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Phantom Six

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Everything posted by Phantom Six

  1. Phantom Six

    Discussion on "Axed" Features

    Now no one is asking for a full on combat trauma simulation, but the first aid modules is actually much better than this go FAK yourself system. Say in ARMA 2, you broke your legs, you're going to need a medic or a first aid tent/medevac/ambulance etc so the medic actually has a role there. In ARMA 3, you can just go FAK yourself so medics are pretty useless. The system before was better so from the looks of it to me, it's kind of dumbed down compared to before. Yeah, I have played ACE with ACE wounding system and stuff, its a good system where bandages are for stopping the bleeding, epinephrine to wake you back to conciousness, morphine to reduce the pain, and first aid kits to heal (mainly medics only). Of course sometimes ACE can go to a bit over complex on some of the stuff but the medical system is excellent. First aid kits in ARMA 3 should just stop the bleeding, not be an autoheal system. Even Sunken Dragon have "field dressing" where its only use to stop bleeding, but if you really want to heal up, you're going to need a medic. A modder's job is not to fix someone else's game, but improve upon it.
  2. Phantom Six

    Tactical Flashlight

    hey JW Custom, I was wondering if you are going to add in the DLC weapons as well.
  3. Phantom Six

    Phantom Mission Packs

    Custom Pack & Custom Pack ACE updated to 1.6 v1.6 - Added 3 new mission on Podagorsk *CO 02 Between Two (co02_between_two.FDF_Isle1_a.pbo) *CO 03 Blockbusters (co03_blockbusters.FDF_Isle1_a.pbo) *CO 04 Night Stalk (co04_nightstalk.FDF_Isle1_a.pbo) - Fixed Double Penetration mission (men in black patroling wrong area)
  4. Phantom Six

    Discussion on "Axed" Features

    Better woulding system would increase the sandbox experience. As for weapons not being mirrored would also benefit the sandbox experience since that would be more variety than a carbon copy.
  5. Phantom Six

    Discussion on "Axed" Features

    I wouldn't want subpar AI, mirror image equipments, subpar first aid system, or unrealistically running around with half a car on my back (200 KG load) either. From the looks of it, it looks like as if OFP to ARMA 1 was like ARMA 2 to ARMA 3. It seems like, ARMA 3 had a lot of great potential to be the flagship title that it could have been, but fall short in many aspects. I'll admit it feels more fluid than ARMA 2 and such, but there's a lot of things that ARMA 3 should be improve on if it were to be the best ARMA title. Leaving everything for modders to bear the load and burden isn't the best solution either. As for "wait for the mods", what if the modders don't want to bear the load since at that point, if becomes more of a job than a simple hobby.
  6. Well, I updated the template at the site again and changed the loadout script. I also updated the UPS script for the ARMA 3 version to the latest ones. I removed the if true exitwith part since it was pointless and added the if (!isDedicated) then {}; around waituntil. Hopefully I won't see script errors from that on a dedicated server if I test it with script error enable. I also added the green/independent template for ARMA 3 but I kept loadout the same since its just an example template.
  7. Phantom Six


    I honestly believe that balance should be in the hand of the mission designer, not have a mirror image of BLUFOR and OPFOR. ARMA isn't just "some game". There's already a lot of "those games" around that mirrors COD. If OPFOR and BLUFOR equipments are of the exact same functions, then what's the point? Actually, I wouldn't consider carrying 200 kg of items and being able to sprint with that realistic. There's other things that can use fixing like AIs and such than just "balancing the game" since it looks more like "mirroring factions" to me. Scenarios wouldn't be as interesting with everything being just mirror version of another gun and same goes for vehicles. So let say if BLUFOR has a faster, lighter tank, OPFOR has a heavier, slower tank, that'd be fine. Now if BLUFOR and OPFOR have the same kind of tank but different skin, that wouldn't be so interesting. This isn't battlefield so no need to throw the realism out the window for some "E-Sport funfest/gunfest" for balance; this is ARMA. That I find would be a problem with "balance".
  8. Phantom Six

    Will Arma 3 Have Better Medical Equipment Like ACE2?

