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Everything posted by cotabucky

  1. lol ,You couldn't possibly take a picture of it.It would be like trying to take a picture of lightning.Well I guess its possible but i'm not going to attempt it :D . It could be do to mods I am using. Yes what your saying I find true.Its mostly the same issues I have with just simply not knowing what is needed to make everything work in MP from editor.Learning little by little ;)
  2. Thanks :) Ive had no issues with anything yet in my extensive busy coop mission since last figuring out a few things I had messed up :D . Well I do notice once and a while a flicker of an object or body coming back like a ghost but doesn't effect gameplay. Anybody else experience this? As in seeing what was an alive soldier standing for a split second when they have been dead a while lying on the ground.
  3. cotabucky

    BAF or PMC?

    Ever try PMC in coop? I had a ton of fun online with a friend..
  4. cotabucky

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Tried to delete my post.My bad
  5. cotabucky

    Steam needs to know

    This needs to happen for US as well as Bohemia but i'm not the one to make it happen lol :) .I want to help in any way I can though.
  6. cotabucky

    Why is this game not more popular?

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=129272 ---------- Post added at 07:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 AM ---------- You ran into some losers is all I can say.
  7. cotabucky

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Well do we need to speak louder?! Seriously now that the update is out and the game is that much more ready for the masses.It needs to be listed in STEAM FREE. It only makes sense! You must know this more than us lol :) . If I am going to put my full support to one game company it would whole heartedly be for you guys at Bohemia. I looked real quick at steam for comments and stuff cause I was going to recommend ARMA2 free to be listed. Does anybody want to try and push this? I would love to be a part of this if anybody does. Lets do it!
  8. Awesome! :) ---------- Post added at 04:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 AM ---------- I just used a simple paradrop with gamelogic and "AND" waypoints( 1sec apart) synced to group detection trigger to have two groups eject using the action "eject" without hurting each other.Anybody else do this and know if it works online O.K. ? I through this in this thread so not to start another and give this script some attention too ;) . Radio trigger? with a hint or taskhint maybe? how about just changing delay? Must be a simple way.
  9. cotabucky

    BAF or PMC?

    I like the PMC for the coop and always like more stuff to add to my editing collection.I also say support bis and get them both :)
  10. I agree with you and I think its the right additude to have. One thing I will note though is my system if hosting needs to be up to the task(cause I havnt done the dedicated server thing yet). My mission currently i'm building and tweaking is quite demanding with lots of explosions,vehicles action,etc,etc and i do try and take a lot of time tweaking spawn placements,ACM activation and everything else to run well on as many systems as possible but I wonder how well it will play on a system that isn't as powerfull or more powerfull than mine. If you played on my mission i would have to set your character up custom I think with a specific draw distance in order for you to play and be happy in my mission(I could be wrong). My buddy with his Sandybridge 2600k OC'd to 4.5-5ghz and gtx580 says it runs great without slowdown on his end but I can tell you on my end I see some slowdown in places do to so much crazy shit going on in mission and me hosting(I am an exteremely NOT PRO mission builder btw ). I do use mods and can say Bohemia's missions are silky smooth with a gtx580 so that has something to do with it as well i'm sure.Right now I usually run my gtx580 with settings maxed out with Drawdistance of at least 3000M because when I back off settings I don't seem to gain much so I say F-it and take the slight FPS hit to gain visuals.Like you I just want to be able to play it and enjoy it in my own way. You may try my mission and say it is horrible and unplayable,maybe not. I'm just saying I agree but sometimes you do need more.In your case as long as your joining probably most games would be fine like you said and I would rather appreciate what I have than constantly say I need more :) .As you can see though if I can get more I will lol .JMO ---------- Post added at 03:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:43 AM ---------- Its do to cost of design and manufacturing imo.If they could they would leap way ahead of the competition.Look at the Sandybridge from Intel for example. Instead of making another high $$$ CPU that none of us can afford they invested in what it would take to make a super powerfull low $$$ cpu and take out AMD at the knees. Its available technology and cost imo. If Nvidia could they would make it ten times as powerfull if they could pull off what Intel pulled of with Sandybridge.Same goes for AMD.Sales and profit .jmo
  11. +1 I have been paying attention too. I have a gtx580 and very happy with it but considered SLI for furure. Now I may reconsider. We will see,all I know is I love my GTX580 so its a tough one for me.Also price has a lot to do with it.If the new AMD offereing drives down gtx580's in price I will have a tough decision to make(figure powersupply needed for 2 gtx580's :confused: ).So I'm gonna be at a crossroads I think. Then again maybe not :) Its all down to price,power needs and performance. Ohh and the light bill $$$ ;)
  12. cotabucky

