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Posts posted by mad_cheese

  1. I have been playing the Forgotten Few since the Arma 2 version. Just came back to Arma after 3 years and it's obvious to me that your mission is the best piece of playable content ever made for the Arma series, by a landslide. I still keep finding little things, the replay-ability is unmatched and the mission is robust. I think I had like two or three cases of a mission not finishing, in all these years. 


    Salut KingN you're a legend in my book.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  2. I am trying to make sure if a vehicle's engine is not only on (as with engineOn), but in fact fully running.


    Examples would be a helicopter that started it's engine, but is not able to lift off.


    Some ground vehicles, such as the RHS M1 Tanks, seemingly have different phases like this too. The engine starts audibly, but the vehicle is initially unable to move. Then a new engine-sound starts playing, with more intensity, and the vehicle is able to move.


    canMove and engineOn do not yield the result I need. I'm imagining something like a float between 0-1, although I guess that's not how it works.

  3. Hello, I have a technical question. Some vehicles (ie the BM21 or D30) have no data defined for magazines or turret-magazines within cfgVehicles. I can also not seem to grab the weapon names the same way that I'm used to - have to say that I never was a config wiz.


    Maybe this is not even the right approach, I am trying to distinguish offensive artillery vehicles from ie recon ones like the PRP-3.


    Any pointers are appreciated!

  4. Hi @Tankbuster! Thanks for your answer, I have to admit I am a fan of your work, ha!


    I do need the edge unfortunately. I have found a rather weird workaround that ends up working in my case, by using the pathCalculated eventhandler. I can create the path and check it's length until it eventually hits an area 🙂


    I'm still very interested in this problem in general, how to get the shortest line between a point and the edge of an area/plane.

  5. After all these years, still bad with the math 🙂


    Let's say I have an array with multiple areas in the regular format [_center,_sizeA, _sizeB, _dir, _isRectangle]


    How would I check which one of these areas/planes is the closest to a position? In this case, sorting by distance to the areas centers is not working.


    Thanks guys.


    EDIT: I think I got it https://mathinsight.org/distance_point_plane


    Going to be a headache but I'll get there


    • Like 1

  6. On 7/1/2017 at 2:54 PM, Larrow said:
    _nBuilding = nearestBuilding player;
    _cfg = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _nBuilding;
    _EdenCat = getText( _cfg >> "editorCategory" );
    _EdenSubCat = getText( _cfg >> "editorSubcategory" );
    if !( _EdenCat isEqualTo "" ) then {
    	_EdenCat = getText( configFile >> "CfgEditorCategories" >> _EdenCat >> "displayName" );
    if !( _EdenSubCat isEqualTo "" ) then {
    	_EdenSubCat = getText( configFile >> "CfgEditorSubCategories" >> _EdenSubCat >> "displayName" );
    hint format[ "%1 is in\n%2\n%3", typeOf _nBuilding, _EdenCat, _EdenSubCat ];



    At the risk of hurting the rules of this forum (necromancing this and that). I would like to take a moment to really appreciate @Larrow for being the absolute saint of Arma Coding.

    Not saying there is not anyone else who does this much, but this man has helped so many people here take their stuff to the next level. 


    Thank you Larrow, from the heart ❤️

    • Like 2

  7. 5 hours ago, =jps=sgtrock said:

    The problem that I'm running into is that I can't pull up the High Command context menu as shown in that video. 


    Hi there, the Static weapon assembly as used in my videos is not a part of C2 | Steam but a beta project I have been working on over the last two years.

    5 hours ago, =jps=sgtrock said:



    if !(false) then ([(group |#|this)] call MCSS_C2_HC_HP_WP_COMPLETE;
    Error Undefined variable in expression: this
    File C2_CORE\FNC_AI\fncs_HighCommand.sqf..., line 597

    When I right click on the waypoint, the error remains on the screen and I get the BIS menu instead of the C2 menu that includes the Action submenu.


     Sounds like you have a BIS HighCommand module synced to your player. Unfortunately this creates issues, the script error comes up if you hover over a waypoint with modified statements (basically every waypoint), showing 'this' as undefined although the scripts always seemed to have executed correctly. Just get rid of the HC module, for the STEAM version you are using I recommend AIC by Duda134 to gain access over all highCommand groups.

    • Thanks 1

  8. Hey guys,


    I forgot to mention in these forums that the addon has received some fixes:


    C2 V2.1.2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iqdfj250sqpn3dt/%40C2_212.zip?dl=1


    FIXED: Grenade and Suppression WP-Actions could not be selected
    FIXED: WP-Conditions could not be selected



    C2's successor is coming along more than well too! Here's a new video displaying some new naval capabilities. 



    To avoid confusion, the update and the beta in the video are two different things. I wanted to post the video and realized I never mentioned the last update on these boards.

    • Like 6

  9. I am not sure how to respond to this 🙂


    You are not 'expected' to do anything. But say if you wanted to do some things - you could! There's a serious amount of functions in this addon and maybe a few of them will match what you are looking for. As far as words like 'probably' go, the only advice I can give is that expectations and assumptions can generally be confirmed or refuted by giving things a try. You pretty much have control mechanics available at any level, 1st person cam, 3rd person cam, command view, drones and map. However some of those may be more developed in the beta project.


    The image of the C2 2.0 trailer is orchestrated with animations and frozen units. Some call it promotion, some would call it false advertising. The image itself only has so much to do with the addon and more with the 'hey i need your attention' idea. You can however stack up units around objects and walls with C2, which is the basic thing I wanted to communicate in a way that looked cool.