    *creates overly wacked scenario* *makes objective set off a bomb that blows up an entire city* *allows you to play as a bunch of crazy lunatics* Ok, there's the ARMA for entertainment. I'll leave all the features that ARMA has as what ARMA should be because it's ARMA, but I'll create some crazy scenario where you do crazy things and that shall be enough for entertainment. There is... an editor. It is fun, use it to your own amusement, but don't demand for dumbing down of the game.
  9. Phantom Six

    Arma 3 High Command?

    Will we be able to get the old first aids module back as well?
  10. Phantom Six

    Phantom Mission Packs

    Combined Ops Pack updated to 1.42 ACE Pack updated to 1.81 - fixed mission not ending for Truck Stop Road - lowered amount of enemies to kill during the ambush to only the infantries inside the same truck as the hostage for Truck Stop Road
  11. Phantom Six

    Phantom Mission Packs

    Custom Pack updated to 1.51 Custom Pace ACE updated to 1.51 -Fixed parameter issues on Unholy Castle mission in Podagorsk -Turn down UPSMON AI share distance on Unholy Castle mission in Podagorsk
  12. I never trust the woods in the CWR 2 missions xD , I seem to always get ambush there. I only trust the hills and the sea (since no one bother to put in patrol boats) but anyways. Thank you to the CWR2 and the mission makers for the great missions.
  13. Phantom Six

    Phantom Mission Packs

    ACE pack updated to 1.8 - Downgraded UPSMON back to version 5.0.7 to fix ACE Wounds not working properly issues on all missions that uses UPSMON - Lowered difficulty of Wild Riders mission. Removed excessive MG nests and enemies inside of buildings. CO pack updated to 1.41 - Lowered difficulty of Wild Riders mission. Removed excessive MG nests and enemies inside of buildings. Custom Pack updated to 1.5 - Added 2 new mission on Podagorsk - Modified 3 missions on Namalsk (steal the chopper, dark hole, brensk tram sweep) Custom ACE Pack updated to 1.5 - Added 2 new mission on Podagorsk - Modified all missions on namalsk
  14. Phantom Six

    A.I needs a lot of work

    I wonder, are those ARMA 2 AI unmodded, or modded?
  15. Phantom Six

    Future ARMA games

    MMO ARMA? There would be no point of me editing and that would make ARMA what it is not. The answer is no. ARMA to me is what you make of it. For "MMO" type servers, I guess people play those Life servers, DayZ, and whatnot, but I for one enjoy standard classic no revive/respawn coop missions so I play those and even make some of my own. If ARMA was just pure MMO like planetside, there wouldn't be much of a point in addons, custom content making, or even mods. Some people enjoy ARMA for the editor, some enjoy the singleplayer custom campaigns made, some enjoy the organized community driven multiplayer gaming sessions (some more mil-sim-ish than the rest). Overall, ARMA is what you make of it. I won't speak for the community on this one but the reason why I look down on big multiplayer modes would be that on the gamemode that you do revive/respawn, you psychologically feel more reckless and become rambo instead of communicating with the team as much. You won't take your approaches carefully enough and become careless and just rushing to objectives knowing that you will revive/respawn so you'll have plenty of people rushing objectives and being rambos dying over and over instead. To me, ARMA should stay true to what ARMA is, not stray and become something its not. That would be selling out.
  16. Phantom Six

    about team killing

    Please for the love of realism and tacticalness no killfeeds. That's up for the server or mission more to decide while BIS cam focus on more important stuff like fixing AI. Adding killfeed would kill immersion. I wouldn't want to play a classic coop mission and see enemy AI have a pop up of Sniper killed by Phantom. What's the point of confirming my kill then. I might as well spam grenades until I see a killfeed pop up.
  17. Phantom Six


