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Phantom Six

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Everything posted by Phantom Six

  1. Phantom Six

    What is the first thing you will do in Arma3?

    I hope running over civilians actually take like real life instead. Sometimes when you run people over in ARMA, they get dragged with the vehicle or sometimes they still live when they should've been road killed. Hopefully the PhysX will correct that?
  2. Phantom Six

    What is the first thing you will do in Arma3?

    I would check out the editor really quick, then I would load the game up and check out all the nice innovations. After playing a few missions, I'll load the editor back up again and create some missions. Also curious, will there be some module that is like UPSMON available or do I got to wait for someone to make another patrol script.
  3. Pros: 1) BIS deserved more money for this excellent game they have made. Sales skyrocketed by 500% so more money for Bohemia Interactive to do good for ARMA 3 2) It got some of my real life friends actually interested in ARMA for the first time 3) Increases the life of ARMA 2 some more (lots and lots of server, I see plenty on vanilla as well as DayZ <checked with Six Launcher>) 4) Public coverage on youtube from some of the big guys and more media attention on ARMA 2 (I really believed ARMA should of won most user content on that last award over Starcraft 2 on the last E3 award thing but I guess this proves it though theres many other mods out there people had overlook) 5) More attentions and potential consumers for ARMA 3 6) It taught some big companies a lesson that modding can help them make some extra cash and is good for the community Cons: 1) Most of those guys are some bad apples. Sometimes it'll be COD kids with ADHD just shooting everyone for fun or because they're bored and bad mouthing people (One of my friend already got spoken badly to by some of them). 2) Griefers joining the regular ARMA session to TK people (I usually play on private sessions so I don't have to worry about them) 3) Whiners. I looked through the steam forums and I don't get why people wouldn't buy ARMA 2 CO for $30 and kept begging for a sale when they're so hyped about DayZ, yet they wouldn't hesitate to dish out $60 for the latest COD, Ghost Recon, Halo, Battlefield, etc. Overview: I find more good than bad in the introduction of DayZ. Of course some of the new guys may be annoying or bad, but like many other aspect of popularity, once something becomes popular, it'll attract many kinds of people. ARMA always have been a mil-sim but it has a very great sandbox aspect and modding potential. Basically, ARMA can be played in any way a person ever felt like. If someone wanted to do some zombie survival open world they could (DayZ), or individual missions with zombies (Celery's Zombies), or play it tactically (all your other coop missions), have some PvP (Warfare, CTI, etc), have revive missions, etc. I'll see whiners from DayZ on the forums sometimes about ARMA but I find it all very laughable and the more revenue for BIS the better, they deserve the money for supporting their community and caring about their games until the end. Plus, more sales for ARMA 3 is always good since now that ARMA 2 CO got public attention from DayZ, more buyers, more money, but at the same time BIS aren't going to just leave the milsim aspect of ARMA for the DayZ mainstream. From what we saw so far with ARMA 3 and E3, its all innovation and DayZ can either be ported over or be worked on as a standalone project. It's a win/win situation for BIS and its community hoping for ARMA 3.
  4. Phantom Six

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive

    *facepalms self* Oh those guys don't even have the slightest clue of what Operation Flashpoint 1 or ARMA 1 was >_< . Looks like they need to do some more research.
  5. Phantom Six

    Remove Dayz servers from the list

    You can also filter out the server list if you have Six Launcher. You can use the arrow keys to filter which mod to use and stuff. Right now I see that you can set it to filter for DayZ, Vanilla, ACE, CWR2, and I44.
  6. Phantom Six

    Game browser commands

    You can try Six Launcher and use the arrow buttons on the Six Launcher to filter out mod. By default it'll show all the DayZ servers only at first but if you click the arrow to go back it'll show vanilla ARMA 2. On there you can filter out I44 servers, CWR2 servers, vanilla ARMA 2 servers, DayZ servers, and ACE servers.
  7. I'm pretty sure your CPU is at its limit for that part. If there's too much AI without enough CPU to feed it, they'll sit and stare at each other.
  8. Phantom Six

    Operation E3

    In that case for the UI, I'm just hoping that the colors are adjustament and I'm sure you can turn on/off the headbob and floating aimpoint/deadzone. Its in game option in ARMA 2 when I play, I just disable mine though.
  9. Phantom Six

    Mouse Acceleration in ArmA 3

    When I'm in a tank, I switch over to my controller from my trackball. It's a pain with the trackball, but to me it seems alright with a controller. Just how I do things :D. I usually attach a controller and place it aside on my comp when I play ARMA. They're mainly for tank turrets, driving, and flying for me.
  10. Tech demo for final fantasy I came across as I lurk around some forums nv4Boq4HLKU What do you guys think?
  11. Phantom Six

    E3: Games you're looking forward to

    I've been always keeping my eye out on ARMA III. I'm hoping to build a new PC for it but can't decide whether I should get an i5 core or an i7 core and a 570 GTX or a 670 GTX. Also thinking of keeping a budget.
  12. Phantom Six


    I don't own Iron Front yet but I'm wondering if it uses FADE like in ARMA so you can't play LAN unless you have two different CD Keys from two copies or can you play on LAN with the same copy?
  13. Phantom Six

    What games got you into tactical gaming?

