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About m4a3e2sherman

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  1. m4a3e2sherman

    Turning Indepents into BLUFOR ?

    Ok I understand how to get it working now thanks for the help guys.
  2. m4a3e2sherman

    Turning Indepents into BLUFOR ?

    Thanks for the replies guys. Koni how would I change the "this setCaptive true" to false when in a certain area. I think it requires a trigger to do what your talking about, which I am very new at using. If you could give a short explanation how that would be great help. Thanks
  3. I am making a mission in which you play and lead a group of Independents (Set as friendly to OPFOR). I am trying to make it so when the group enters a certain area or kill a certain unit they change to BLUFOR or friendly to BLUFOR units so that all OPFOR will engage them.