    Please share your 1.60 impressions

    Unfreakinbelieveable AI Heli pilots! They will hunt you down like the AI foot soldiers.They don't forget what they see and they are scary.That and you can see them from forever away were they are so tiny!That and when you are gunner you will be much more satisfied with your AIpilot behavior and the view distance ,etc Ohh now I just learn that you can play Single player PMC missions with ACE2?! Thats fricken awesome! Nice
  13. cotabucky

    Why is this game not more popular?

    I just can't believe more people don't know this.Someone needs to promote this more besides the few of us :) .I LOVE your software and its a Godsend for me making missions and using/or not using mods. That and it helped me start using betas.Thankyou :D BTW-2 things need to happen for ARMA's future for community and profits to increase. 1-ARMA2 OA FREE needs to be listed under steams free list and 2-everybody needs to know how simple and awesome Sixupdater is for using Mods ,etc with ARMA2. This realy needs to happen now the 1.60 update is so awesome and there can be a build up of happy customers for ARMA3.Just makes sense IMO
  14. cotabucky

    Please share your 1.60 impressions

    I gotta say again(after playing online MP)This patch is like a new game/engine.Absolutely amazing in my very intense battlezone. Its like a new game!I was worried after 1st installing the full release version of 1.60 because I had a real performance hit right off the bat, but realised quite quickly it had to do with either a restart needed or because I did the STEAM "verify game cache integrity" thing.Once I did that and restarted the games(arma2,arma2oa,pmc,british) through steam to make sure they were running properly I went into sixupdater with my mods and played my mission online. :yay: ---------- Post added at 02:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 AM ---------- Thats just so awesome!
  15. Hey Thanks a Ton for your software! I have been using it for a while now and its like a best friend when it comes to arma2 and mods :) .I try and tell everyone I know about it because its just simply the easiest best way to use mods.All the other stuff like all the starup options,the patch updating and server updates is awesome too. BIS hire you yet? lol If not they better get on it lol. Thanks to the mod community too.There is some awesome stuff out there.
  16. cotabucky

    Please share your 1.60 impressions

    I have always loved OFP now ARMA2 and OA.Even with so many issues someone could point a finger at there is one thing for sure.There is no other game out there like this one and as a huge fan of the coop in editor I gotta say the 1.60 beta's I have installed are just leaps and bounds better in so many ways .The entire game runs so much better and the AI is just awesome to say the least.Cut scenes work great now and the cycle snap even though not needed is such a nice touch i'm sure we can all appreciate :) .I can't thank you guys enough because you have invested in our game that we all invest in. Thats the way it should be.I think BIS is a fine example of giving the customers what they ask for and its been that way all these years..People need to remember everything takes time and money.Bis has proved they are willing to put in the time for our money.Imagine what they could do with EA's budget or Activisions.. All I could wish for(well I could think of more lol)Is the editor in preview of single player exactly works for MP without any issues.Sometimes stuff doesn't transfer over to MP the way I would like.I am not a master mission maker or know scripting much or anything about online code or whatever so it would be nice if some of that was sorted out for us simpler folk.All in all I love the improvements and you have done a stellar job .That will help people like me learn the MP editing stuff easier.Just keep doing what you do :) .Thanks Bis UPDATE-LOL as I finish this post I go into Steam and notice all ARMA files start updating (Official 1.60 by chance? :) )haha
  17. I could be wrong(because my scripting knowledge is limited),but are the trigger conditions more fussy?I thought I have used conditions like [this && !alive obj1 and !alive obj2 or !alive obj3] in the past and they have worked.I also have a hard time getting triggers to repeat in some conditions.I may be mistaken and just thought my stuff was working before when it wasn't lol.Just thought I would mention it.Love the patch progress btw.Just awesome! While i'm here I'll say a big Thankyou to Sickboy for the awesome ACE/Sixupdater! Ohh and Dwarden does a fabulous job with the community :) (I usually post in steam forums) .
  18. Thankyou Bis very much!Can't wait to see this in the editor and mission I work on(daily :) ).Even some of the small improvements some may not notice make all the difference to us hardcore mission editor enthusiasts.Thanks again
  19. cotabucky

