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Phantom Six

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Everything posted by Phantom Six

  1. Phantom Six

    Kildar's A2F Missions

    I'd stick with BIS first aid modules. I use to play with revive, but not anymore. It's fine for newbies, but then revives to me take out the challenge and a good plan and approach to a mission will keep people alive anyways. I didn't destroy the fuel tank (only brought 1 satchel :( I should've brought more). We cleared the island but the enemy boat that was suppose to come never showed up so we ended it there.
  2. Phantom Six

    User mission requests!

    Is this what you're looking for? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?110867-BattleField-3-(MP-amp-SP)-(A2-amp-OA)-CTI-Utes Battlefield like mission by Zonekiller.
  3. Phantom Six

    Kildar's A2F Missions

    I just tried out switch and bait with a friend and we're experiencing some bugs. The first one was the ammo crate that was at where the chopper landed, I can see weapons but my friend cannot see them. I can see them but I can't take them. Another issue we had was after we cleared Drakon Island, the guerilla boat never showed up. I also blew up some ammo caches (I don't know how many of them there are but the mission trigger for that never triggered either. I also have a recording on FRAPs if you would like me to upload it later although it takes a while for my slow internet :P
  4. Phantom Six

    Kildar's A2F Missions

    Be sure you add an option to disable revive if you do that. CiA coop don't play with those :P
  5. Nkenny also got some lite mission pack if you want to try some A2F missions http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?114436-LITE-mission-package I also got 3 A2F missions in my pack but I still need to fix the sniper one a bit. The only problem with that one was the spawn wasn't dynamic, but thats all.
  6. Phantom Six

    Kildar's A2F Missions

    Not yet, sorry, I've been busy with multiple stuff. Trying to get some other guys to play with but they haven't been available too much.
  7. The irony I see with the DayZ hype is. Why do some players hesitate to spend $30 on ARMA 2: CO and demand a sale all over steam to buy it cheap when they all want DayZ so bad, yet when they see the release of a new COD for $60, they won't hesitate to buy it and will buy it on the spot. I see $30 for ARMA 2: CO would be more bangs for the bucks, but I hate how everyone is so oblivious towards what ARMA truly is and just see and scream out DayZ DayZ DayZ over and over. I also see on giveaway sites I visit (steamgifts) and whenever theres an ARMA giveaway, people are just screaming out "gotta get it for DayZ". I see it as wasteful if they're not going to try the actual game itself.
  8. Phantom Six

    ARMA 2: Total War

    I dreamt about a total war style mission for ARMA 2 one time while I was sleeping, but turns out that would lag the hell out of ARMA. Hey, someone should try to tweak up this little RTS mod here (WOO) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?120151-MBG-Window-of-opportunity and make some kind of Men of War: ARMA Edition? (Men of ARMA) :D That may seem to work theoretically.
  9. Phantom Six

    Kildar's A2F Missions

    Congratulations on your mission release Kildar, I'll check some out after I finish with some this new rig. Keep up the good work.
  10. Phantom Six

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    I have an MSI Twin Frozr 250 GTS (got it for $50 to replace a dead 9800 GT for this computer I'm using). I'm thinking of leaving the 250 GTS on the older comp, just using that temporally on the new comp for now. I'm considering either this here http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125423 for a 670 GTX or cheap out and go for a 560 GTX TI although this one is refurbished http://www.aztekcomputers.com/N560GTXTITFIIGECOR-MSI-2595213.html or how about an AMD 7850 instead?
  11. Phantom Six

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Hmm, I'm wondering whether I should spend $400 on the 670 GTX or cheap out grab a 560 TI. The price difference is pretty high.
  12. Phantom Six

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Even though if you don't need such a high end graphics card, would it still help to pick a 670 GTX over a 570 GTX instead? Like frame rates increase or anything like that? I'm wondering because I'm planning to get myself the Windforce 670 GTX by Gigabyte, just need someone to confirm how much it would help.
  13. Phantom Six

    Is AI using hand grenades at all?