    What's the point of making mirroring factions on ARMA. I thought ARMA was never supposed to be "balance" and was about realism. This isn't battlefield or something where you go total PvP and got to have both sides completely balance. If someone wants to make a balance scenario for PvP, there's always just making guerillas vs guerillas with either scrapped up high tech guns or guerillas vs guerillas with some beaten down old tech guns. Now that everything is just a mirror image of each other, making diversed type of scenarios are going to be boring when everyone practically have the same kinds of stuff. It's more interesting playing as the low tech underdogs fighting as part of the resistance here and there as well. RPG and NLaw functioning the same way, what's the point now. Back in ARMA 2 when western launchers and eastern launchers function differently, it serves more purpose, now it doesn't matter. For example, having the higher tech launcher at times, you have better optics and precision to hit a target sometimes, but you're more limited to ammo while when you have the lower tech launcher, you can salvage more from dead enemies, but its harder to hit, you can make more decisions on your approaches. Honestly, focusing on balance on ARMA is totally pointless. The main thing to be focusing about would be actually fixing the flaws of the AI as much as possible. Where's the 3D Editor when it was already in ARMA 2, but incomplete. So why are we using this FAK system for ARMA 3, ARMA 2's first aid modules was much more superior. The FAK system makes the medic pretty useless when you can just kill a person, salvage his FAK and then just use it over and over again to heal up. Break a leg? FAK and you're good and running again. What's embarassing is that, even Dragon Rising's first aid system was more superior (go ahead and crucify me for saying this, but its true). You use first aid dressing in DR only to stop the bleeding while you need an actual medic to heal. In ARMA 3, you can just use a FAK and you're healed enough to run and fight. In ARMA 2, the medic is actually important to heal you. In ARMA 3, well, if you lose your medic, just salvage FAKs. Something I find quite embarassing about the AI would be that, if we already have supression against AI from mods and scripts, how come by default they aren't suppressable. If they already pop smoke with ASR AI or UPSMON, why can't they do it by default. If they take cover before in the past, why are they all rambos now.
  18. Phantom Six

    Phantom Mission Packs

    A2F Mission Pack Updated to 1.52 ACE Mission Pack Updated to 1.71 Mission Black Mountain Crisis updated. You don't have to kill all civilians in the city anymore, just most of them. If you fail to do so in 10 minutes, then task will be complete but reinforcements of police officers will arrive.
  19. Phantom Six

    Phantom Mission Packs

    No problem, though they're more of a Hidden & Dangerous influenced kind of mission so far. Well, it was where I thought of mission idea from so far. I'll probably refocus on the custom mission pack for now, and I may add some i44 missions later depending on what ideas I have in mind or demands.
  20. Phantom Six

    Phantom Mission Packs

    New mission pack released. Invasion 1944 mission pack starting off with 4 missions (although there may be more pbos than 4, the others are just winter version that play in the exact same way except in the snow).
  21. No problem stevos. Alright, I just swapped the execVM on the briefing.sqf to the call functions as well. It should work better that way with the fhq task tracker since call basically reads through the script until it finishes then it goes. ExecVM calls the script immediately so it can be interrupted easier when it calls a script in parallel. I haven't had problems with some of my missions so far (that I've known of while using execVM), but I know someone who has (issue was some people may see the tasks and others may not during briefing) but switching to call compilepreprocessFileLineNumbers seem to work better for briefing notes and tasks since it won't get interrupted.
  22. That's the reason why I swapped from execVM to [this] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (thanks to Alwarren for telling me). Basically execVM returns result immediately and call goes through the whole script first then return the value, I guess that's why it would be more consistent. From what I see though, most people use execVM but I guess it depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Ammoboxes with execVM is ok for example. Though I don't know all the things so I'd ask for help here and there or there's trial and error.
  23. Not sure but I got it from the second post here. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150985-Respawn-with-Custom-loadout I just changed on how to use the init field since I mainly made the guide targetting how to make a no revive/respawn mission.
  24. I updated the custom loadout section changing the execVM to [this] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\loadout.sqf"; instead since execVM for custom loadout comes in conflict with briefing items (gearing out during briefing <in ARMA 2> but call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers should be more foolproof for custom loadouts)
  25. Phantom Six

    User mission requests!

    Anyone know some good i44, HIP, or unsung missions suited for small coop groups with no revive respawn? And of there's respawn only side or group respawn?