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Phantom Six

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Everything posted by Phantom Six

  1. Phantom Six

    Why is this game not more popular?

    I told some people about ARMA around my school :P None of them are interested. The ones who are interested where I'm from already knew about ARMA without me having to tell them, but then, I guess I'm still a high schooler in a community for of kiddos so that's a different story. They weren't interested because it wasn't some fast pace run/gun twitch shooter. Most of the kiddos around where I'm from don't have the patience for what you can do in ARMA. Well, now they're interested... just for DayZ. ARMA does need a bit better advertisement out around though, but then again it takes a lot of patience to get into ARMA for people who don't have patience would be a problem.
  2. Phantom Six

    User mission requests!

    This? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?120151-MBG-Window-of-opportunity Windows of Opportunity addon by Mondkalb.
  3. Phantom Six

    OMAC Mission Pack 1

    Just played Devil's Castle with Maverick today
  4. Phantom Six

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Well. I was trying out the Russian Assault rifles in the firing range mission actually. I wasn't really affected by it so its not a big concern to me. As for the SMGs, I haven't give those a go yet, but compared SMGs previously and now, how much of a difference are they? Same goes for the pistols. As for the DayZ community, I saw screams of outrage everywhere xD
  5. Phantom Six

    Why is this game not more popular?

    I can deal with the changes. It didn't really bother me too much. I did try a little practice shooting on this shooting range mission firing at a stationary AI human. I didn't really noticed the weapon nerf until some people started posting pissed off comments about it. So I guess it doesn't bother me much unless it was ridiculous (whole clip for a kill) kind of thing. This was just trying out rifles. I haven't tried out the SMGs and pistols though, but pistols were already pretty weak before. Same goes for SMGs at times, they're okay-ish. I haven't played DayZ probably for 2-3 months already so I don't know how much it affected those guys.
  6. Fair enough. I just hope the SMGs and Handguns can be back to some use again then. Today I played I didn't notice anything about the rifles anyways. Haven't tried an SMG yet but sometimes I'd like to grab a Bizon. Had a pistol on me but I didn't pull it out because I never needed to.
  7. If ARMA did turn into Rusty River and Sunken Dragon, I'd have to cry in a corner in fetal position and slit my wrist :( But if Milsim were to die, that would suck. Well, all we can hope for right now is some quickfix patch to bring back the damage values which shouldn't be too hard.
  8. Snowy warfare would be so much fun. I would like some underground tunnel networks and more CQC capabilities. How about every single building enterable and a 3D editor would be nice for more careful placements of units.
  9. Phantom Six

    xbox controller support?

    Voice control for commands would be excellent. It would make controlling the AIs way more easier and useful. Didn't Tom Clancy End Wars have something like this if I'm not mistaken? I don't remember though. I use a controller and keyboard and mouse (well trackball to replace mouse). I use the controller for vehicles (driving, flying, and gunning). I use the keyboard and mouse for infantry combat.
  10. Phantom Six

    Arma 2: Namalsk Crisis

    Hey Sumrak, nice addon you got, should deserve some more fame :D. Well, I've been playing around with the mutants and zombies in the editor with custom spawns and what not. I'm wondering how MP friendly this is (they seem to be from what I've read) compared to Celery's zombies or Charon's not so MP-friendly and outdated zombies. Can the zombies also climb ladders and what not? I might plan to make missions on this some time in the future once I get time. Its only the bloodsucker that can run if I'm correct? For the zombie class.
  11. I use to play with a controller before i got a trackball. Due to my wrist i cant use a mouse much. Controller works out fine as long as you use the keyboard sometimes to hit a few backup commands. Xbox 360 controller was what i use. I still even use it but only for controlling vehicles. The only problem with controller to me is close quarter combats but long range engagement should be fine.
  12. Phantom Six


    How about an option to hit someone with the butt of your gun to knock them unconcious and then capture them.
  13. Created By: Phantom Six Credits to: -Celery for Bandage Script -Tophe for GuardPost script Features: -Stealth Coop, Assassination, Sniper missions, Sabotage, and more. -Choose the difficulty you want (the harder the more enemies and the tougher kinds will come) -Choose either 2 player coop or 4 player coop (if you set 2 and and joined the 4 player slots, you will be teleported out of the mission zone) -Auto SaveGame on some checkpoints Notes: -Do not disable AI or else the mission will fail -If your partner dies, its mission fail so make sure he lives -The AI will work on some missions, but not on all Download: Dropping Nightfall (OA): Sabotage mission in the night where you got to paradrop out of a C130 and destroy two scud missiles. After that you must escape to the extraction point (2000 meters away). You can go on foot or you can check some of the villages for a getaway vehicle if there is any. On normal and below should be a piece of cake. On insane, a helicopter will hunt for you if you destroy the scuds. AI do not work on this mission for they can't jump out of the plane and paradrop. Armaholic mirror: - Dropping Nightfall Co-02/04
  14. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's 2/4 Coop Missions