    The lean you are looking for is CTRL+A, a default Arma mechanic/animation. If you are referring to making the AI do that animation - that would be a negative.

  10. The videos are recorded with a totally overhauled BETA version thanks. It's not misleading if you read the description

    🙂 If you have problems using the STEAM addon and need assistance, feel free to ask.



    ps: i think I know who you are. Bye Mosin, thanks for calling me a ni***r fa***ot on Discord. Have fun fighting ISIS. If I'm wrong, just ignore 🙂


    • Confused 1

  11. Thanks @killzone_kid and sorry - I had a wrong understanding of positionCameraToWorld as far as the second point is concerned, I missed the example from the biki because I thought it checked 1000m above the camera, not including the direction. Makes sense looking from it that way that it would not be clear what the hell I was trying to do in the first place! Thank you, although I feel a bit stupid now this definitely solved my problem. 


    One last question remains: is there a way to get lineIntersectsSurfaces between the position of the commander turret and the position it is pointing at? This would be useful for me when the player is commander and in "Internal" view.

  12. Thanks for your reply @killzone_kid ! And apologies, I'm in a bit over my head and don't have the terminology straight exactly.


    In short, what I need is the equivalent of weapondirection (specifically the z value)  for the commander's turret, so the actual angle of elevation. 


    Longer version  (maybe the script explains it better) : I'm trying to find lineIntersectsSurfaces between the players camera and where the player is 'looking', so I can snap an object to it.

    I use ATLtoASL (screenToWorld [0.5,0.5]) as the target position. The problem with that is that it always returns a z-value of 0, so it only works if you have a terrain-intersect between ATLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) and ATLtoASL (screenToWorld [0.5,0.5]), or if the position you look is below your cam's position. If you 'look' above the 'horizon' for the lack of a better word, screenToWorld will return a position on ground level, at a distance that seems connected to viewDistance. So if you are say in the VR-map, which is flat, then place a HQ-Tower and point your look at it's top floor, you will not get the intersect between your cam's position and the building using lineintersects.

    For this reason I am creating a triangle, using the camera's elevation angle. It works well enough for me when using weaponDirection or cameraViewDirection's z-values, but I need an alternative for when the player is commander of a vehicle and using the "GUNNER" camera mode.


    Script example of what I am doing: I need to get this working for when the player is commander of the vehicle and using 'GUNNER' cameraview.

    //-- get base information, point A and B
    _vehicle = vehicle player;
    _refPos1 = ATLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]);
    _unitHeightASL = _refPos1 select 2;
    _refPos2 = (screentoworld [0.5,0.5]);
    _angle = (_vehicle weapondirection currentweapon _vehicle) select 2; 
    //-- simplified example. I have a function to return angle depending on circumstances, it can also return: (getCameraViewDirection player) select 2
    //-- when the player is in commander turret and "GUNNER" view, I used (_vehicle animationPhase "obsGun") >> I need an alternative
    //-- create a triangle to get point C    
    _refDist = _refPos1 distance2d _refpos2;
    _refHeight = _unitHeightASL + (_refDist * (tan (deg _angle)));
    _refPos2 set [2,_refHeight];
    _interSectList = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_refPos1,_refPos2, player, vehicle player, true, 1, "GEOM", "NONE", true];
    _return = ((_interSectList select 0) select 0);
    //-- _indicator setPosASL _return



  13. Hi there,


    It would be amazing if somebody would be able to clarify this: In the biki for weaponDirection, it's stated that animationPhase and animationSourcePhase can be used to return the radians for turret direction (or in my case elevation) when using vehicles. But it turns out they are not the same:


    Testing with gunner position:

    (_vehicle weapondirection currentweapon vehicle player) select 2

    >> returns -0.0989731 (example)

    _vehicle animationPhase "MainGun"


    _vehicle animationSourcePhase "MainGun"

    >> in the same example, they both return -0.052165 which is a big shift

    Correspondingly using deg(x) also yields dramatically different results


    The weaponDirection example works perfectly for what I'm trying to achieve, but that's only an option for the gunner and the results for the commander turret are totally off unfortunately. 


    Hope the oracle can help! Thank you :)


  14. Hello @KingN and everybody who enjoys this fantastic mission. I just wanted to inform you that I updated the release version of C2 and the incompatabilities have been adressed!


    I have been playing TFF2 again for the last week and I can't stop emphasizing enough how much I enjoy it. The only input that I could think of would be more units occupying buildings outside of the 'Clear building' mission type.

  15. Hello there,

    after a long time of working only on the BETA of C2's successor, I have finally managed to iron out some bugs in the release version.

    C2 2.1.1


    S T E A M
    D R O P B O X

    FIXED: Map UI could bleed out of screen depending on interface size setting
    FIXED: Mod no longer clashes with the THE FORGOTTEN FEW misison
    ADDED: Force Tracker can be disabled in init.sqf (MCSS_C2_DISABLE_TRACKER = true;) >> Exile missions etc


    Hope you enjoy!

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 3

  16. Hey guys sorry for the absence - there may very well be issues with the STEAM version that I am not aware of, I promise I will look into those asap. The medic thing in particular is not perfect by any means but so far I only know of medics not being available if they are currently 'busy'. Next week I'll check and make some nice adjustment for STEAM as well, in the meantime anyone is always welcome to peep the Beta on discord (check main thread)
