    such a problem: on some islands where a lot of water players are often killed in the water. their script throws to the shore, but it can be either the near, or the opposite shore of the river or the sea. Can I add a mark on the map to the player who is "thrown" to the shore and removed it after the revive of this player? http://joxi.ru/ZrJkznMI1aeg9m 1. some players 2. kilied player in water 3.kilied player wait revive (need marker) it still happens when you lie on the shore a little bit with your feet in the water and when you are killed at this moment you "fly away" to the other side) .Sry for my bad English, I hope you understand what I mean
  2. topden

    co10 Escape

    there is a file fn_initserver.sqf, there you will change tsyfry on vehicles civil or military on 0 and everything will be fine. without errors in rpt http://joxi.ru/1A5GKwohKBXL8m
  3. Great work ? 1. btr40 http://joxi.ru/4Aklg1qTMWplwr 2. м249 http://joxi.ru/bmoJENgHMaYj7r http://joxi.ru/BA0G5wohBG34N2 http://joxi.ru/5mdBgRqCvjW6GA how to aim? 3. PKT http://joxi.ru/xAeBg3MCY3GZ7r 4. more vehicles http://joxi.ru/n2YXgExCjXPRWm where drivers look at the sky 5. http://joxi.ru/5mdBgRqCvjWKGA 6. http://joxi.ru/L21G6woh659L8r Really? and moreeeeeeeeeeeeeee bugs
  4. topden

    co10 Escape

  5. topden

    co10 Escape

    could you add a 3d marker to the wounded player? so that it can be seen at a distance of 100-200 meters. eg http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31478 but this script unfortunately does not work. It would be easier to look for the wounded without a camera
  6. please correct the sound of walking along the ground on Wintera. Becouse we walk on the wooden planks of the half-island
  7. topden

    co10 Escape

    it is possible revive and respawn ) or what you will be able to make) dynamic quantity in the menu of a mission at choice to players. , for example 20,40,60,80,unlimited. Its very hardcore when u have limit of revive\respawn)
  8. topden

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    can u do that your compass HUD is turn on if the player has a arma-compass in the equipment and turned off if he does not?
  9. topden

    co10 Escape

    Do you plan to make a limit on players' respawn? In the mission menu, set for example a certain value. 20 lives for all players or 20 lives for each or something like that
  10. do you plan to change bridges to normal ones from Tanoa for example?
  11. topden

    Tembelan Island

    do you plan to add bridges to normal ones from Tanoa for example?
  12. Hey. Do you plan to change the vegetation on the map of isla duala, Panthera and Lingor on vanilla from Tanoa? Honestly, the CUP-vegetation are already cutting their eyes. You added houses from Tanoa, it turned out perfectly. Maybe it's time to cut out the CUP stuff from the maps? Or at least refresh palm trees and other landscapes?If these islands had Tanoa's trees, prices would not be there!
  13. topden

    co10 Escape

    ok. thx for answer)
  14. topden

    co10 Escape

    download last version 1.8.1 . start on local computer - working all, start on dedicate server - not respawn patrols and blockpost. In rpt. file has many errors. Altis version http://joxi.ru/LmGn9RMiROjYpr 2:38:40 "0:5 Debug: Group 'O Alpha 3-5' garbage collected." 2:38:46 "Initializing aquatic patrols." 2:38:47 "Initialized aquatic patrols: 43" 2:38:47 "0:12 Debug: Starting script Ambient Infantry..." 2:38:47 Error in expression < _minSpawnDistance)); _spawnX = (getPos _referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct> 2:38:47 Error position: <_referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct> 2:38:47 Error Undefined variable in expression: _referenceunit 2:38:47 File functions\Common\fn_RandomSpawnPos.sqf [A3E_fnc_RandomSpawnPos], line 14 2:38:47 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes); _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []> 2:38:47 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []> 2:38:47 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number 2:38:47 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129 2:38:47 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes); _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []> 2:38:47 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []> 2:38:47 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number 2:38:47 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129 2:38:47 "0:12 Debug: Starting Military Traffic CIV..." 2:38:47 Error in expression < _dir = random 360; _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance> 2:38:47 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance> 2:38:47 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit 2:38:47 File functions\DRN\fn_MilitaryTraffic.sqf [drn_fnc_MilitaryTraffic], line 117 2:38:47 Error in expression < _dir = random 360; 2:38:37 Error in expression <rivate _player = selectRandom _players; _player;> 2:38:37 Error position: <_player;> 2:38:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: _player 2:38:37 File functions\Common\fn_GetRandomPlayer.sqf [A3E_fnc_GetRandomPlayer], line 3 2:38:37 Error in expression <random 360; private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance> 2:38:37 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance> 2:38:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit 2:38:37 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15 2:38:37 Error in expression <random 360; private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance> 2:38:37 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance> 2:38:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit 2:38:37 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15 2:38:37 Error in expression <random 360; private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance> 2:38:37 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance> 2:38:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit 2:38:37 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15 2:38:37 Error in expression <random 360;
  15. sorry, my mistake) inattentively read. yes, 64 did not work. launched on 32
  16. i try to start ocap on windows10 on my computer-working. Try to start on windows server 2015 - not working. Ocap starting, but not log.txt and not temp folder "Temp" and file *.json after finish mission. Local export not working too. some log: start mission http://joxi.ru/krDRzKMH09n6b2 finish http://joxi.ru/BA0G5wohBRjXn2 http://joxi.ru/RmzoE6ZHW3bKy2
  17. IBR mod... in cup...ya...sry
  18. some bugs on all your maps after last update arma3 http://joxi.ru/V2V3bMOF0zVnDA look on eden redactor.
  19. topden

    Project OPFOR

    LOP_AFR_OPF_Landrover_M2 LOP_AFR_OPF_Landrover http://joxi.ru/gmvlpEWTxbbJDA http://joxi.ru/EA44LwoiDNNGBA
  20. sry, can you write command for it? for example how force-add "ACE_RangeCard"?
  21. after the last update АСЕ3 , your mod does not show in the arsenal of items like: although some ace-items show - for example, an altimeter) . Vanilla first aid kit and tool does not show. In our mission did not change anything very long time and it all worked. When installing the old version of ACE3 things all. In your exemplary mission, items from ace are also not displayed (XLA_FixedArsenalExample.Stratis)
  22. http://joxi.ru/Vm64Zwoix1n41A This type of house has transparent walls and doors. you can go right through http://joxi.ru/GrqGjqphNVM4Z2 http://joxi.ru/p274awPi0vVK4A http://joxi.ru/zAN6z1WTlXqvkA
  23. topden

    Redd'n'Tank Vehicles

    http://joxi.ru/EA44LwoiDanwWA http://joxi.ru/DrlBgy0C43eVZ2
  24. yes, sorry.. but maybe you can change some walls of castles and castle on "vanilla" http://joxi.ru/DmBZ8dPUNjeBdm arma has long been extended, can better use the texture of vanilla (Altis or Malden) and do not use the CUP ?
  25. abramia, bug, this place http://joxi.ru/12M5zk6c47Rgv2 http://joxi.ru/BA0G5wohBN6ql2 Do not shoot the castle walls in these places. will be able to correct this please . Thank you.