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Everything posted by concurssi

  1. Really? I love the new mouse steering. And I haven't had any trouble whatsoever with free-look and mouse steering getting in each others way or one persisting, or whatever. Works perfectly.
  2. concurssi

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Yeah, but I'd still prefer it, if it ever becomes available. E: well, I gave up and bought it from BIS' store. Will there be any incompatibility problems if I try to install it with the lite patch already installed?
  3. concurssi

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I could, but it wouldn't have a snazzy case like the others.
  4. concurssi

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Yeah, I've been thinking about getting an SSD at some point. Now I've got an excuse :) 1600MHz memory isn't really an option. I've heard that my mobo (ASRock Z77 Pro3) has some trouble with anything higher than 1333.
  5. concurssi

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    What am I looking at here, ArmA 3 wise? CPU: Intel I5-3570K GPU: Gigabyte 7850 OC HDD: Samsung Spinpoint F3 RAM: 8GB, 1333MHz, CL9
  6. concurssi

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Will this DLC ever be available on DVD? I have ArmA 2, ArmA 2 OA and ArmA 2 Reinforcements on DVD, and I'd hate to break up the pattern. :)
  7. concurssi

    [RESOLVED] FADE bug?

    I thought that what FADE does is make your character very very drunk?
  8. concurssi

    Microsoft Flight: Beta Registration Open

    I remember trying X-Plane once and I didn't like it. Something about the controls. IIRC I had a problem with not being able to look around quite as freely as I can in FSX.
  9. Vanilla is just the plain game, with no mods. As for the no mods thing, I'd say just avoid everything that affects gameplay. If you want, a couple of visual and sound mods can make the game a hell of a lot more fun without making it more difficult.
  10. That'll be Harvest Red then? Yeah, same thing happened to me. I kept getting script errors and then it would crash. I gave up. I don't really even care about HR, it's more trouble to get running than it's worth I think. There are great user made campaigns, maybe try those? Other than that, I can't help you.
  11. Wow. If you're gonna run a server, know your stuff, Prophet.
  12. concurssi

    ASR AI Skills

    Are there recommended AI difficulty settings like there are for Zeus AI?
  13. Cheers! Now I just feel like an idiot :D I would use SU, but I used it before and I think I did something wrong at some point, and then ACE and ACRE wouldn't work anymore no matter what I tried. So I ended up reinstalling everything, including ArmA itself. Now I'd rather do it manually so I don't have to do that again in case I mess up again :D. But thanks, you just saved me so many headaches man.
  14. I keep getting an Error creating direct3d 9 graphical engine. I'm using a batch file, that's why it looks a bit weird. Here's what I've tried so far: @ECHO OFF START "ArmA2" /d "D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2" arma2oa.exe -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@CBA;@JayArma2Lib;@ACRE;@ACE; Did not work. @ECHO OFF START "ArmA2" /d "D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2" arma2oa.exe -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@CBA;@JayArma2Lib;@ACRE;@ACE; Did not work. @ECHO OFF START "ArmA2" /d "D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2" arma2oa.exe -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion Worked. @ECHO OFF START "ArmA2" /d "D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2" arma2oa.exe -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@CBA; Did not work. So trying to use any mods seems to prevent me from playing the game. I can't deal with that, I need my mods. Oh, and of course: @ECHO OFF START "ArmA2" /d "D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2" arma2oa.exe -mod=mods Does work. I might be posting this in the wrong place, in that case, please direct me to the correct place. I searched, and there was a thread about this from 2009 and then the solution seems to have been to delete arma2oa.cfg from My Documents, and I did that, still didn't work. edit: since then I have tried: @ECHO OFF START "ArmA2" /d "D:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\" arma2oa.exe -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\expansion Did not work, in addition I got a could not find .profilepathdefault error, or something to that effect. @ECHO OFF START "ArmA2" /d "D:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\" arma2oa.exe -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\expansion Kind of worked. I got the same profilepath error as above, but the game started, however it did not start properly. It was some kind of menu with jumbled graphics, and it didn't even show me the splashscreen even though I didn't have the parameter for that.
  15. Here's a quick demo I made of the OH-58. I made it more or less just to show off that glorious startup sound, but then figured I might as well take it for a spin. K0xsROQUhog
  16. Try editing the AI skill and accuracy, make it lower to start with and increase it as you get better. I guess it's just a matter of proper recon and stuff. Staying still every once in a while to scout for any movement, always making sure that there's some good cover within, I forget how close, but something like 50-100 meters I think.
  17. You can do it with just regular old notepad too.
  18. Caps Lock is not going to help you. Read what I said veeeery carefully. You do no export .sqm files out of the editor. You export .pbo files. I can't open ArmA 2 right now, but IIRC you do that by pressing "Save" or something like that, and then you select "Export as SP mission" Or MP, whatever. Show some goddamn courtesy when someone is trying to help you.
  19. You export it as a mission out of the editor.
  20. Unfortunately the updates arrive later for steam. I've heard there are other problems too, but don't know about them. I think mods can be used with both steam and retail versions. You can choose, either by using a launcher, or by doing what I do and making different shortcuts for different mod combinations. If you use modfolders (which you should, you'll learn to use them in time, if not, someone else can explain, I'm sure) then you use them by adding, to the shortcut, the parameter -mod= and the names of the folders the mods are in. This way, by using different shortcuts you can enable/disable mods as you please. The DLC? British Armed Forces and Private Military Company are not fully fledged expansions. The latest patch for Combined Operations includes the lite versions of BAF and PMC, which means low-res textures and , I think, low quality sounds for the units they bring, and none of the campaings or missions that the DLC add.
  21. concurssi

    New PC Gamer + Thinking of ArmA 2

    If you're looking for some people to play with, check us out! We can show you the ropes and all that, get you settled in. http://www.nakedfanatics.com If you do decide to join, shoot me a PM here and I'll tell 'em to activate your account.
  22. concurssi

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    I think you had to delete a file or two to fix that, but I forget which ones :( At least your problem sounds the same as what I had.