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Everything posted by taro8

  1. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    Ok, it seems that the replacement worked and my PC didn't suffer from a spontaneous meltdown. Few screenshots from of the MH-92 caught in missions: http://imgur.com/a/ZAW7V Fun note: when AI was unloading a squad it jerked and flew very close to the trees, if it had the normal rotor it would certainly crash, but with ducted fan it was fine.
  2. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    AFAIK the barrels group origin point is the place it rotates around if you tell the model part to do so. However, I do not know how the o2 deal with the origin and stuff. In blender the origin of an object is a separate thing the actual mesh is tied to. The rotation might be done by telling the barrels to rotate x deg around their local origin. I'm not well versed in o2 modelling, but I know few things about modelling in blender, so if you use that I will be happy to help if I can. BTW: Will my PC burn horribly if I make a little config replacement with changes Ghosthawk into MH-92?
  3. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    All right, I'm looking forward to your work. I just extracted the showcase missions and replaced Ghosthawks with the MH-92, and man, the combined arms mission was so damn cool with them in. Thanks for the hard work .
  4. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    I see about model geometry. Are you using Blender for editing? Personally I never had issue with it. As for the FFV, maybe an additional variant with side doors removed/permanently open, I do not think it would harm the mod. As I said with moving people to have them with dangling feet might allow to stuff a soldier or two more into the cargo. As for the AA missiles: the CUP choopers have them so why gimp your chopper? The "multirole" version can be variant, it will be up to mission designer if he wants to use this or one without AA missiles. Fun fact: the multirole, or even normal (no AA) AH-64D is actually much more effective then the Blackfoot. At least this is my observation, more ordinance, stealth does not work anyway, bigger chaingun, more ammo with lasts much longer due to low RoF. It looks so much cooler as well. AH-64D OP nerf plz :P A personally suggestion: I wouldn't concern myself too much with the balance. Go ahead and create a balanced variant with you feel is needed. However, feel free to just go wild and add stuff for the heck of it. Take a look at my M2 Slammer Firepower Upgrade Project (check the sig), at first all I did was adding .50cal as gunner's coax and a mortar for the commander (as Merkava has it) along with some technical upgrades. Once I got it covered I went wild and ended up with a murder machine armed with 140mm autoloader with can fire thermobaric rounds and with has 20mm coax and commander gun. All of the variants are available and I had so much fun doing all of this. Doing a free form like this is a great opportunity to experiment and maybe learn something new.
  5. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    Man, the MH-92 is fucking glorious. I have couple of suggestions though: * a shorter tail, IMHO it should end somewhere at the tail wheel. Although you can leave it as it is and pretend its an extra fuel storage * V tail fin like in AH-96 * insertion version could have guys sitting with legs dangling down (they could have FFV), this might allow to stuff even more soldiers in the cargo * doors for pilot and co-pilot, although the doorless version looks cool as well, very commando-style * maybe the fans could be a bit louder * it would look even better if the fans moved depending on how the MH-92 is moving, like nozzles on the OpTre Pelican or fans on the CSAT VTOL * I'm pretty sure you could fit 2 or 3 soldiers into the cargo of the DAP with M230. * the fans look a bit too small for the overall size of the craft, would it be a huge deal to scale them up? I dunno, like +15-20%? Couple of bugs * rockets are not fired from pods but from the centre of the vehicle * MH-92 texture still has the part where main rotor was before, it looks weird, like someone just bolted a cover after attaching the fans * I noticed a weird shadows on the "wire cutters" mounted on the front of the fans Anyway, the MH-92 is a great counterpart to the CSAT VTOL. Personally I find the AI to perform much better when they control helicopters. Suggestion for the AH-96: could it have AA missiles at the ends of the wings? Like multirole AH-1Z and AH-64D in CUP. As for the chaingun, personally I find the M230 much more effective, slower RoF means less wasted shots, the ammunition lasts much longer, you can snipe with single shots and 30mm deals more damage. Personally I would like to see M230 on Cobra, it would look interesting. As for the name of the AH-96: the "Scorpion" really fits. I like how powerful it sounds. Or, you could bring back the "Cheyenne" from the old AH-56, "Freedom and Democracy Dispenser" would be fine as well ;). BTW: I really like the extended stub wings and more ordinance on the AH-96.
  6. Hey shay, will the new version feature the shopping mechanics we talked about before?
  7. taro8

    Terrorist Organization Black Order

    So, you basically created Cobra from G.I. Joe :D. Just wanted to point this out, not that there is anything wrong with the fact you did so. Maybe you could go a bit further that road if you want to. Some suggestions: * IMHO all of the uniformed operators should have masks and balaclavas * maybe a civilian dressed undercover agents
  8. Really? I never noticed that. All the testing I did with RTS was done dry, without me killing enemies. A shop would be great, there absolutely no plug-and-play shop system for Arma 3. It would be great if the vault was available without the survival enabled, for selling the equipment. The shop could work similar to the vault, only had every (or just specified, or not-blacklisted) item available with possibility of having only one type of equipment (only rifles, only helmets etc.) with multiple vault-shops possible. Vehicle shop is rather well done using the RTS, the only addition, IMHO, should be support all modded vehicles. If vehicle is not specified it uses general cost depending on type (car, tank, APC, helicopter, plane etc.). Maybe an RTS building called a "Scrapyard" where you can park/land a vehicle and sell it for 75% of its value. It should be possible to blacklist vehicles from being sold (so you can't just keep stealing civilian vehicles). Also it would be nice if the infantry building also had a billboard with would let non-commander player recruit AI using valor.