    When I play AIs tend to use grenades when they get the chance. If you are within grenade range, they will throw their frags at you. Especially when you're under cover and the AIs can't get you. I've been in situations where the AI nade spam me and my team one time, luckily they miss me. :D
  14. Phantom Six

    Co-op Missions

    Played on Darkened Wings during a CiA coop night last week and I got to say, great missions Thorfinn. Keep up the good work :D 6km_Ul5lUvQ&feature=plcp VEjUeH0cYkY&feature=relmfu sEQv2SbIx9Y&feature=relmfu
  15. Phantom Six

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    Almost done building my new rig. Just need to order the 670 GTX, some more fans, and probably a new monitor and I'm good to go.
  16. Phantom Six

    Phantom Mission Packs

    Some Comrades in Arms coop night on one of my mission, Scud Sabotage.
  17. Phantom Six

    Random Spawn and Waypoints

    I like what Nicholas is suggesting. The more features there are, the better. What I would like to see is some system like UPSMON as a module because I like using UPSMON for most of my missions. It gives it a bit more dynamic feeling to it and the AI reacts much better. Well, if that doesn't happen, I guess I can wait for a release.
  18. While browsing through the BIS forums again, I guess I can add another pro to DayZ (maybe some may call this a con): Laughing as I look through a closed thread about some cheater raging that he got banned by Battleye and then opens a new thread as the previous thread gets closed.
  19. Phantom Six

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    I'm already building a computer right now. Well, I already had plans to build it over the summer where I have plenty of time. The machine I currently barely meets the requirements for ARMA 2 though I can still run it :p. From the looks of it so far on the stickies, the ARMA 3 minimum requirements looks the same as ARMA 2.
  20. Hey Savage, do you still need any voice actors who can speak Vietnamese?
  21. I'm trying to add some parameters to my mission that make it fail if you kill too much civilians. I've been lurking the forums for some ways to do it, but its a no go for me. So far on each civilian that must not be killed I put this in their initline this addeventhandler ["killed",{switch (side (_this select 1)) do {case west: {civs_killed_by_west = civs_killed_by_west + 1};};}]; On my init.sqf I have civs_killed_by_west = 0; Three triggers: Condition: ((paramsArray select 18) == 0) && civs_killed_by_west > 5; On Act: forceEnd; Condition: ((paramsArray select 18) == 1) && civs_killed_by_west > 3; On Act: forceEnd; Condition: ((paramsArray select 18) == 2) && civs_killed_by_west > 1; On Act: forceEnd; Does anyone know the solution to my problem? Thanks.
  22. Basically I put one BLUFOR unit that's not suppose to be there when the mission is completed to see if the script works. I launch the game up on MP and I pick the placeholder unit to shoot the civilians. Mission ends and it seems to work. After that I delete the guy and went back to normal units and played the game normally. I then fire at civilians to see if the script works and its a no go. I think I might as well just ditch the civilian casualty counter part for now (summer heat in California hurts my head in this hot room :( ), spent a bit too much time on this mission; going to be making a few more before I release it in a pack.
  23. On second thought.... I might as well just ditch the whole idea.... its just giving me a headache. It works on my test copy of the same mission I worked on with a placeholder unit thats BLUFOR, but when I remove the placeholder unit, it just doesn't work :/
  24. Ehhh, that wasn't my question. The text that I put from the effects setting are suppose to appear first that say I killed too many civilians, then after 10 seconds it force ends because of too many civilian casualties. I want to know the addeventhandler script for too many civilian casualties, not forced end. I already have many experiences with forceEnd without problems. I got the commands from warmingo (post #5) on this thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?102957-Civilian-Casualties-Counter but I removed the East part of it and only left the West part. For some reason, nothing is happening with that.
  25. Phantom Six

    Iranian Call of Duty? - Persian Gulf Warriors!

    I guess they make these foreign COD clones because they don't seem very hard to do (Activision copy and paste formula many times for each COD release) plus if they can just use the copy/paste formula its easier for propaganda purposes I assume. Those lame cinematics linear levels... not something I'd get; I've seen that formula too many times.