    New PC Gamer + Thinking of ArmA 2

    You get what you put into it. If you like editing missions ARMA2 is endless but requires some dedication on your part to get the most out of it.You can make massive missions with hundreds of AI and join with buddies online and wage war. Its the best game ever if you get into this type of realism and coop missions. I would build a PC again jsut for this game.Never dissapointed but editing can be difficult because it requires scripting knowledge to get everything out of it.That being said you can put missions together realy fast too. Its just depends on what exactly you want from your mission. The realism is incredible!
  20. cotabucky

    ARMA 2, version 1.09 - Patch Released

    The update is awesome Thankyou! The steam update worked fine for me.Just the same PMC.PBO error saying not found.But games works great and looks fantastic.
  21. Hey all.Any tips on getting it to work on my system? Its all Steam and combined ops with both British and PMC DLC. Steam failed and the update I loaded manualy says "the game was not found or corrupt" after it extracts files. It then loads the PMC and British updates with one PMC.bpo file that errors during install. I tried to shut auto update off on steam with every ARMA title but still no luck after manualy installing. It still shows 1.57 in bottom corner and I can't place a plane on the carrier and notice no other differences yet. Some files were shown in ARMA2oa so It seems its trying to install but will not.
  22. cotabucky

    cpu bottleneck question

    Had the opposite results with my I7 2600k and 6970. When I got my gtx580 with my 3.0 ghz-3.3ghz I7 950 has no stutter or at least no bad stutter. I wouldn't be so sure.That gtx580 would make almost any system rock imo. I think if the system jives it jives. My particular system(I sent back) was the i7 2600k with a faulty asus pro board .Come to find out it was my 6970 causing the issues with stutter in ARMA2.WHY??? I don't know because my friend who has the identical system had no issues.I had some wierd stuff happeneing with my 6970. I don't think that bottlenecking test you mentioned would work because I have tried every resolution there is with my 6970 and i7 2600k and it seemed the lower resolutions suffered more than the higher resolutions when it came to performance. Bottlnecking at 4.4 ghz??? I don't think so. I'm just saying my system had serious issues all around(motherboard/cpu failing and in the end a suspect bad 6970).There can be so many reasons why performance may suffer.I built a complete new rig(cpu/MB/SSD,etc) and the only thing that changed anything was going down in cpu speed and using my gtx580.That made the absolute biggest performance increase.I know I would have better performance with the newer I7 2500-2600k but it wouldn't be by much that much I do know because I have owned both and my friend has the system I owned before and we have compared our benchmarks with 6970's with both i7 2600k OC' 4.4 and my current i7 950 with same card.Not much difference between the i7 950 and i7 2600k.The gtx580 made the biggest difference.I may be off on all my facts but not my end results. jmo
  23. +1 ,I know this can happen.The stutter in that video wasn't bad.The stutter I experienced with my 6970 was realy bad compared to that. One thing I know for a fact when editing is some placement of squads and objects,etc can have an extreme effect on the game engine if there is collision issues ,etc. I have often made placements on my map and found the game performance go all to hell at some point. I figured it was me placing to many objects but what it realy was is the game engine having problems with my placement or AI issues with there surroundings(my theory). If I move some placements just a hair lots of times my choppiness is gone. That stuttering in video looks somewhat normal to me in some places in game.
  24. cotabucky

    Overclocking CPU

    You have a fast processor.I can't imagine any possible bottlenecks.That should work realy good .I'm no expert but From benchmarks I have seen that 570 should be realy good.
  25. So far I'm loving Steam and I know this type of service is the Future for gaming(as in no disks at bestbuy,gamestop,etc). Steam alone I think would be bad because not everyone uses it yet.So if we get rid of disks I think we still need some type of packaging.Maybe just those cards would work and use Steam,Sprocket or whatever to deliver the download.As of now I think a lot of people like a disk they can throw in the computer.They feel they can trust it more and I couldn't argue with that reasoning.I realy do love my experience with steam though.So far its great.I can re-download all I want and the games are often on sale(as in I got my ARMA2,OA,Brits,and PMC on Thanksgiving weekend sale for next to nothing ). .I can play my games offline and don't have any issues so far with Steam.The present and future is online and with Digital download content.I think this is were Steam,Sprocket,etc have the chance to realy step up and make it work for us. ---------- Post added at 09:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 AM ---------- LOL :D . Gotta love it though ;)