  9. I want only the tank commands to be silent though.
  10. I'm trying to figure out a way to make a Valor based economy using MCC. Basically i want my character to gain valor from killing enemies, destroying enemy vehicles, and successfully ending any task. MCC valor already has the necessary framework (including RTS). While I can, kinda, get my head around the enemy killing part, the rest is like voodoo dark magic. For killing I guess I need to use the killed event handler and use something like this: player setVariable ["MCC_valorPoints",(player getVariable ["MCC_valorPoints",50])+200,true]; What is that 50 after MCC_valorPoints? Man I really wish Arma 3 had some community money+shop script you can plug into missions you want. I tried out wasteland, but it doesn't have money gain on kill, but the shop script is cool. Can't find any KotH mission file to dissect. For now MCC seems like a best place to try adding money/valor gain on kills.
  11. Damn. I knew it could be that. I was under the impression that Military AI commander faction setting would set the factions. The I think that this bit should be more specific in the quickstart wiki article. The "Force Faction" made me think it is special override to spawn faction different then one specified in AI commander. Anyway, thank you for clearing that up.
  12. Ok this is just weird. I placed ALIVE required and Player Options modules. Created a circular marker named "BLUFOR_1" over a military installation. Placed Military placement module (intended for BLUFOR) with light infantry company with an HQ, I removed override faction (was OPF_F by default), set marker "BLUFOR_1" as TAOR. I placed BLUFOR AI Military commander (nato selected from the dropdown) and synched it to the BLUFOR military placement module. Then I placed Militray placement module intended for the enemy, set it to light infantry, blacklisted "BLUFOR_1" marker, removed override faction (was OPF_F by default). Placed Civilian Placement with same settings. Then I placed Military AI commander and set the faction to Syndikat, using the dropdown, and synched it to the Mil and Civ placements for the OPFOR. Result: ALIVE complains that IND_C_F has no groups and CSAT soldiers spawn in my BLUFOR base... :banghead: Only CBA and ALIVE running, ALIVE downloaded using steam workshop. http://www.mediafire.com/download/jpffu4k0opb4xpc/alive_test.Altis.zip
  13. I was not typing in the names, I just used the dropdown menu to select the factions in the AI commander modules. I removed the override faction and left it blank.
  14. Damn. I have followed the quickstart tutorial and ALIVE keeps spawning CSAT in my BLUFOR base. I set up the marker, added blacklist to OPFOR placement and TAOR to BLUFOR placement. Syched it up and it refuses to work properly for me. I just do not understand why. Also: how can I use the OPFOR FIA and Syndikat? ALIVE keeps compiling they don't have units in all of the categories.
  15. Is there any mod that makes the tank commands (Left, Right, Fast etc.) silent? I only need that one changed. Alternatively, how could i change that one myself?
  16. The MBT 70 clone is pretty much M2A9 with it's 140mm gun. Note that it can still fire ATGM's and it has the 20mm cannons for the commander and the gunner (did I ever mentioned I hate infantry :P). The CEV idea sounds interesting, but I don't think that large cannons are in use anymore, more so in 2035. The long barrelled 105mm model on the Slammer model I'm using would look just wrong. CEV's usually had stubby low velocity cannons. There is also a problem of me lacking a good impact effect for such big shell. I guess I could use the bomb effect as I did for the 140mm thermobaric round, but if I would make 165mm low velocity cannon I would LOVE to give an even bigger thermobaric round :D. As for the 76mm, you have the M2A4 with its 105mm, as for my variants the 20mm on A7, A8 and A9 are still effective against MRAP's and other softer targets. Ma,n I would love to be at least able to edit the barrel on the M2A4's model. Kinda related question: is there any way to make whole tank jerk when firing? I'm kind of missing that when I'm firing the 140mm.
  17. New version is up v6.1! I decided to restore the automatic range and leading correction for the gunner. I feel it actually works better with ace. I made a decision to turn the 140mm cannon on the M2A9 into a World of Tanks style autoloader. Now it has 4 shots magazine with 5.5s delay between shots and 20s magazine reload. I feel it makes the A9 different from all the other tanks. This brought a change of the magazines with now are 4 shots each. However I modified the magazine count so the overall shell number is, more or less, as it was. I also changed the AT missiles magazine to be bigger (5 instead of 2). I messed around with sounds: I lowered the pitch of the firing sound of the 140mm, to make it sound more powerful. I also added loading sounds. I nerfed the splash radius of the 140mm FAE (thermobaric) rounds to 30m (from 50).