    Yeah, sometimes the scud are spawned in a hard to tackle place and sometimes it is spawned in an easy picking area. As for the BMPs, you have no AT weapons so try to rely on stealth. I also have UPSMON in that mission so killing one squad would alert everyone anyways. I've beaten the missions a few times. I also recommend using rangefinders or TWS scope to scan around for the scud before playing hide and seek with them. You are on the higher grounds.
  15. Phantom Six

    What's a decent server browser?

    Six Launcher gives you the ability to see servers from DayZ only, Vanilla only, CWR2 only, I44 only, or ACE only. Just click on the arrows to switch out which major addons you want to see or filter or just go vanilla.
  16. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's 2/4 Coop Missions

    Oi this an old thread man. I just kinda experimented with some 2 player / 4 player limitation for smaller size coop groups because back before I played on Comrade in Arms session I usually don't ever get more players than 2-4 so I experimented with this. Imo, these missions are ehhh, not so polished, you should check the Phantom Mission Packs instead, much more polished. Would you like me to some kind of conversion for these missions over to the mission packs instead? *The Scud Sabotage missions on my other pack is kind of the same model as the Dropping Nightfall mission here minus the jumping out of an airplane and super long extraction plus with random spawn for Scud missiles instead. Haven't made the car jackin yet* (basically, you can consider these missions kinda outdated and buggy or broken or imbalanced)
  17. Phantom Six

    Arma 2 OA - Zombie Survival trailer [Fan made]

    I like Chernarus Apocalypse. It's nicely put together, addon free, and its more teamwork oriented than DayZ. DayZ became a zombie deathmatch with nasty children... (A whole lots of trolls on the steam forums last time I visit). I also wonder how Namalsk Crisis is. I got that on my HDD but I haven't tried it yet, I hear its good for STALKER fans and got some mutants and could provide some great scares.
  18. I'm trying to figure out how to make OPFOR units mass slaughter civilians and animals including those that spawn via ALICE modules. I don't intend to group them all to a BLUFOR unit with a probability of 0 nor do a setrating to negative values. I tried putting this in init.sqf East setFriend [Civilian,0]; Civilian setFriend [East,0]; but OPFOR units will only stand still pointing their rifles at the civilian and simply stare. Does this command no longer work and that I have to use some alternatives? Thanks. I've lurked around for OPFOR kill civilians but I have only encountered the group to probability 0, joinsilent command, and the setfriend command here. So far the setfriend doesn't seem to be doing much.
  19. Phantom Six


    Those AIs are deadly accurate xD but I like the challenge. Sometimes a bit too accurate for long distance but inside buildings and houses sound nice if they can react much quicker.
  20. Phantom Six

    Submarines and Naval Battles

    For the people who say no to submarine... why not? Why can't we just make a pure water island and have a big old naval battle? Cmon its ArmA, not only is it milsim and a tactical shooter but it is an awesome gigantic sandbox so... MAKE ALL THE THINGS :D
  21. Phantom Six

    OMAC Mission Pack 1

    Hey OMAC, I just gave misty mountain hop a try.
  22. Phantom Six

    Why is this game not more popular?

    When I first came to ARMA 2 in 2011. The community did help me out some back on the domination server when I first started playing. May not be the most in depth help, but it still wasn't enough. It took me a month until I got settle into ARMA and got all the addons in. I didn't want to join the milsim clans because I don't have the time for it. I started playing private missions with some guys because domination wasn't too much of my thing. Of course, I wasn't very good at ARMA, let just say, I was still horrible then :P . They had no patience for me, but I still wish they told me flat out why they blocked me from steam and kick me from the server. I'll just assume that, I was just a newb that time. At that point, I decided to give some mission editing a try and editing missions in ARMA became one of the things I like a lot. Eventually later on I learn to play the game, got some addons working. I didn't started on multiplayer right away because the learning curve was too steep for me so I started with singleplayer and campaign first. I didn't started with a keyboard and mouse because of my wrist problems xD (it was alright for me with the 360 controller and keyboard layout, but after getting a trackball it was so much better). Well, I'd help out a newb friend get into ARMA with a few easy missions at a time first. I wouldn't shoo them away in anger unless they were giving attitudes. Another thing about ARMA is that people need the patience to learn how to play the game first.
  23. Phantom Six

    Kildar's A2F Missions

    We destroyed the supply while waiting for the boat. After the wait was getting a bit too long, we decided to blow up the supplies instead.