    America's Army was the first game that got me into tactical shooters although I'm mainly a coop guy so I play the coop missions on there. I later on played Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and it pisses the hell outta me with the ubi connection fail and all that stuff plus no custom content and its all water down... I later on tried some of the original Rainbow Six and then Roguespear and Ravenshield (yea I'm late :p) my friend let me have his original Rainbow Six and I played Ravenshield at his place. Fun, tactical, love the terrorist hunts and the custom contents available for it. While looking through some old school games because I was sick of some of the newer games I saw old school Operation Flashpoint though I never played it before, I heard it was one of the greatest game ever. Around that time, Operation Flashpoint Sunken Dragon came out so I gave that a try because everyone on steam told me not to get ARMA 2 because it was really buggy at that time. Sunken Dragon was a disappointment when Codemaster just like gave up on it >.> . Eventually I got ARMA 2 CO during black friday of 2011 and that became the best game I ever got for tactical shooters and now I'm just craving for more tactical shooters :P . I'm looking forward to Takedown, ARMA 3, and Ground Branch :D
  14. Now that I think of it... the April fools joke they did was a total success if this is true. Maybe we were fooled by reverse psychology in thinking that it was a joke and the joke was probably that we felt for it by thinking it wasn't real.
  15. Ubisoft making a ghost recon movie or what? 7-wAzlqzXH0 From the looks of it, there's a robot, spy drone, futuristic invisible cloak stuff, and other goodies that you would see in your typical John Wayne movies. Apparently, the black guy dies first like most black guys who die in movies... Well, what do you guys think? A bit action-ish appeals to mainstream, but then looks like its going to be a movie.
  16. Phantom Six

    Ingame Gear During Briefing Issues

    Yes. It's formatted exactly like how you put it. I'm just wondering why its so slow sometimes. On one of the ACE mission I made, its so slow that I didn't even get to get a gun at all. Like its there but I can't grab it.
  17. Hello, I'm trying to test out a mission that I've created for ARMA 2. The vanilla version seems to work fine with me when I gear during briefing (unless I'm hosting for other people because they'll lag out). I tried it when my friend hosted a mission using the ACE version of my missions. One of them I can gear out during briefing but it'll be very slow and the other one it just won't go. Takes me about 5 minutes to load out but most of the time, I don't even get the weapon I am trying to select. I'm wondering if its an ACE issue, my friend's internet or machine not fast enough, or an ARMA issue. I've seen some missions with briefing loadout (mostly Sander's missions) on vanilla ARMA and they work fine. The vanilla ones are more functional with it than the ACE ones that I've tried. What I find weird is that one of the mission is fine with loadout during briefing while the other one has problems.
  18. Phantom Six

    Ghost Recon ALPHA (HD Film)

    If only RedStorm was still here :/ Ubisoft just try to appeal those low IQ kids with short attention span on their consoles. Its no longer ghost recon and doesn't even make sense to call it ghost recon. Rainbow Six Patriots is probably going down the same road...
  19. Phantom Six

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I'm kind of having a problem with gearing in briefing with ACE. When I pick a weapon from the briefing, my current weapon disappear and I cannot pick anything up from the briefing. I try to gear out and it doesn't work, it only removes my weaponry until I'm an unarmed man. Is this an ARMA issue or just ACE because it works fine in vanilla for me and same with CWR2.
  20. Phantom Six

    Ghost Recon ALPHA (HD Film)

    Yeah, I don't like the direction that Ghost Recon is going. It's going down the wrong road; its not what it should be. It's suppose to be a tactical shooter not COD... oh wait, that was back in the days until Ubisoft bought Redstorm. I don't know why but in most typical movies, the black guy is always the first to die :/ how racist... though I have seen movies where the black guy dies last or never died before.
  21. AVIBIRD, I see your viewpoint about how the community has changed and how most of the DayZ kiddos don't give a damn about the milsim aspect of ARMA, but I like how ARMA is open ended and allow the possibility of doing what ever you want to it. My preference to be old school coop that is. Unfortunately for your part, the only way to find some classic coop is to be part of a clan/group/community (unfortunately, most of them I've seen is a bit too strict and over the top for people with less time to play with). I have seen one community that you don't need to be registered with to play (Comrades in Arm <although I only play with them on Sunday in the morning because they play at night in Europe so mornings for me>. You should try playing with them if you like some old fashion OPF style experience). As for public servers, its never organized most of the time because its a pub. People hop on here and there all the time. Hardly have I've seen organized public games. Usually if you want something more organized and emphasis on the milsim section, you'll have to host it privately whether you play with a over the top hardcore group or a casual and friendly group that will still play the game seriously but will not discriminate you for being a busy man.
  22. Phantom Six

    Official zombies

    The Take On Zombies is an April Fools joke. I don't see the reason for official zombies on ARMA, if you want some, make a standalone version of DayZ that is more polished. ARMA mainly is a tactical shooter, but also a sandbox to make whatever you like, so if you want some zombies, you can always make some. It was never a zombie game to start with.
  23. Phantom Six

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive

    One reason why I'm wondering if Rocket would release a private version of DayZ for people who wants to play their own private session away from people like these. Seen people insulted one of my friend over the chat on DayZ one time, it was really immature.
  24. Phantom Six

    Make everything first person capable

    Simply play ARMA in expert and you'll never have 3rd Person. You can switch view here and there by clicking the enter button on your number pad to switch between first and third person if you're not playing on expert.
  25. Phantom Six

    What Mods Will You Expect/Create?

    I would like to see an alien invasion mod with UFOs and stuff. I already saw one for ARMA 2 :D