  18. About the skirmish module: how about simple module that just starts the skirmish with settings defined in the userconfig, regardless if the skirmish is turned on in the config.
  19. Good news everyone! A new version: v6, is up. I have found a way to make a new OP variant of the M2 Slammer. The idea came from the Armored Warfare game and its 140mm top tier tanks. I decided to create a new variant, the M2A9 for with I created a new 140mm gun along with new ammo. The new gun has firing effects and sounds of the 155mm artillery with makes it looks and sound awesome (especially with dragonfyre and blastcore). Aside from APFSDS and HE rounds I have created a new FAE round. This new round is a thermobaric round with low damage, but a huge splash radius. This makes it rather ineffective against vehicles, but it will wipe infantry like nobody's business. The new HE get a mortar impact effect to make it look good, while the FAE round gets the bomb effects as well the sounds (looks and sounds sick with dragonfyre and blastcore). The new 140mm gun can still fire missiles. However, to keep things at least a bit balanced, I have removed the commanders mortar as well as passenger compartment, but M2A9 can carry more ammo instead. In other news: I have discovered stats responsible for engine power and such. While I was unable to crack the advanced gears, torque and such, I was successful at increasing the overall engine power. This makes the new variants (except for M2A9 - more weight) a bit more nippy and makes the tanks feel better to drive, especially on slight inclines. Just hold that shift key. The gunner lost automatic leading for targets. I discovered it sometimes messed with the aim when you wanted to quickly shoot at something other then what you targeted. Also the MG's correction for fast moving targets looked really weird with guns firing pretty much sideways. Instead the gunner now gets the lead indicator, same as the commander. I also decided to decrease commander's mortar charge from 50% to 30%. I felt that 50% gives too much range and makes it hard to lob shells over obstacles. I noticed that ACE FCS module does not play well with the new CCIP in Arma 3, if you range targets using ACE's FCS the CCIP will NOT get updated to the new zeroed range. This is more of an issue between ACE and Arma 3. EDIT: Question; how do you guys feel about the 140mm having a World of Tanks style autoloader? I kinda want to give it a 4 shot autoloader with something like 3.5s delay between shots and something like 40s reload on magazine. I tested it and the A9 now has a huge burst damage potential, but is less flexible as it cannot load different shells as fast. The magazine reload time isn't as noticeable as in WoT as you have the 20mm and can still do stuff. I think this makes the M2A9 different and, IMHO, interesting.
  20. Hey TPW. I have a request: could you turn the skirmish part of the mod into a module with can be placed in the editor? I really loved the skirmish module in Arma 2 and your skirmish mod really scratches that itch. However I would like to have a control when it's on, preferably by turning it on rather then off, so it does not interfere with scenarios and such. Also, an addition of blacklist markers, so you can set up safe zones, would be great.
  21. Import the sample p3d into blender or merge my exported model p3d with it? Sorry I'm really new to modding arma at this level, is there any good tutorial for all of this?
  22. Thanks for the tips. For now I only want to get the new uniform into the game to see what works and what not. This my first such project in blender and in arma so I have problems. Alwarren, would you happen to have any uniform model in blender ready for export? I would love to take a look and study it.
  23. Damn, I can't find a good tutorial on character creation. The sample in .max format does not seem to have all the needed stuff like hitpoints, collision etc. I also couldn't find info on character exporting in the blender toolbox manual (maybe I just missed it). I can post my model here for experimentation, as I do not mind it being used by others (I'm planning on releasing it as an open source material anyway). So close, yet so far....
  24. Hi folks. I'm working on my mod (fictional, somewhat sci-fi soldiers/faction) with will include a brand new uniform model created from the sample material as well containing some elements made from scratch. I want to make the new model fully compatible with vests and stuff from vanilla as well from other mods. Since something like 90% of the model is very much the same as the sample, I was able to use the "skin wrap" modifier in 3ds with lets you copy skin/rigging data from selected source mesh. This saved me LOADS of time, with I would need to spend on rigging the whole model. However, how can I import the already rigged model into o2? I got the model ready to export from 3ds Max 2014. Textures are done, I still need to do normal maps, but since I got all the source material it will be pretty quick. When I finish my mod I'm planning on releasing all the source material files so others can freely use my work. Please help. http://imgur.com/a/Nouh4
  25. Hello. I'm working on a new uniform model created from the Arma 3 sample in blender. I did some voodoo dark magic in order to import the model into 3ds max, so I can use the "skin wrap" modifier (about 90% is very similar to the sample), with saved me the slog of rigging the whole thing. Then I exported the rigged model from 3ds max into .dae format and got it into blender again. It seems everything is there and the rig was also imported. Now, is it possible to use this rigged model in order to export to .p3d or o2? I really don't want to rig the whole thing by hand in o2. http://imgur.com/a/Nouh4