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Phantom Six

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Everything posted by Phantom Six

  1. Phantom Six

    ARMA3 banned in Iran

    Oh to think of all the missions they can make as they play as their own people killing NATO troops. Haven't they thought of that? Instead they turn down their opportunity to beat a westerner's arse xD . Well, take it or leave it. Like cmon, the Russians were the baddies in Operation Flashpoint and they aren't offended. I hear they even had their own campaign in the Russian perspective, but I guess it gets old making bad Russians all the time though I do like playing as them.
  2. CiA is still active and playing today ARMA 2 on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays :P
  3. You missed this sticky right here. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136530-Comrades-in-Arms-Online-Coop-Mission-List
  4. Phantom Six

    [CO-OP] Get HIND, Get Out!

    I think there is none or was it group while depboing it. I tend to do that to check for stuff or rename it to my standards.
  5. Phantom Six

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Crashed Prize by Nkenny (from his lite coop missions pack) Recorded during July of 2012 with Comrades in Arms exMSXeY_t34&feature=plcp
  6. Phantom Six

    Bundle for all games/DLC?

    Look up ARMA X Anniversary Edition Contains ARMA 2 CO, all DLCs, Cold War Crisis (original OFP), and ARMA 1 Gold. Should cost about $60
  7. Phantom Six

    Arma 3 is not going far enough with Technology

    The REAL 2035 mod :P is what I can envision. Someone modding in a bunch of futuristic stuff, which would be nice for different types of missions.
  8. Phantom Six

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    I find the best way to load up mods would be how Original Ghost Recon did it. You go the mod section and select the order of mod load and enable / disable whatever addons you have on your list ingame. That would make everything much easier. I don't mind using mods as it is now because I'm use to it but just for the convenience of other people, I like that method best.
  9. Phantom Six

    Phantom Mission Packs

    I'll try to fix up some of the problems once I get some time, unfortunately school can be pretty time consuming plus sports so probably once the season ends for a bit. By the way, I just checked it up really quick. I forgot to change the default parameters to Sunrise or Sunset so you're going to have to manually adjust the settings on the parameters button yourself. Was there anything else that was unplayable? I set it on midnight for testing purposes but the default mission setting was suppose to be sunrise. I put a parameter for players to set it to sunset or sunrise (you probably won't notice too much a difference but there's sunlight that you can see).
  10. Phantom Six

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    My first attempt at making a montage for ARMA 2. All these are clips from Comrades in Arms coop nights iDXInPmsyR0&feature=g-upl
  11. Phantom Six

    Mission Naming Standard

    I tend to go by Celery's method. Ditch the brackets (kind of an eyesore to read) and just go with CO 05 Mission Name . Easiest way for some admins would be ditch the naming description altogether and just go by the old school flashpoint way with the file name is the mission name as Variable suggested.
  12. Phantom Six

    Phantom Mission Packs

    I have released 2 new mission packs. Both of them contain 4 missions each (well technically 2). 2 missions for lingor and the other 2 are dingor converts. Check the first post for download links. The 2 missions are whorehouse invasion (coop 10) and prison busters (coop 5). I probably won't be working on missions for a while from now because of school, I just decided to wrap these one up for release so enjoy :D
  13. Phantom Six

    Phantom Mission Packs

    Mission Pack A2F updated to 1.2 Changelog Mission Pack ACE updated to 1.2
  14. Phantom Six

    Is Arma3 still the "Flagship"

    I wouldn't mind if ARMA 3 was delayed somewhat longer towards summer of 2013 for extra polishing if necessary. I rather see a nice neat product than a rushed one :P. Quality is always nice. Of course if it comes with the typical bugs that ARMA is usually release with, that's fine if it gets patching up over time but a lot of newcomers would be turn off (doesn't bug me as long as I see some neat features included and delivered).
  15. Phantom Six

    Light Health Bar Script

    Ahhh I see. Well, I just made this although I knew its quite arcadey just for a future reference say a zombie mission or some sort. Well, zombies are gamey themselves, but I won't use them for more realistic missions. Probably would just use it for some arcadey missions anyways.
  16. I was bored so I decided to make some little script that will display how much health you have left below your ammo count via hintsilent. Basically how this work is, by default you are at full health so it will display to you Health: 100. Let say you were to get shot and only have 40 health left, it will then tell you Health: 40 To use this basically put this in the init of all playable units so players can see how much health they got null = this execVM "lives.sqf"; Here is the script. Just save this to lives.sqf while {alive _this} do { _health = getDammage player; hintSilent parseText format["<t>Health: %1</t>",(((1-_Health)*100)-((1-_Health)*100 mod 1))]; sleep 0.01; }; Enjoy :D
  17. Phantom Six

    [TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

    Looking nice Craig. Been a while since I tried this but after 1.00 , will I be experiencing lag as much as last time anymore or has that been fixed up? I remember playing in the past and I would lag up really bad after the zombie spawn become high and the high amount of AI causes really really horrible lag, have this been fix? I did have a better time with this than DayZ so I'll be looking forward to it sometimes for a break from standard coop sometimes which is my preference.
  18. Phantom Six

    My large flying object demonstration

    This is crazy and amazing. I love it :D . You should release this as a little rubric for some mission creators if they want to make some kind of "Kill the Mothership" mission xD . Anyways, excellent work.
  19. Phantom Six

    AI Improvement

    I would really hate to see a Rainbow Six Vegas 2 cover style. That one is horrible and very hollywoodish. Back to the wall leaves you more vulnerable. It's better standing kind of like hip to wall because turning a 180 degrees take longer than turning 45-90 degrees to get into a room. Plus being able to use 3rd person to see over walls is very unrealistic and also very cheap. I do however like to close entry system of SWAT 4 but ARMA can just keep its advance complex command bar for the AI but the quick command bar can use some work.
  20. Phantom Six

    Arma III - Explosion and Tracerbullet effects

    Ahh I see. Fair enough. If its optimized well then that'd be great. I do love the smoke effect from Blastcore and the explosions look very nice.
  21. Phantom Six

    Arma 3 Action Menu

    I agree with you. As long as it doesn't get in the way with 3rd party voice command softwares, it should be fine. I don't use VAC but I use glovepie here and it's a really nice program. I personally hate commanding the AI through the keyboard because it is too much of a chore, too much micromanagement, and it takes too long for me to act quickly during an intense firefight.
  22. Phantom Six

    Arma III - Explosion and Tracerbullet effects

    You guys do know that using blastcore would require a bit better of a computer thus upping up the system requirements? I didn't download blastcore at first on my old computer because it barely meet the minimum requirements for ARMA 2, but I downloaded it after I built my new computer so no problem for me, but I really do like blastcore a lot since I downloaded it. It doesn't feel the same playing ARMA without Blastcore and JSRS sounds to me now that I got it.
  23. Don't know which missions to give you, but there's a sticky for requests like these here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?111114-User-mission-requests!/page31
  24. Just fixed up my microphone settings and now GlovePie works flawlessly for me again :D shouldn't have turned on conversation mode. I'd highly recommend glovepie though, it detects very accurately for me.
  25. Phantom Six

    Flash Drive A2F for editing?

    But.... My dad never talks to me nor really notice me.... long story and personal That's the one I exported, thanks.