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About 2LtJester

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  1. 2LtJester

    The Undead Mod

  2. 2LtJester

    The Undead Mod

    I'm having trouble with this as well. I made a mission ages ago that used the first script, and I eventually got it to work but can't remember what else I had to do to make it work... Like Woodstock21 I tried a marker named "ZedSpawn1" and tried the same with a game logic. Neither work but I distinctly remember using a game logic in it somewhere down the line either way. Can anyone help me out? I should probably point out I've looked through Charon's demo missions as well and couldn't work out what I wasn't doing or was doing wrong XD Cheers in advance, Jester
  3. 2LtJester

    The Undead Mod

    Now I'm having trouble with the safe zones. If I copy the triggers over from the example missions just one with "this; CHN_SAFELIST1=thisList;" in works, but if I try to add any others, including the second safe zone from the example mission these won't work. I tried going into the second safe zone in the example mission and that didn't seem to be working either, since the zombies just come straight into it and kill anyone within the trigger boundaries. wrong code perhaps or is it something I'm doing wrong? :confused: EDIT: Changing it to "this; CHN_SAFELIST3=thisList;" instead of CHN_SAFELIST2=thisList; seems to work... That will do :D
  4. 2LtJester

    The Undead Mod

    You're the man :D thank you Also, had another proper look through the lists and the Russian classnames were indeed there, sorry!
  5. 2LtJester

    The Undead Mod

    Can anybody tell me what the class name is for the zombie russian soldiers? Couldn't find it in the numerous lists and I've tried "CHN_ZOMBIE_Russian_Soldier" or ""CHN_ZOMBIE_RussianSoldier" but neither work - not sure what else to try XD cheers in advance
  6. Thank you man, really was pretty simple after all! :D now just to work on enhancing it (text colour etc). really appreciate it :notworthy: I hope it's also not too much to ask for some advice on this as well? Cheers in advance if so :)
  7. Hey all, I've been racking my brains and doing some pretty intense searching over the last few days on how to make a simple intro at the start of my mission (though possibly not hard enough :confused:). I'm wanting to just have it fade in, with some text showing the date/time and possibly the location and operation name in the centre - essentially as it is in the campaign. I'm entirely new to this side of things in the editor, I was assuming it could be done with the trigger effects but I'm struggling to even make that work :mad: Is it this simple or is it far more complicated? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)