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Everything posted by concurssi

  1. concurssi

    Windows 7 - where is .ArmA2Profile???

    First, because you never answered me: Second, are you looking under the difficulties sections?
  2. Hmm..... should I sacrifice myself for the good of the community? That is the question :rolleyes: If I do decide to defecate my stuff on you guys, is there some kind of dedicated user mission submission thread? Or should I just start my own thread? I am kind of hungry for feedback.
  3. concurssi

    Newb's First Impressions

    I think they appear on the map if you have extended map info (or something like that, I forget what the setting was called exactly) enabled.
  4. concurssi

    More Farmland/Green zone maps!

    I'm not sure, but I remember reading about Thirsk having winter camo units that go with it?
  5. concurssi

    More Farmland/Green zone maps!

    Have you looked at Panthera, Thirsk, Lingor or Podagorsk?
  6. Too bad it doesn't work the opposite way :(
  7. What do you mean by single addons? And couldn't you make an addon that changes the default M4 to something else, so that even if you play a mission that doesn't require it per se, it would still affect it?
  8. Finally someone said it: addons and missions are two entirely different things, and addons don't make a mission a mission.
  9. Oh boy, this again :) I'll get the popcorn...
  10. concurssi

    DLC DVD Pack

    Aww yeah! I don't like downloading stuff so this is awesome news. How about distribution, will it hit normal game stores or does it have to be ordered from abroad?
  11. concurssi

    Windows 7 - where is .ArmA2Profile???

    Have you enabled the option to see file extensions?
  12. concurssi

    Russian cockpits, why that horrible color?

    I thought that was blue...?
  13. concurssi

    Russian cockpits, why that horrible color?

    Well yeah, but that's kinda like saying "the way the world is now is better than if the sun exploded" :) On the other hand, a pink fighter plane would have some amount of intrinsic awesomeness.
  14. Hahhaa you haven't played mine :rolleyes: 30 minutes of nothing happening? Yes sir!
  15. concurssi

    Batch file stops responding

    Well I'm still using the same batch file, I just reinstalled the game That's exactly how I run it, and it works awesome! So I'm not so sure that it needs to be enclosed with "" :) And the maxmem, I haven't had any problems with this so I don't really mind. At least this way, when (hopefully) the memory cap is raised, I won't have to change it again :)
  16. concurssi

    Russian cockpits, why that horrible color?

    Maybe the vomit is harder to see when the cockpit itself is the same color?
  17. concurssi

    What the hell happend sunday 13-2-'11

    Well in that case, head on over to Naked Fanatics :) We have I think two or three people there from the Netherlands.
  18. concurssi

    What the hell happend sunday 13-2-'11

    What timezone are you in?
  19. concurssi

    Batch file stops responding

    Okay it worked. Seems some other people have been having this problem too and this is the only thing that fixed it for me.
  20. +1. I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms because I couldn't play for two days :(
  21. My missions kinda suck so I don't share them outside my squad :) But I'd be happy to see others upload theirs.
  22. concurssi

    Batch file stops responding

    Shame :( I'm reinstalling everything now and it seems to work. I couldn't deal with the sweats and the shakes I was getting from not playing for such a long time. I just hope this doesn't turn into a monthly event.
  23. concurssi

    You know when you have played too much ArmA

    When you're holding a speech for your class and you accidentally start it with "all callsigns". Luckily that hasn't happened yet :) Although other problems have presented themselves.
  24. concurssi

    Batch file stops responding

    Hey Acelondoner, did you ever try the original .exe before you fixed it, or just the batch file?