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Everything posted by Bkp

  1. Except a lot of errors, I got another problem when running CO like this, the speedo and the altimeter are not working
  2. Yeah I wonder what those guys in the army thought when they made the roundel I think a bit darker colors should help
  3. Uh I kinda have some problems, the 3d editor is not working as it should I press X select something to spawn, click Apply, the object appears for like half a second and then dissapears.
  4. Hello, I want to make a new crate with the radios from ACRE So far I made this: config.cpp: + $PBOPREFIX$ file: and made from those two a .pbo file called "acrebox" But it won't appear in the editor
  5. Well this is it: http://www.mediafire.com/?8du37mq73znyzn7 You just add it from the editor It's called "Radio Crate" and you can find it inside "Ammo"
  6. Nevermind I managed to do this myself:
  7. Still getting CTD I noticed that it's happening when the dude is talking
  8. I managed somehow to view the intro and jump out of the plane but when that dude tells me about the car it crashes, I hope you find a fix for this Mondkalb
  9. Bkp

    SEAL Team Six

    After running around after that guy like a headless chicken, I entered the house and the dialog started even if he wasn't there
  10. What the hell is that on top of the tower :eek: Hmm not possible to remove the text in the middle of the screen but let the text in the Action Menu? Or make it auto-hide , it get's really annoying after some time
  11. Bkp

    SEAL Team Six

    Hey Sick, Nice campaigns, I finished ST1, 2 and 3 and enjoyed them. Now I'm playing ST4 but I have a little problem, I don't know if it is normal but in the mission Cold Dawn, that Gredenko dude runs away and I can't interrogate him.